Monday, January 29, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #56) – Day #253

Date for Entry: (Monday 29 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 03 February 2024)

[T2, W:05 – WD:19, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    I crossed the bus route with “Mr Georgian” and travelled to Valsayn with him in the same maxi. We were joined by a tall prefect and another student. I think it was Miss Marson. I left the students and sped up the pavement to sign and have breakfast. Dion came in while I was signing the attendance register. I saw he got to Lockhart Street when our maxi was pulling out.

    As soon as I thought of “Jess”, she came into the office to sign with Afisha. I had to remind the others about timesheet day on our OJT WhatsApp group. I had some blue hats in a big black bag to deliver to Miss Gittins. Miss Mary was fasting today. There were some parents in the office for deans and some of them for private meetings.

    I went to Block A to do writing using Mr. Raymond's table. Miss Dana told me that I did not need to pay any money for the T-shirts for sports day. During the session of writing in Block A, I got both BMA and Quaver and Semi-Quaver lessons completed in the double period.

    I spent all lunchtime in the savannah today watching the tug-of-war. It was confusing with the results at the beginning of the tryouts. They had to switch the Farrell and Mitchell house boys on both sides. This was done four times because on one side of the field the house was losing and on the other side the house was winning.

    They eventually moved the tug-of-war to another location of the field to see if the results would be even. I remember Delia cursing angrily when the Mitchell girls lost to the Farrell girls and Adrian from the Green House was flying the Mitchell flag. Gifts that day for the girls were forfeited because the girls were not present at the tug-of-war games.

    After school, Mrs. Santana told me that a girl came looking for me during lunchtime. I was not sure who the girl was. I was told her name was Miss Berkeley. “Jess” met me late in 2F that evening. She had to leave for a meeting and I ended up getting the children the idea after formatting this song for an ex-tempo and I showed them how to brainstorm a chosen topic. My example for choosing a topic was a carnival. The class time flew by very quickly. I had them write out their homework and everyone cleared out the classroom.

    In the evening, I took a while to pack up my bags in the office and then move over to the practice for marching. I had my lunch pie heated and went with a folder and paper just in case I wanted to sit down and write out more work for the topics. The practice was going on and the Mitchell house looked fabulous. Miss Roberts took the long space outside the art room and the Mitchell house marchers were in the rain pool. The Farrell marchers were on the side of the music room where Miss Roberts was not supposed to be parking.

    Practice went on for some time and Mr. Reed left immediately after the practice. Miss Gittins left with Mrs Rivas to go to Rattans in Tunapuna. There was a budget issue for money and they needed pants and shoes for the marchers. This afternoon, Suzanne was not there and Maria was waiting. I felt bad. Maria and I spoke about the school fight from this morning and another issue on the way to Curip.

    Tonight, Daddy had to stay again because his bedroom was not finished tiling. I fell asleep on the couch reading Wicked. I decided to restart the app and choose to keep five persons alone for better time management. I got the bass clef typed up in the document. I had a scare when the computer froze and I had to reset the entire computer.

    Thankfully, the document was saved and I had to re-save it to retain all the information. I got to see the “Secrets of Polygamy” television show in time. Off and on, I changed the channel and got lost away on the couch. I slept there and awoke the next day.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:48 am – 4:58 pm)

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