Friday, February 16, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #58) – Day #264

Date for Entry: (Friday 16 February 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 16 May 2024)

[T2, W:07 – WD:30, (Td:4)*].


Dear Diary,

    I came to Valsane today with a new driver. They were playing music and Ria was sitting by the office computer and students came to get their exam certificates. I think Flash was one of them and Mr. Georgian. I was not sure Mrs. Santana would have been there but I had my homework she had given me to do. I gave Miss Gittens the second fish pie at lunchtime. I told her at recess time that I would have been leaving early because I wasn't feeling well. I spoke with Miss Mary and Miss Alicia before going to the music room but no one was there.

    Seeing that no one was there I felt better in Alock A air conditioning. The rain looked like it was about to come down so I stayed to work on the book while a few teachers were around. Lunchtime came and I was on my way back to my desk. I ended up meeting Dr Jogie in the same corridor and told him I had some music to share with him and that I would come back to block A to share it with him in a few minutes. I took the laptop bag and went back over to block A with the flash driver.

    The computer had to set up and it was taking long. I told him that the computer was a granny so it would have taken a bit longer than expected. On our way to viewing the program, he agreed that it was a granny computer. The way that he was seeing also was moving. Fortunately, after a few minutes, the musical program opened up to the tutor and them and then I explained it to him.

    When I hit play he seemed to like it. It was probably the first time he was getting to see a steel band score being played from the music program and I had to explain how each different staff was an entirely independent line for the different instruments. He requested that I send the mp3 and the page with the words from a tutor that I had.

    I told him I would send both as well as a copy of the lead sheet. He gave me his email on a sheet of newspaper. I did not have paper at the time so I only had a sheet of newspaper for him to write his email and he included his phone number as well. The copies of these materials were sent to him as soon as I got home at around 2 o'clock.

    Susan and the principal met me in the office before I left. I saw the new guard girl sitting by the guard boot outside. I gave her a wave goodbye. Susan and the principal met me in the office before I left. I saw the new guard girl sitting by the guard boot outside. I gave her a wave goodbye before exiting the compound. We both met this morning when I was entering the compound. I have not found her name as yet.


  • TUTTA Anthem.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:52 am – 3:56 pm)

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