Friday, February 2, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #56) – Day #257

Date for Entry: (Friday 02 February 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 03 February 2024)

[T2, W:05 – WD:23, (Td:X)*].


Dear Diary,

    I came to Valsayn feeling very sleepy. I felt like I fell asleep in the living room last night too. I was the only OJT in the office at the time of arrival. The maxi driver had to pump into his tyre at the right back. Other passengers got very angry. I decided to change my T-shirt to the blue one given to me. I also did not like the picture for the T-shirt because I thought it would have spoiled.

    Mrs Santana and I spoke about the stencil for the children and I completely forgot about it. I went to the art room and only Miss was there. Everyone had their things inside and she was locking up. She was able to find me some excess of the paper that had the pictures for the t-shirts so that I could use it as a stencil. Mrs. Santana had asked me to make a stencil with a capital M so that the Mitchell house members could paint a capital M on their cheeks. The office did not have a box cutter. I just let Mrs. Santana know via WhatsApp.

    I was not sure when she would even see it. I had a long line with “Choo Choo” and Miss Dana in the Block K staffroom. We had a very long chat and some information before the three of us walked off over into the savannah. The match pass had already gone. Sometime in between the talk, Jessie and another tall boy came to carry their large box of sandwiches. I tasted a bit of Choo Choo's corn soup and it was really good. I prefer the chutney sauce from yesterday. Maybe some jerk seasoning might have been nice inside of the corn soup.

    There was a tent for Mitchell’s house. They were putting up their flag by one of the tent poles. They had to use a safety pin to hook it up. Soon I saw Miss Kittens with one of the props that a child had left behind. She came into the savannah with a lady from her church. Somehow in the middle of it, I started to get a bad feeling so I left the field just to get some escape. I went back to school, under the tent opposite the library to do some work.

    Miss Pope had spoken to me three times about collecting lunch, although I'd rather do without for the rest of the day and doing work. Miss Dana on her way back to the staff room had offered me to go back to Block K in the air-condition. I had to put back my chair from my desk in the office and I saw Miss with the lady from her church again. I stayed in Block K until 3 p.m.

    Mrs. Rivas came back from the savannah and told us that Mrs. Sow and Mr. Pear's house had won. Immediately I recognized that it was Giff House that won the sports day. She was telling us that she was glad for them because she could not remember when Giff House had won a sports day and she said it could have been the first year that she came in. Giff didn't win one for a very long time.

    At the end of the day, I was still feeling very angry. Shiva had lashed me hard again on my shoulder and it pained. The pants that I had on were too painful and tight as well. I got home and the burning anger was still there until after doing some music writing at 9 p.m.

    I was working on the girl's guide anthem. I'm very pleased to see that the strumming patterns for both guitar and cello steel pan instruments were working out and the double tenor and double second rhythmic pattern was fusing. There are some measures in between I will have to inspect because some of them do not seem to be consonant.

    I hope that within the time frame of the long extended weekend, I'll be able to complete the introduction and conclusion so that it can go up online. This time around I don't think I would want to wait and seek permission. I want to go ahead and do the YouTube upload as well as the veterinary school anthem and the tutor anthem. I hope that this works out and I look forward to the Prince of Wales holiday on Monday.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:40 am – : pm)

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