Thursday, February 15, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #58) – Day #263

Date for Entry: (Thursday 15 February 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 16 May 2024)

[T2, W:07 – WD:29, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    Waking up wasn't easy, but as soon as I got my sip of juice, I woke up. I saw Ravi at Lockhart Street waiting for passengers. There were two other maxis in front being filled and pulled off. Myself and two other persons were needed to go. As we pulled off, I saw Crystal in her nice pink shirt walking to Lockhart Street. She got there before me in the office. Maybe the driver took their housing roundabout. Dr. Blandon was also there in the office.

    I had my name in the book signed in the book, and there I met some teachers. I had forgotten what day it was. It got black rain. Scores copied and stapled. Then I had one given to Dion, and we had a good laugh about the song in terms of the notation process. It was an entire week that I did not put my time out. I got the information transferred into the diary first, and then transferred into the school's OJT logbook.

    Some of the teachers were already signing up for half-day for the funeral of Miss Patel's mother. I was not sure if Jess was here. I still did not know what the scheduled day was today. I felt so sick, but I tried to hold up for the day.

    I went to the staff room in Block K, and only Miss Santana was there. She was sorting out her test papers, and the air-conditioning made me feel a bit better in that staff room. I sat and finished the topic on tonic triads. After that, I moved on smoothly to cancelling accidentals. Decided to have some in-depth discussion of key signatures in that particular lesson. Lunchtime was over, and some of the teachers were leaving for Miss Patel's mother's funeral. I didn't ask her again to go with anyone. I was feeling too ashamed to ask.

    “Jess” came to school and got her message late. She had 1L in the library, researching Calypso, Steelpan, and Taspo. This only lasted for the 7th period. By the start of the 8th period, the children were sent back to class, and Jess told me that I could go with them or hang out in the office. I returned her rollbook to the Block C staff room and went to the art room to see if I could cheer myself up by painting. I remained there a few minutes after school with Miss.

    I got a call from Auntie after school, and she asked if I wanted to do the regular line. I said sure. I went back to the office and had another good chat with Crystal while she was waiting in the waiting area for Izzy Girl to finish. They were going to travel out together. I did some more writing work on the lesson until Auntie called. Gloria was sitting on a chair listening to music on her phone. I still saw Riley and others sitting by the steps to wait for their drivers.

    When I was leaving the compound, I saw Jeffrey sitting in the guard booth, and Nick was by the other side of the road's direction. He doesn't talk that much. So, Auntie met me outside the compound, and she helped me put my bags in the trunk. We went to Trinity and then to Price Mart with a practice trial. We also got the bike and got home in Toonapuna at 8 p.m., and Rhianna had to come up to Toonapuna again to help us set the bike up the steps.

    I saw Rihanna tried calling me, but I forgot to call her back. I realized that I left my flash drive in school by the computer in the morning, and I was trying to copy the black rain scores. I had to empty my pencil case by the computer at home, but it was not there. If I had remembered, I would have taken the laptop to play the Tutor Anthem for Dr. Jogie.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:40 am – 4:13 pm)

Yesterday: (8:00 am – 3:28 pm)

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