Tuesday, February 20, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #59) – Day #265

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 20 February 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 16 May 2024)

[T2, W:08 – WD31:, (Td:6)*].

Dear Diary,

    I was absent yesterday. I was not feeling good at all but I attended the PAYE webinar. I saw Shiraz pulling up his maxi and he left. I felt like the time was getting later as I was getting to the school compound. I had been to the staff room to ask a teacher what timetable day it was today. After exiting Block C, Tutu said that today was day 6. I didn't even realize that days 4 and 5 had gone by. She sent me a message to meet her.

    We sat in the music room and spoke about the schema for term 2 that she had just finished. The rain was... the air in the room was puffy inside and it made me start to cough. I remained there for Ms. Roberts's 3L class afterwards. She did a review with the students and it seems as if they were not studying their work at all. The work reviewed were Calypso, Soca, Steelpan, Ethnoclassical, Classification of Instruments, Major Scales including the Formula, Self-Edge versus Sargon, Indian Classical, and Self-Edge. I left after the end of recess.

    During recess time she had her form 6s there practicing major scales in her office. A lot of them had problems with playing their scales as if they were not practising. I could see that they had some issues with their Harmonic Minor and Melodic Minor. Scales for B Major, B Harmonic Minor, and B Melodic Minor were done first. Ms. Roberts then asked the students in her group to play F Major, F Harmonic Minor, and F Melodic Minor. That was the end of recess.

    I went back to Block K to work on my textbook topics on Ostinato, the second portion of Ostinato. There were some questions needed but I did not bother to work on it that day. Ms. Odeen informed us that the lunch would be tomorrow. I went back to the music room for the form 4s class after lunch. Ms. Roberts did a review of assigning chords to a melody using the first two lines of Amazing Grace.

    Once that was completed, the students moved over to the steel pan instruments to work on their performance piece. Ms. Roberts was able to get more of her engine room arrangement completed. I worked with the guitar pan and the double seconds. We had no guitars today and no bass pans because those were form 6 students. I rushed off quickly after class because Maria told me that the staff room, that she had to leave earlier this afternoon once school was over. We left some minutes after 3 p.m. I went to bed late as usual. Too much work to do and still less sleep to get.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – : pm)

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