Tuesday, January 30, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #56) – Day #254

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 30 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 03 February 2024)

[T2, W:05 – WD:20, (Td:5)*].


Dear Diary,

    I came into St. George's at Valsayn in a rush. Today was one of those sick and rushed-to-school days. I finished my journal entry for yesterday in the second period. As I got into 2M, even Jess told me that she was late on her way to school today. I sat by the teacher's table for the whole session, near Seth, Suvir and Shiv.

    Seth and Suvir had to do over their lyrics because no one had their lyrics copied in their notebooks. I could recall on my way into the compound, Mr Ghani was exiting with his mum. He did not look so well, so I did not bother to ask him if he was alright. Before the class got over, Jess showed me her example of lyrics on the whiteboard. She had labelled 8 rows and wrote out the matching lyrics for 4 lines. She told me to work on lines 5 and 6, and that she would do lines 7 and 8 at the end of class. Seth and the boys next to the teacher's table laughed because of the word I had written in line 6. We ended up running 4 minutes into the third period, and I had to let Jess know.

    We had 2L, 1L after. I could remember Twinkler coming to ask for advice from me, but I couldn't help the boy with the situation. He told me that Renako had the lyrics and no one else had it. I ended up doing a big part of a new song for them. Twinkler worked out a few of the words and the sentences. The other Jayden boy and Caleb didn't bother to help. They were busy playing. I went to have breakfast at recess and to see about me. I was very hungry and tired after that 4 periods.

    At the end of recess, I saw the 2F students walking out of the building. Some of them said that Miss found the classroom to be too cold. Everyone in their group spread out around the same corridor from Lock Cave into the cool breeze, and they tried to put together their lyrics for the Extempo. Miss had to cut the class short too because of an immediate staff meeting concerning Sports Day.

  • Concern about not having money for Sports Day to run the entire day.
  • Thoughts on cancelling the entire Sports Day event altogether.
  • Meeting for Houses on Thursday or tomorrow to be decided.
  • Brief assembly today in the hall after lunch (terminated by the Principal).

    The principal did not want to call a brief assembly in the hall after lunchtime. She found that it would have interrupted the whole school, even though many of us in the school found that the entire teaching periods were interrupted already. I went to give Miss Kitten something again and to watch the marches for lunchtime.

    I went to Block Cave to continue the topic of ties. The topic on slurs in the same one may have to be done tomorrow. The marching practice was about to continue when I went to leave my things from the staff room in the art room and got packed up after school. I had to heat my pie for lunch after school. Miss Kitten had to step out again before I went to see the marches with the music. I felt sick and tired.

    On the drive to Curepe, I told Maria that I would walk up to Daddy from the double stand. Miss Kitten went to get something away from our direction in Persad’s Supermarket, and Zariel went to buy doubles. I felt more tired by the time I got to the couch.

    “Yash” had his session of time signatures. It was a huge one and very difficult for him to understand. It was a lot of work for him to cover, and it seemed like everything was beginning to get clustered for both him and myself. He was also now getting accustomed to the new time values from Minim Beats.

    Daddy spent the night again and forced me to eat late in the night. He said that he liked to do snacking in the night when I asked him. I tried a fish after a while. It was nice. I did not get my show again because of the late finish of class with Yash. “Persons of Interest” was on TV, and that was my show for the night instead. I tried a new bingo app, and it was fun. I hope that it works.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:45 am – 4:38 pm)

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