Wednesday, January 31, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #56) – Day #255

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 31 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 03 February 2024)

[T2, W:05 – WD:21, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    The lady who crossed the road with me, her slipper fell off her foot while she was walking into the maxi. I was going to help her put back on the shoe but she had it on already. We had Kranich as the driver and he took the community roundabout. I thought that he would have taken the shorter left out but it was easier in the community roundabout. “Miss Nodarse” sat at the back and I saw “Miss Charles” and another Georgian coming out of the same maxi from behind. We all crossed together but they had to sign the late book.

    I saw Crystal coming in with Dion after I took my seat by my desk. He mentioned the timesheet and Afisha forgot. I will have to fill out my timesheet during class time. So, I thought but I stayed back at my desk and decided to complete the entire form immediately. Mrs. Ramsingh asked about lunch but I declined. Then I signed for the day and Candice reminded me about the timesheet as well. So, I went back to my desk and handed her the documents which were my timesheet for January 2024 and the resumption of duty form for the term.

    “Jess” called me and said that they were in the art room today. There was no sign of Miss Roberts as yet. I gave a wave goodbye to Miss Mary on my way up to the art room. When the time was up with 1M, Jess had told me to go and call the other class over to the art room. I saw Miss Libert entering Block K. I also met Miss Dana and greeted her good morning along with Miss Burnett. Miss Burnett asked if I was going to deliver a message but as soon as I walked in and gave the instruction for the children to take their books and pencil cases, they all looked very confused. They told me that they have social studies now. I looked out the door and I was, I jumped in shock.

    I realized I had gone to the wrong classroom. I realized that the class for music was 1F and not 1L. The students from 1F were coming in late from their previous class. I got them to come over and followed behind. I told the Muslim boys that they could stay back. Recess came sooner than before. The students from 1F did an excellent job in their presentations. I went to use the washroom at recess and take care of breakfast in the kitchen. I sat down in Block K and finished the slurs part of the topic from yesterday.

    Once that topic was finished and completed, I went right on to the topic of accidentals. I was left all alone in the staff room until the sixth period. There was a middle management meeting going on. Mrs. Santana and Mr. Charles left soon for the meeting after Mr. Martin. I went to see if the marching was going on during lunchtime. They had running heat in the corridor instead. I stood with “Varry”, Ari, “Kate”, and Kenya at the exact point of the finish line.

    No marchers for Mitchell House were outside today, but Giff was outside with Miss Roberts practising. I saw that Miss Chota and Gigi were there. There were also members from Farrell House practising outside the music room. After lunch, Miss Pope and Miss Patel were sitting down in the waiting area in the administration office. Miss Pope told me, blue for a sore boy, blue all the way. She, me, and Miss Patel laughed. I added my blue bandana to my pants for the whole day. I was not sure how the idea would work.

    When I came into the art room, they had to be loud up a majority of times because of the loud talking. I believe it was six times Miss Santana and Miss Gittins had to shout at the children.

    The form fives were waiting and Miss Santana and Jess left after I had returned from carrying my bags to the staff room. I did not want to do any more topic planning, so I went to do some painting instead of doing the music work. Miss Santana had left with Jess and she joked about me painting before they left. She said to me something about her being jealous that I was talented. I responded by saying, “That's because I'm a child of The Most High God.” She laughed out loudly with Jess and they both left.

    Miss Gittins was in Miss Mustafa's car and they were riding off to get stuff for the marchers. I took the full time of the hour painting until I was tired. Maria called me from Miss Patel's phone and said that they were about to leave and to meet them by the car. The children were taking extremely long with their soccer balls to get to the staff room. As soon as I got home, I ate and fell asleep sometime after Daddy and Auntie left. I did not sleep in bed but on the couch and I woke at 2.30 a.m.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:07 am – : pm)

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #56) – Day #254

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 30 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 03 February 2024)

[T2, W:05 – WD:20, (Td:5)*].


