Thursday, February 29, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #60) – Day #272

Date for Entry: (Thursday 29 February 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 28 April 2024)

[T2, W:09 – WD:38, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    As soon as I crossed the bus through this morning, a bird from high up dropped twos on my shirt to the left. There was a wait for one more passenger after me and then the driver took off. I saw “Saga Boy Andy” chatting with the driver earlier. They were both matching and grey.

    The office seemed a lot busy this morning and then I had the time sheet placed. Placed with Kyle's stuff before rushing off to 1F. I took my book bag to class to use the things after recess. The students were given the steel pan techniques note. I saw “Jareem” sitting with them and he left when I came in. The children had to settle down.

    Not many teachers were around this morning either after recess. Mr. Charles and Dr. Jogi sat with me near and they spoke for some time with me. I took a black pen from Dr. Jogi that he had offered me. There was a time when I had given him a pen and he gave me one back in return. I messaged “Jeff” and “Miss Gittens” to let them know that I decided to return to school and teach the children instead of going to the workshop. I saw that Susan was there today in school. She called me out and waved.

    Lunchtime came while writing today's entry thus far and the rest of yesterday's. Lunchtime came and went quickly. I collected the test papers for 2F from Miss Gittens in the art room and then went to rest in Block K. I went back to the music room for practice with the students and felt like I could have used the time to work on the book. They finished late and I got the 2F test started at 1.30 p.m.

    The time took a long to go and the children were having trouble with a question on tempo. It seems as though they did not know what tempo is although that was done at the end of term two in four months for them. I dismissed the children at 2.25 p.m. and collected the papers.

    “Celia” saw a copy of the exam paper when I told her that I gave the children a music comprehension test with geography in it. I could explain to her the longitude and latitude perspective in the test. She seemed to enjoy it. I got packed up and went down to the office.

    “Tia” was there in the office signing in the attendance book before she left. I didn't see Miss Kittens outside for the bus shuttle duty. There was a concern with Caleb Smith's grandmother looking for him. She did not have a phone and he was not in the back of the school. Miss Gittens and I got a ride out to Curip with Mr. Raymond.

    I didn't do much for the night except for typing out the cancelling accidentals lesson. I felt as if some questions would be better for the lesson too. I played some levels on Primrose Lake Park too. These levels were in the Persimmons Resort. I also got Gallery Coloring Book downloaded again. I will play that tomorrow. While riding my bike, I thought of working on Imella. I'm not sure if the idea of working on “Let the Weight of Your Glory” flow simultaneously would be possible. you


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:00 am – : pm)

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