Thursday, February 1, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #56) – Day #256

Date for Entry: (Thursday 01 February 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 03 February 2024)

[T2, W:05 – WD:22, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    Today was a very long day. I believe it was because I woke up early too. Last night I fell asleep on the couch and I woke at 2:30 am this morning. It was also timesheet day. I went to type up a topic and ended that period of work at 5:30 am. I thought that I would have gone back to bed but I stayed up playing bingo instead. I got two double Bingos and three single Bingos.

    This was in the cooking version. Daddy came at 6 o'clock and he was shocked to see me up. I stayed on the couch playing bingo until 7 o'clock. I had a challenge picking between a shirt and my dark neon blue shirt that I had saved for today. The other T-shirt I found would be better for tomorrow just in case the T-shirt they gave me was too itchy.

    When I got onto Lockhart Street in Curepe, I saw Trevor taking his fare. I sat with a new driver today. He took the left back road and it took much longer than the community roundabout that I liked. I saw “Mr Marlon” chatting with Ms Mustafa and she gave me a thumbs up as she was walking back to her car. It seemed as if she had liked the blue shirt with the blue shoes I was wearing. And she too was wearing all blue because we were both in Mitchell House for the blue colour.

    When I met “Mr. Marlon” again in the corridor, he asked if I was given any duty for assisting in the sports day tomorrow. He asked if I would be interested in hall monitoring for the toilets because he would be with the food. But I told him I would have preferred to assist with the food instead. I told him I would be interested in helping with the food so he told me he would do the toilet monitoring instead. There was no sign of Ms. Roberts again and Ms. Kittens had got no stuff from me before I went to Block C to work on my entry for today.

    Miss Sawh got a call and told me that the teachers in Block C wanted to see me to collect some things. I was very surprised and so I took my books and I head over to Block K one time. They were all surprised at my blue shirt my blue shoes and my blue bandana hanging down from the top of my pants. It seemed as though they loved to see the blue. Many of the teachers in the Block C staff room were also Mitchell House teachers.

    I was called over by Ms. Shoba and she handed me a nice paper bag with the breakfast that I had agreed to take yesterday from Ms. Soodeen. There was a nice, tasty container of pepper they said that Ms. Pantry made. I was told that Ms. Shoba had paid for the breakfast for me as a gift because I had given them gifts for Christmas. Before I could eat, I went back to the office quite in front of the school to get my phone and some newspapers to eat. I also took from the office with me a new pen because I had run out of black ink.

    It was nice that Mr. Charles was playing music and singing while I was eating the food. He was singing a song called Other Side by Red Hot Chili Peppers and it had a nice reggae one called Lonely Monday Morning by Snow. While he continued singing and stapling his papers I continued working on a new topic and then decided it might be nice to do a separate topic for semitones and semitones. The semitone lesson began lovely and interesting enough that I was able to incorporate the chromatic scale into the lesson.

    When the 6th period came for me, I had to leave to go to the hall. I carried my T-shirt into the office firstly to store it away. Mrs Rivas was sitting by the printing machine. She took the donation box that Ms Sudin had asked me to carry for her to the meeting so that she could start the meeting and had asked me to collect the copies that she was printing. Only Mr. Marlon, Ms. Sudin, Mrs. Rivas and I were the only teachers there for the meeting. Mrs. Jaikaran and Mrs. Santana joined us sometime after. I didn't see Jess for the day.

    After the meeting I was heading up to the art room and right outside in the middle of the corridor to the top end Mrs. Gittens met me again and she said that she was leaving with Ms. Mustapha to get more things for the marches. She asked that I stay in the art room with the marches and the form files in the evening. Somehow during the long waiting period, I felt now like I wasn't wanted in there again. I did not share the list of names with the children again because they mentioned that it seemed that they wanted to do it the hard way by asking everyone.

    Mr Reid came very early for the practice rehearsal today. There were supposed to be dress rehearsals for all marches during the 7th and 8th period but then we heard that there was going to be some marking for the marches in the hall. I was stuck babysitting in the art room. I would have preferred to go back to Block K. School over and it took forever for the form files to reach 4 pm. I worked on chromatic scales during that time. There were exercises to work on but perhaps another time.

    Before all of us left with the form files I drank a melted soccer bag after sending the children off with the remainder to the staff room freezer. There were still a lot of soccer bags remaining and I had to pack the bags myself. They were busy talking and didn't want to help me. As soon as I got into Block C, they had packed to go. I ended up going home with $900 in my bag and no sign of anyone with a banner or t-shirts to do printing.

    Once I was home and had finished eating, dinner and dating, I called Miss Kittens at 6.30 pm. I was very concerned about the money and explained to her that I had not seen anybody come to the art room to collect money and deliver a flag for the marches. I told her that I decided to leave when I saw no one else coming. I had to pull on my shirt, my track pants and shove my foot in my sandals and let Daddy rush me down to Curepe to take a maxi and travel down to Valsayn for a second time for the day. Thankfully, I had already bathed.

    I told Daddy to drop me off by the bum and I got out of the car. I met a nice maxi driver in the front lane who was taking passengers to go. As soon as I sat down, he closed the door, got into his seat and took off. It seemed as though I was the only one remaining for the maxi to go. He sped so quickly. I decided to stop off with the nice-looking Spanish people by the bar because I was afraid that he would have sped quickly and missed the stop. I came out and walked over to the walkover. Gladly, there was not much traffic to walk in or even to cross the road.

    I got to the compound gate and walked in. Miss Bernadette was busy watching. She did not know that someone could walk in the yard easily. I'm not sure if she may have glanced up and knew it was me. By the time I was making it to the art room, I was in pain. My back at the bottom was hurting and my toes were hurting because the sandals somehow were not agreeing with me anymore. They were close to done and Miss Gittens showed me how they were doing the press-on transfers of pictures to the shirts. She also gave me the hand gloves that I had asked for. I told her that I would have the sticker for her to do tomorrow. We did not have an iron at home.

    I met the gentleman who came to do the delivery of the flag and to do the press-on prints to the shirts. We spoke walking up to the bus route from Happiness Grocery. I learned that he too was a Georgian. I'm not sure when he said he was a Georgian if that meant he had disowned Georgian or he said it was because he's no longer a student. I did not bother to ask out of curiosity.

    Daddy and Andrew met me walking over and we had to walk up next to Agape Bible Ministries which they were parked in front of. It seemed as if they had blocked off the road to pave. I could still smell the nice curry from this morning on my fingers. I got home at 8 p.m. in the night and was very tired afterwards.

    By the time 11 o'clock came, I was very tired and sleepy on the couch and so I went to bed. I'm not sure what time I will arrive at school tomorrow. I hope that I get there on time, long before the school could call so I can help out with anything they need.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:45 am – : pm)

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