Monday, January 15, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #54) – Day #243

Date for Entry: (Monday 15 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:03 – WD:09, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    There was a big struggle to wake up this morning. I came with two prefects in the maxi. We had a nice driver playing a good song. Some of the lyrics were “Maybe you should look right in the mirror”. I'm not sure about the name of the song, but it sounded like a good song to do for a steel band.

    I did not know if “Jess” was here yet. She walked in right after I was finished writing the sentence. We went to 2L and got some of the questions done, but surprisingly the time ran out. She will have to do the Extempo session tomorrow while we have 2L again during the 5th and 6th periods.

    I had breakfast first thing when I got back to the office. Then I went to the art room. The upper school students were still sorting out the chant well. I was given a blue bandana for the sports which cost $10. I went to the restroom for Miss Roberts’s class and worked on the components of the notes lesson.

    At lunch time I got the attendance receipts fixed up for Jess and then I went to the short match practice. I was able to get one lesson finished during that short discussion lesson that was held by Ms. Gittens and Mr. Reed. Mr. Reed is the gentleman who will be coming to train the students for the match pass.

    In the evening after lunch, Jess was later to class with 2M. The students wanted to do the practical and I had stopped them from leaving the building to return to class. The students wanted to go back to the music room. I got them through some of the past paper questions and “Jess” came. She played some music from her phone to give the children an idea of what it was like. The children were then set into groups of 4.

    There was a lot of noise from them as they tried to get their topics and ideas from their topics. I did my duty for the first match practice this afternoon after school. It began slightly after 2.45. Ms. Gittens waited with her form 5 students and then they began. It seemed good for the first day.

    Maria had to leave early and Suzanne had already left. We had to stop at the pharmacy again. This evening, Zariel and I had bad gas pain in our heads causing a painful headache. We both learned that we did not eat anything for the day. Ms. and Zariel went to Prasad's supermarket and I decided to jump out of the car and walk over to the terminal to meet Daddy.

    I gave Mrs Santana her gift after the March practice. I told her that I did not want to interrupt her class in the Library.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:24 am – 4:36 pm)

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