Tuesday, January 9, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #53) – Day #240

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 09 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:02 – WD:06, (Td:6)*].

** Gifts picture

Dear Diary,

    This morning, I woke up at 2.30 a.m. I had a long night wrapping the rest of the gifts for teachers last night. I accidentally threw my bottle of rubbing alcohol on the table. The cap was not found. Strangely enough, it was nowhere around the table or around the floor where it fell. Candice and Amika's gift will have to be wrapped and brought to school another time.

    Dr. Blandon alone was with me in the office. I went to the staff room until the second period. It was too noisy in the staff room, so I left for the library. Thankfully, the library was empty and quiet. I had a big fight to get to do the introduction with my sleepiness. It was a very long fight to get the introduction to my music theory handbook completed.

    I left halfway into Mrs. Santana's class in there to go and deliver the gifts. I delivered Miss Mary and Miss “Alicia's” gifts first and then went to Block C. Miss Chote was conducting a meeting there, and I handed out the gifts on the empty tables. Hopefully, when the teacher arrived, they would have gotten their gift. Ms Patel said that she had misplaced the test paper I gave her last term.

    I was told that some of the teachers in Block K had moved out of that staffroom for health safety. “Choo-Choo” was the first to get her gift. Ms. Tia was in the corner eating her lunch. It smelled like curry and talking on her phone. I went back to the conference room, and Ms. Macmillan was there. I kept the candle gifts in a white bag and the chocolates in a green cloth bag.

    I went back to the music room for the last two periods and the Form 4 students were already there practising their ensemble pieces. It seemed as if they were working on that all through lunchtime. They were working on the “Engine Room” that Miss Roberts arranged. I waited for everyone to return to the music room, and they decided to continue working on the same ensemble piece. They did not work on solos because not everyone worked with their music, and not everyone was prepared. Some of them had instruments that they needed to bring from home.

    This evening, when the school closed, I did not stay back to close up the music room. Ms. Pope thanked me in the office, and she said it made her feel very special. When I asked, she said that she left it by her desk and waited for Mrs. Brown to come to school. I met Shiva on my way back to the office before meeting Ms. Pope, and he walked with me saying that I was making him feel special just because I had a gift for him. He took it, and he left on his way out of the compound.

    I saw the student boy from yesterday, but he didn't hear me calling him to collect the score that I had made a photocopy of. Before Ms. Jones signed to leave the evening, she gave me back the play I had asked her to check out for me since November 2022. It was in a brown envelope. I did not bother to travel home with the other four project-bonded plays that I had on my desk.

    I went home, slept again in the evening, and had forgotten to do the revised edition of the timetable for jazz. I had forgotten to do the revised edition of the timetable for “Jess”.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:33 am – 3:53 pm)

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