Dear Diary,

    I came into St. George's at Valsayn in a rush. Today was one of those sick and rushed-to-school days. I finished my journal entry for yesterday in the second period. As I got into 2M, even Jess told me that she was late on her way to school today. I sat by the teacher's table for the whole session, near Seth, Suvir and Shiv.

    Seth and Suvir had to do over their lyrics because no one had their lyrics copied in their notebooks. I could recall on my way into the compound, Mr Ghani was exiting with his mum. He did not look so well, so I did not bother to ask him if he was alright. Before the class got over, Jess showed me her example of lyrics on the whiteboard. She had labelled 8 rows and wrote out the matching lyrics for 4 lines. She told me to work on lines 5 and 6, and that she would do lines 7 and 8 at the end of class. Seth and the boys next to the teacher's table laughed because of the word I had written in line 6. We ended up running 4 minutes into the third period, and I had to let Jess know.

    We had 2L, 1L after. I could remember Twinkler coming to ask for advice from me, but I couldn't help the boy with the situation. He told me that Renako had the lyrics and no one else had it. I ended up doing a big part of a new song for them. Twinkler worked out a few of the words and the sentences. The other Jayden boy and Caleb didn't bother to help. They were busy playing. I went to have breakfast at recess and to see about me. I was very hungry and tired after that 4 periods.

    At the end of recess, I saw the 2F students walking out of the building. Some of them said that Miss found the classroom to be too cold. Everyone in their group spread out around the same corridor from Lock Cave into the cool breeze, and they tried to put together their lyrics for the Extempo. Miss had to cut the class short too because of an immediate staff meeting concerning Sports Day.

  • Concern about not having money for Sports Day to run the entire day.
  • Thoughts on cancelling the entire Sports Day event altogether.
  • Meeting for Houses on Thursday or tomorrow to be decided.
  • Brief assembly today in the hall after lunch (terminated by the Principal).

    The principal did not want to call a brief assembly in the hall after lunchtime. She found that it would have interrupted the whole school, even though many of us in the school found that the entire teaching periods were interrupted already. I went to give Miss Kitten something again and to watch the marches for lunchtime.

    I went to Block Cave to continue the topic of ties. The topic on slurs in the same one may have to be done tomorrow. The marching practice was about to continue when I went to leave my things from the staff room in the art room and got packed up after school. I had to heat my pie for lunch after school. Miss Kitten had to step out again before I went to see the marches with the music. I felt sick and tired.

    On the drive to Curepe, I told Maria that I would walk up to Daddy from the double stand. Miss Kitten went to get something away from our direction in Persad’s Supermarket, and Zariel went to buy doubles. I felt more tired by the time I got to the couch.

    “Yash” had his session of time signatures. It was a huge one and very difficult for him to understand. It was a lot of work for him to cover, and it seemed like everything was beginning to get clustered for both him and myself. He was also now getting accustomed to the new time values from Minim Beats.

    Daddy spent the night again and forced me to eat late in the night. He said that he liked to do snacking in the night when I asked him. I tried a fish after a while. It was nice. I did not get my show again because of the late finish of class with Yash. “Persons of Interest” was on TV, and that was my show for the night instead. I tried a new bingo app, and it was fun. I hope that it works.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:45 am – 4:38 pm)

Monday, January 29, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #56) – Day #253

Date for Entry: (Monday 29 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 03 February 2024)

[T2, W:05 – WD:19, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    I crossed the bus route with “Mr Georgian” and travelled to Valsayn with him in the same maxi. We were joined by a tall prefect and another student. I think it was Miss Marson. I left the students and sped up the pavement to sign and have breakfast. Dion came in while I was signing the attendance register. I saw he got to Lockhart Street when our maxi was pulling out.

    As soon as I thought of “Jess”, she came into the office to sign with Afisha. I had to remind the others about timesheet day on our OJT WhatsApp group. I had some blue hats in a big black bag to deliver to Miss Gittins. Miss Mary was fasting today. There were some parents in the office for deans and some of them for private meetings.

