Friday, January 26, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #55) – Day #252

 Date for Entry: (Friday 26 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 26 January 2024)

[T2, W:04 – WD:18, (Td:6)*].

Dear Diary,

    I got a Valsayn in with “Chess”. We had a new Maxi Driver this morning. I could see that on his screen there was an Arabic marking on the top. He told us that he was swinging in to get some diesel gas. It was the new gas station on the right going downwards to the Southern Main Road. The gas station was opposite Cap’s Bar. I saw “Korick” waiting for his passengers to fill up the Maxi first. He had on a very pretty silver chain and a black shirt with his cap. The hair was tied as usual. It looked very nice.

    While entering the office I had my first pie first and then saw Nickell sitting in the office when Mrs Brown pulled him in. He was suspended and could not be allowed on the compound. He was therefore under ‘house arrest’ for the day and could not be in the rest of the school except for the toilet until his parent or guardian came to collect him. This incident was a fight that was videotaped. He was joined by another student who was a part of that event.

    I saw all of the Mitchell House members outside in front of the compound with the Mitchell flag flying high. Dr. Blandin had already come to tell me that Miss Roberts was not coming to school. Before she could finish, I told her that I would be occupied in the savannah across the street for today's sporting activities. It was only after school that I learned that today’s sporting activities were field events.

    As soon as I was finished talking with Dr. Blandin I came back to continue my journal entry. Miss Roberts pulled up into the office to sign where I was writing this entry, to sign by the desk where teachers would sign their attendance. She stole the pen and brought it back as I was finishing the sentence.

    I went up to the art room with my cap on my head. It was back to front and many of the students seemed to like seeing me wear the cap back to front. I had to give Miss Gittins a document. However, she had forgotten the marches payments form so I had to print her a temporary sheet for her to use throughout the day in case marchers came to make payments.

    On my way down from the art room I met “Jess” in the corridor outside of the staffroom. She said she liked the outfit and I did a dance to go with it. She laughed. I did not meet up with the Mitchell members again only until I met the guard boot. They were all lined up and were walking over to the savannah across the street. We went by a tent and soon Miss Patel came to ask if I had preferred to do recording for Discuss or Javelin. I chose Javelin.

    Moving from one tent I was sent to another. However, they told me that there was a tent on the far eastern side of the field where the Javelin was to be taken. Under that tent, there were three tables and three chairs. A light rain had sent me to the middle at some point of the day but it stopped. It was just a light touch. Everyone this morning thought that the dark clouds in the sky would bring heavy rain to cancel the practice for the day.

    I ended up spending the entire day there in their field working with one Leacock girl and one Farrell girl using a very large measuring table for both Javelin and Cricket bowl. There were three sets of events. Javelin for senior boys and girls, Javelin for intermediate boys and girls and Cricket Bowl for junior boys and junior girls. Juniors were not given Javelins. There was a great gentleman named Mr. Hall was the referee for the Javelin in all six sections while I was the recorder of scores for all six events. I saw Crystal doing the score recordings for Discuss.

    During the Javelin for the senior boys, there was a very surprising score with many obtaining Fouls. For the junior boy’s cricket bowl throwing we had some difficulty with the measuring tape being tangled and mathematical calculations had to be done. Marking of the measurement of the ground had to be done in pieces and then tallied to get the score. Mr. Hall mentioned that the length of the students throwing was very good but the technique was not there.

    There was trouble and commotion to get names. House members had to remove names. I did not bother to use the names provided to me seeing that all the names had to be changed and some were correct. The games also started late which resulted in a late ending. I chose to let the house captains come to sign the names in. The students got the first practice and then came over under the tent to give their names. I recall “GG” stopping by. We had “Jess” big mouth for Leacock and Miss Harris’ one was the loudest in my ear too.

    At the end of the games, I remained in the same tent with Miss Pope and Miss Patel. We were all lining up with Javid. Javid was reeling back in the other measuring tape we got that came in a roll. He brought his truck to load up the remaining equipment since Andy was taking forever to come. Miss Pope and Miss Patel went by snow cone. It was only into the half of the seventh period that I was able to enter the compound and go to the washroom. I had held up for a long time and the pants I was wearing today were very tight.

    I met some of the marchers in the art room. While they discussed their work, I went outside into the fan zone to write out my entry. At 2.30 pm the marchers came out to the multipurpose court to have a quick practice before the shuttle came. I heard that some of them mentioned on their way to the court that the shuttle came earlier than expected yesterday.

    When I finished with my entry, I did not bother to do any writing for topics for the textbook today so I went back into the art room. Miss Gittens told me that Mr Reid decided to call quits when no marchers were present for lunchtime practice. I went home and Miss Mustapha had messaged us in the marcher’s chat saying that Mr Reed had decided to come back on Sunday for their practice in the savannah across the compound. I hope that the practice worked out well.

    Other matters occurred on the baby and other issues for the day. It was a very long and tiring day. I fell asleep in the car waiting for Daddy. He had to come and spend a third night because tidying up the house was not completed. Unfortunately, there were no images taken of today and Miss Patel took back all the forms from me. I was not able to recreate any copies for archiving into my journal.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 4:52 pm)

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