Friday, January 19, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #54) – Day #247

Date for Entry: (Friday 19 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:03 – WD:13, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came to Valsing this morning with the driver Mr. Big Mouth Impatient. Two gentlemen sat in the front seat and were speaking Spanish. As soon as I got into the office, I went to the OJT book and signed in for the day. I decided to take my journal book and had the times in and times out finished for the rest of the week. They were now organized.

    I moved to the staff room and Janessa was there with Susan and just came in with her green-looking boots. We had 1F this morning. We had a good chat sitting on a concrete bench during the second half of the second period before walking off to 1F. Some of the Soca was done in groups and I worked on the music alphabet as the topic for the book for today.

    On my way to the art room, Miss Gittens was not there. I waited with the rest of the Mitchell house in the art room during recess and then I helped them paint the word Mitchell on their banner. It took me an entire double period during the 5th and 6th periods to finish painting the word Mitchell and smoothen the edges of the words and this also went halfway through lunchtime. I met all of the Mitchell students in the hall practicing the song and they had lunch very late.

    I decided to go and sit in the conference room because I saw that it was empty. The air conditioning in that room was very comfortable and nice. Janessa came and asked me to watch over her staff again. She asked me if I was coming to the function and I was not ready. I was feeling very sick at that time after working on the banner but I decided to go find the children because sadly not many of the Mitchell house teachers were present with us.

    A lot of us in the Mitchell house were outside of the auditorium. We did not know where everyone was or even where to gather and I was not seeing any of the Mitchell teachers around. I only saw Mr. “Marlon” and he confirmed that he was in Mitchell when I asked. I soon saw Miss Dana and asked her if she knew which teachers were going up on stage with the students. When she said no and I asked her, I told her that I would go up with the children.

    A long wait occurred and then the results came. Leacock was the first to perform, Mitchell was second to perform, Farrell was third to perform and finally, Gift House was the last to perform. The male judge was the one to announce the results. We did not get to know who the lady was. The male judge delayed and made us wait. It made everyone very anxious and angry at the same time. It just so happened that Farrell was fourth, Leacock was third, Mitchell was second and Gift House came first. Many of us did not approve of Gift winning the chantwell but I went back to my desk afterwards.

    I was still appreciative that Mitchell House was still one of the higher houses in the scoring points or the ranking. I was told by Miss Mustapha that Mr. Reed came earlier that evening. He came earlier than usual and he wanted to start practice with the marching team. I went to finish my journal entry for the day, packed up my bag to set it in the staff room and ate lunch, as it was the afternoon after school at that time. I met all of the marchers who were present there along with some of the upcoming students.

    In the end, this art room was locked up so we could not take the flag back inside there. Maria and Susan were still there. We helped Maria carry water bottles to her car. I did not see Miss Gittens again for the day. She told me, “Mr Ali you lookin’ like you go fall asleep one time as soon as you get home.” I laughed when I got up again to go and stumbled to fall back on the couch. Didn't feel like eating anything for the evening.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:48 am – 5:28 pm)

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