    I went to Block A to do writing using Mr. Raymond's table. Miss Dana told me that I did not need to pay any money for the T-shirts for sports day. During the session of writing in Block A, I got both BMA and Quaver and Semi-Quaver lessons completed in the double period.

    I spent all lunchtime in the savannah today watching the tug-of-war. It was confusing with the results at the beginning of the tryouts. They had to switch the Farrell and Mitchell house boys on both sides. This was done four times because on one side of the field the house was losing and on the other side the house was winning.

    They eventually moved the tug-of-war to another location of the field to see if the results would be even. I remember Delia cursing angrily when the Mitchell girls lost to the Farrell girls and Adrian from the Green House was flying the Mitchell flag. Gifts that day for the girls were forfeited because the girls were not present at the tug-of-war games.

    After school, Mrs. Santana told me that a girl came looking for me during lunchtime. I was not sure who the girl was. I was told her name was Miss Berkeley. “Jess” met me late in 2F that evening. She had to leave for a meeting and I ended up getting the children the idea after formatting this song for an ex-tempo and I showed them how to brainstorm a chosen topic. My example for choosing a topic was a carnival. The class time flew by very quickly. I had them write out their homework and everyone cleared out the classroom.

    In the evening, I took a while to pack up my bags in the office and then move over to the practice for marching. I had my lunch pie heated and went with a folder and paper just in case I wanted to sit down and write out more work for the topics. The practice was going on and the Mitchell house looked fabulous. Miss Roberts took the long space outside the art room and the Mitchell house marchers were in the rain pool. The Farrell marchers were on the side of the music room where Miss Roberts was not supposed to be parking.

    Practice went on for some time and Mr. Reed left immediately after the practice. Miss Gittins left with Mrs Rivas to go to Rattans in Tunapuna. There was a budget issue for money and they needed pants and shoes for the marchers. This afternoon, Suzanne was not there and Maria was waiting. I felt bad. Maria and I spoke about the school fight from this morning and another issue on the way to Curip.

    Tonight, Daddy had to stay again because his bedroom was not finished tiling. I fell asleep on the couch reading Wicked. I decided to restart the app and choose to keep five persons alone for better time management. I got the bass clef typed up in the document. I had a scare when the computer froze and I had to reset the entire computer.

    Thankfully, the document was saved and I had to re-save it to retain all the information. I got to see the “Secrets of Polygamy” television show in time. Off and on, I changed the channel and got lost away on the couch. I slept there and awoke the next day.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:48 am – 4:58 pm)

Friday, January 26, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #55) – Day #252

 Date for Entry: (Friday 26 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 26 January 2024)

[T2, W:04 – WD:18, (Td:6)*].

Dear Diary,

    I got a Valsayn in with “Chess”. We had a new Maxi Driver this morning. I could see that on his screen there was an Arabic marking on the top. He told us that he was swinging in to get some diesel gas. It was the new gas station on the right going downwards to the Southern Main Road. The gas station was opposite Cap’s Bar. I saw “Korick” waiting for his passengers to fill up the Maxi first. He had on a very pretty silver chain and a black shirt with his cap. The hair was tied as usual. It looked very nice.

    While entering the office I had my first pie first and then saw Nickell sitting in the office when Mrs Brown pulled him in. He was suspended and could not be allowed on the compound. He was therefore under ‘house arrest’ for the day and could not be in the rest of the school except for the toilet until his parent or guardian came to collect him. This incident was a fight that was videotaped. He was joined by another student who was a part of that event.

    I saw all of the Mitchell House members outside in front of the compound with the Mitchell flag flying high. Dr. Blandin had already come to tell me that Miss Roberts was not coming to school. Before she could finish, I told her that I would be occupied in the savannah across the street for today's sporting activities. It was only after school that I learned that today’s sporting activities were field events.

