Wednesday, February 21, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #59) – Day #266

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 21 February 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 16 May 2024)

[T2, W:08 – WD32:, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I was in a rush. The space in between the maxi was not comfortable. I had breakfast in the office and went to the staff room. Jess was already morning. We did treble clef pitches and she taught them the treble clef song. I was able to get the introduction for expressive features done in the double period. I remained in block K afterwards to work further on the topic. Dr. Jogi and I stayed back eating our roti while the rest of the teachers went to the library for a prefect selection meeting.

    There was a loud noise afterwards about Tia wanting a student's name to be removed from the list. I remained with the teachers while they ate food. Ms. Sudin passed around with the drinks. I took some red Fanta and it was nice as it was icy cold. Sadly they had the pepper in another bag and I didn't get any.

    I went to wait for “Jess” in Block C's staff room. She got there a little late and then we walked over. The topic for this double period was a review of major scales. With 2F, these major scales went from C major to A, 3 sharps, and C major again to Eb major, 3 flats. I went home and ended up watching Castle after Parliament's JSC.

    At 7 pm I went to work on “Yahweh”. This was not an easy song to do a steel pan arrangement on. After Bible study with MTC, I realized that I had accidentally deleted the arrangement. I took the two and a half hours doing over the entire arrangement after the Bible study. I felt so tired after but thankfully I had the entire arrangement completed for a second time in the night.

    I decided to play 7 rounds of “Primrose Lake” games. For me, it was better to start over from part 1 and advance my way through parts 4 and 5 which I had not played before. I hope that the playing and the stories go well.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 4:49 pm)

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