    As soon as I was finished talking with Dr. Blandin I came back to continue my journal entry. Miss Roberts pulled up into the office to sign where I was writing this entry, to sign by the desk where teachers would sign their attendance. She stole the pen and brought it back as I was finishing the sentence.

    I went up to the art room with my cap on my head. It was back to front and many of the students seemed to like seeing me wear the cap back to front. I had to give Miss Gittins a document. However, she had forgotten the marches payments form so I had to print her a temporary sheet for her to use throughout the day in case marchers came to make payments.

    On my way down from the art room I met “Jess” in the corridor outside of the staffroom. She said she liked the outfit and I did a dance to go with it. She laughed. I did not meet up with the Mitchell members again only until I met the guard boot. They were all lined up and were walking over to the savannah across the street. We went by a tent and soon Miss Patel came to ask if I had preferred to do recording for Discuss or Javelin. I chose Javelin.

    Moving from one tent I was sent to another. However, they told me that there was a tent on the far eastern side of the field where the Javelin was to be taken. Under that tent, there were three tables and three chairs. A light rain had sent me to the middle at some point of the day but it stopped. It was just a light touch. Everyone this morning thought that the dark clouds in the sky would bring heavy rain to cancel the practice for the day.

    I ended up spending the entire day there in their field working with one Leacock girl and one Farrell girl using a very large measuring table for both Javelin and Cricket bowl. There were three sets of events. Javelin for senior boys and girls, Javelin for intermediate boys and girls and Cricket Bowl for junior boys and junior girls. Juniors were not given Javelins. There was a great gentleman named Mr. Hall was the referee for the Javelin in all six sections while I was the recorder of scores for all six events. I saw Crystal doing the score recordings for Discuss.

    During the Javelin for the senior boys, there was a very surprising score with many obtaining Fouls. For the junior boy’s cricket bowl throwing we had some difficulty with the measuring tape being tangled and mathematical calculations had to be done. Marking of the measurement of the ground had to be done in pieces and then tallied to get the score. Mr. Hall mentioned that the length of the students throwing was very good but the technique was not there.

    There was trouble and commotion to get names. House members had to remove names. I did not bother to use the names provided to me seeing that all the names had to be changed and some were correct. The games also started late which resulted in a late ending. I chose to let the house captains come to sign the names in. The students got the first practice and then came over under the tent to give their names. I recall “GG” stopping by. We had “Jess” big mouth for Leacock and Miss Harris’ one was the loudest in my ear too.

    At the end of the games, I remained in the same tent with Miss Pope and Miss Patel. We were all lining up with Javid. Javid was reeling back in the other measuring tape we got that came in a roll. He brought his truck to load up the remaining equipment since Andy was taking forever to come. Miss Pope and Miss Patel went by snow cone. It was only into the half of the seventh period that I was able to enter the compound and go to the washroom. I had held up for a long time and the pants I was wearing today were very tight.

    I met some of the marchers in the art room. While they discussed their work, I went outside into the fan zone to write out my entry. At 2.30 pm the marchers came out to the multipurpose court to have a quick practice before the shuttle came. I heard that some of them mentioned on their way to the court that the shuttle came earlier than expected yesterday.

    When I finished with my entry, I did not bother to do any writing for topics for the textbook today so I went back into the art room. Miss Gittens told me that Mr Reid decided to call quits when no marchers were present for lunchtime practice. I went home and Miss Mustapha had messaged us in the marcher’s chat saying that Mr Reed had decided to come back on Sunday for their practice in the savannah across the compound. I hope that the practice worked out well.

    Other matters occurred on the baby and other issues for the day. It was a very long and tiring day. I fell asleep in the car waiting for Daddy. He had to come and spend a third night because tidying up the house was not completed. Unfortunately, there were no images taken of today and Miss Patel took back all the forms from me. I was not able to recreate any copies for archiving into my journal.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 4:52 pm)

Thursday, January 25, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #55) – Day #251

Date for Entry: (Thursday 25 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 26 January 2024)

[T2, W:04 – WD:17, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    Another challenge waking up this morning and getting ready. It was very exhausting sitting on the chair trying to wake up. The Maxi man stopped early and Kiel walked out with me. He had a lab to prepare early in the morning so he walked off in front of me and I continued slowly into the compound.

    I had breakfast and had forgotten that I was supposed to be in the Form 4 class with Miss Roberts. She came to get markers in the office. “Mr. Ash” came to do an incident report for Mr. Martin. I lent him my table to write out the incident form and then I went to the Form 4 class near the end of the second period.

    Once that class was over, I went and met “Jess” in the staff room to take her to 1M. She worked on lyrics for the Soca competition with the children and I worked on questions for my topic on Rests. I checked on the group’s work as well towards the second end of the period.

    As I got back to the office at recess time someone else was using my table. I went to get my shirt measured from Miss Dana. Miss Mustapha said that she was going to take the shirt that she bought for us to be printed. Miss Dana showed me it but I didn't try it on until 1.06 in the afternoon before lunch was over. I had to leave March practice when Miss Mustapha came to sit in the corner of the children.

    I waited for “Jess” at Block K lobby for a while after recess. I had a nice laugh and chat with “Miss Bianca” and the new guard. Only the second half of the period was taken away from us because all of the children had to go to their house meetings. It was short and simple. I was congratulated along with Mitchell House Captains for some of the work we have been doing. We had another March practice again during lunchtime. I did not see Miss Kittens during lunch until I was about to leave.

    I went back to Miss Dana to try on the T-shirt after school. The XL shirt worked nicely. I went over to the music room and Miss Roberts was measuring sizes for the marches. She said that today was a presentation for the Form 6s.

    As soon as school was over, I packed up and left my bag in the staff room to go for March practice immediately. It was wonderful to see that the girls had prayed before they began and they also prayed at the end of their practice.

    Once they had finished, I remained with the Form 5s from yesterday until 4 PM. There was only Calvin and Amy there. They spoke about someone named Dahlia. I saw “Manohar” getting ready to drive off his Maxi with his passengers on our way up to Curepe.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 4:30 pm)

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #55) – Day #250

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 24 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 26 January 2024)

[T2, W:04 – WD:16, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    I fought to stay awake in the car this morning as there was a very sunny sky. I took my time walking in on the pavement to the UTT campus. Only Dr. Blandin was there in the office. I met Mr. Pierre and Mrs. Ramsing there. Mrs. Santana had a fallout about supervision for the day. Mr. Pierre visited me for a short laugh in 5 seconds hiding by my cubicle. There was a lot of commotion in the office.

    I saw “Harry Potter” and “Sneaks” waiting in the waiting area. I offered them a seat when I saw the particular type of commotion happening in the Vice Principal's office. Mrs. Pope met a third line to some water for aerobics today. They wanted to reuse water from the parent's day. I saw Mrs. Gloria fixing the flag from sitting by my desk. A second set of commotion happened from Dr. Blandon in the Vice Principal's office.

    I had my first pie at the end of the second period. I shared a place with Mrs. Mustapha to rest her books and she said that the form I had made was not printed. I heard earlier that the printing machine in the office was down yesterday. Thankfully, I got the prints and went to give one to Miss Kittens in the art room. They already had a form but she said that she would transfer the information from their form to my one instead and that they will use my form.

    Outside of the art room, I sat on the concrete bench from then until the end of the fifth period to go to the staff room in Block K. Miss Roberts had driven off and her Form 3 students got tired of waiting. The Form 3 boys and I spoke about the Kman 6ixx “Black Rain” transcription that I was working on before they went to the front of the school. It was great sitting and working on dotted notes there. I loved being around the teachers once more like we did in George’s.

    There was a rush for Miss to go in the evening with Miss Mustapha for the marcher’s outfits. I had to run and get the consent forms from the office to get to Miss Gittens. None of the Mitchell teachers had already written a letter for the school's approval for Mitchell to do practice on Sunday.

    I spoke with Miss Santana in the office after lunchtime and she agreed to type the letter for me. I was met by two Form 5 students after school who had asked me to go with them to supervise them in the art room. It seemed as if the guard had already locked them out because there was no teacher in the room. I had to go with my bags packed up to the guard booth in front to request the keys. I went for the keys and immediately opened the room for the students and had to walk back outside to return it to the guards.

    I took my bag from the office and went to hut my food and I ate it there in the art room with the students. I did not go outside to see the mattress because I could not leave the room alone. We had some students working out of the five and a few with a couple of trouble happened. The marching ended faster today because it seemed as if the bus shuttle came earlier than the usual time. Miss Roberts too had her marching for the gift house outside by the music room area.

    Daddy spent the night with me tonight. I finished up working early at nine in the evening and we played seven rounds of rummy. He won one round and then I went to see about my games.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:40 am – 4:28 pm)

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #55) – Day #249

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 23 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 26 January 2024)

[T2, W:04 – WD:15, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    There was a lot of traffic on the road this morning. I was not sure what the problem was that made the traffic. I felt very sick this morning. In truth, I was feeling worse than yesterday. I messaged Miss Mustapha so that she could get the forms printed in school. I will have to find out how using that particular form went.

    I had a Google Meets class with Yash this evening. There was a short review of treble clef pitches during the note at the end of the session and questions. My main focus for this particular lesson tonight was to review notes and values from semi-brief to semi-quaver as well as fusing that topic with components of notes. We were able to recycle the worksheet in Mr. Ali’s Textbook (version 5).

    In that particular exercise, he was asked to transform the semi-briefs into particular types of notes according to the notes required components and finally to label the pitches wherever the notehead was placed on the staff. I was very pleased to see his progress in his studies and I hoped that he would be able to maintain this high achievement that he is making. There was some confusion in the homework. I did some explanation and I hope to look forward to correcting it with him in school on lunchtime Monday along with the homework from tonight's session.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:09 am – 4:38 pm)

Monday, January 22, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #55) – Day #248

Date for Entry: (Monday 22 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 26 January 2024)

[T2, W:04 – WD:14, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    I was sick at home today. I got a call from Ms. Mustapha for help to make two forms for the marchers. One form was for the marchers and another was for payments. I decided to make a form that fused all the information to make one document.

    I had to call Mrs Santana first to ask for a list of the students from Mitchell House. Before I sat down to get started, I got a call from Mrs. Gittens. She said that the baby came at 12:39 am. I'm very proud of the form; it seemed to be workable.

    It took me the entire evening to fix the two lists before making the form for Ms. Mustapha. I had the new list emailed back to Mrs Santana so that she could add it to her archives before creating the payment form.


  • List of Mitchell House Students (2024) - Remade.**
  • List of Mitchell House Students (2024) – Year Group.**
  • Marchers and Payments Form (No. 1). **
  • Marchers and Payments Form (No. 2). **


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:03 am – 4:52 pm)

Friday, January 19, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #54) – Day #247

Date for Entry: (Friday 19 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:03 – WD:13, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came to Valsing this morning with the driver Mr. Big Mouth Impatient. Two gentlemen sat in the front seat and were speaking Spanish. As soon as I got into the office, I went to the OJT book and signed in for the day. I decided to take my journal book and had the times in and times out finished for the rest of the week. They were now organized.

    I moved to the staff room and Janessa was there with Susan and just came in with her green-looking boots. We had 1F this morning. We had a good chat sitting on a concrete bench during the second half of the second period before walking off to 1F. Some of the Soca was done in groups and I worked on the music alphabet as the topic for the book for today.

    On my way to the art room, Miss Gittens was not there. I waited with the rest of the Mitchell house in the art room during recess and then I helped them paint the word Mitchell on their banner. It took me an entire double period during the 5th and 6th periods to finish painting the word Mitchell and smoothen the edges of the words and this also went halfway through lunchtime. I met all of the Mitchell students in the hall practicing the song and they had lunch very late.

    I decided to go and sit in the conference room because I saw that it was empty. The air conditioning in that room was very comfortable and nice. Janessa came and asked me to watch over her staff again. She asked me if I was coming to the function and I was not ready. I was feeling very sick at that time after working on the banner but I decided to go find the children because sadly not many of the Mitchell house teachers were present with us.

    A lot of us in the Mitchell house were outside of the auditorium. We did not know where everyone was or even where to gather and I was not seeing any of the Mitchell teachers around. I only saw Mr. “Marlon” and he confirmed that he was in Mitchell when I asked. I soon saw Miss Dana and asked her if she knew which teachers were going up on stage with the students. When she said no and I asked her, I told her that I would go up with the children.

    A long wait occurred and then the results came. Leacock was the first to perform, Mitchell was second to perform, Farrell was third to perform and finally, Gift House was the last to perform. The male judge was the one to announce the results. We did not get to know who the lady was. The male judge delayed and made us wait. It made everyone very anxious and angry at the same time. It just so happened that Farrell was fourth, Leacock was third, Mitchell was second and Gift House came first. Many of us did not approve of Gift winning the chantwell but I went back to my desk afterwards.

    I was still appreciative that Mitchell House was still one of the higher houses in the scoring points or the ranking. I was told by Miss Mustapha that Mr. Reed came earlier that evening. He came earlier than usual and he wanted to start practice with the marching team. I went to finish my journal entry for the day, packed up my bag to set it in the staff room and ate lunch, as it was the afternoon after school at that time. I met all of the marchers who were present there along with some of the upcoming students.

    In the end, this art room was locked up so we could not take the flag back inside there. Maria and Susan were still there. We helped Maria carry water bottles to her car. I did not see Miss Gittens again for the day. She told me, “Mr Ali you lookin’ like you go fall asleep one time as soon as you get home.” I laughed when I got up again to go and stumbled to fall back on the couch. Didn't feel like eating anything for the evening.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:48 am – 5:28 pm)

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #54) – Day #244

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 16 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:03 – WD:10, (Td:5)*].

** Form 4 paper

Dear Diary,

    I had to go back to the toilet this morning. That was how I got to school so late. Even when walking into the compound from the side of the street, there was no sign of Miss Roberts. I saw Jess chatting with Mrs. Santana in the corridor outside of the staff room. They were chatting about the Form 1 and 2 projects for Carnival.

    I met the Form 4s alone until Jess came to do the topic expressive features and explained it to the children. She used the Royal Castle advertisement as an example. The children had to listen to the song and give answers as to instrumentation, genre, and types of voices.

    We both went to 1M right after that long talk. Jess thought that we had a free period, but we had to walk to 1M right after meeting the staff room door. The children in 1M were very unsettled, and they began brainstorming and creating their verse and chorus like the other classes. It was a short period that was lost, so we had to cramp everything together, both sessions in that one double period.

    I left early to go and get breakfast and went to work on my book in the library at the start of recess. All of the teachers were coming out of the library as if they had had a staff meeting. I did not know about a staff meeting. Unfortunately, OJTs are not allowed in the staff chat. Miss Santana had then settled her class in the library. She told me that she permitted me to stay, but she offered me a seat at the back so the others in the back could move to the front.

    We both spoke about what happened in the class, along with some other topics that the children had to do for their projects during the 7th period and 8th period of school. She sat by her desk in the block C staff room, and I sat on the single couch chair right next to it. We both spoke about the classwork for the Form 6s during that same period.

    I went to pack my bags quickly when she left to get her car to the other side of the compound. Others were working on the chant today and not the marching. They decided to put the marching off until next week so that more work on the chant could be finished and a better chance of completing the composition. Susan was not with us for another day.


  • Copy of English A Paper (Form 4). [Permission not Granted…]


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:25 am – 4:25 pm)

Monday, January 15, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #54) – Day #243

Date for Entry: (Monday 15 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:03 – WD:09, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    There was a big struggle to wake up this morning. I came with two prefects in the maxi. We had a nice driver playing a good song. Some of the lyrics were “Maybe you should look right in the mirror”. I'm not sure about the name of the song, but it sounded like a good song to do for a steel band.

    I did not know if “Jess” was here yet. She walked in right after I was finished writing the sentence. We went to 2L and got some of the questions done, but surprisingly the time ran out. She will have to do the Extempo session tomorrow while we have 2L again during the 5th and 6th periods.

    I had breakfast first thing when I got back to the office. Then I went to the art room. The upper school students were still sorting out the chant well. I was given a blue bandana for the sports which cost $10. I went to the restroom for Miss Roberts’s class and worked on the components of the notes lesson.

    At lunch time I got the attendance receipts fixed up for Jess and then I went to the short match practice. I was able to get one lesson finished during that short discussion lesson that was held by Ms. Gittens and Mr. Reed. Mr. Reed is the gentleman who will be coming to train the students for the match pass.

    In the evening after lunch, Jess was later to class with 2M. The students wanted to do the practical and I had stopped them from leaving the building to return to class. The students wanted to go back to the music room. I got them through some of the past paper questions and “Jess” came. She played some music from her phone to give the children an idea of what it was like. The children were then set into groups of 4.

    There was a lot of noise from them as they tried to get their topics and ideas from their topics. I did my duty for the first match practice this afternoon after school. It began slightly after 2.45. Ms. Gittens waited with her form 5 students and then they began. It seemed good for the first day.

    Maria had to leave early and Suzanne had already left. We had to stop at the pharmacy again. This evening, Zariel and I had bad gas pain in our heads causing a painful headache. We both learned that we did not eat anything for the day. Ms. and Zariel went to Prasad's supermarket and I decided to jump out of the car and walk over to the terminal to meet Daddy.

    I gave Mrs Santana her gift after the March practice. I told her that I did not want to interrupt her class in the Library.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:24 am – 4:36 pm)

Friday, January 12, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #53) – Day #242

 Date for Entry: (Friday 12 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:02 – WD:-8, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    I got to Valsayn with one student. We had a nice driver. I gave “Kimmy” the chocolates and she seemed to like it. There was a nice chat with Mrs. Ramkissoon soon and I got signed in for the day and then I had a pie. I was not sure if there were going to be lower school classes for the first period this morning because of religious instruction.

    I met “Jess” in the staff room to wait. We got to 1M late because of a discussion on the Carnival show. Mrs. Santana pulled out and then she said it would not be best for the show to be extended as an extended assembly. The same was done for 1F introducing Soka and Gospel Soca. Then we had a short VAPA meeting again this morning.

    I sat with Mrs. Santana and Mrs Rivas while they were discussing during a free period. We had a good laugh while discussing some of the business for sports day. Then I went back to the office to sort out the exemption letters for the Form 1 students.

    Lunchtime came very quickly and left the same way. I was not sure what I did for the Carnival show between Miss Kittens and Jess. I went to 1L late. It looked like Jess did the Soca writing quickly and was working with the different groups. Many of them were struggling to work on their lyrics. I worked with two boys who asked me if I could go back to the office for my Bible. I sat with them and taught for a while to come up with a topic each term for them to work on. “Twinklers” was able to write out a whole verse and chorus. He gave us his Twinkler signature laugh.

    School eventually finished and I went back to the staff room to eat lunch after school. There was a turnback when we had forgotten something in the staffroom. “Maria” had to drive back to UTT through the backroad and wait for some of the guards to come open up.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:38 am – 4:49 pm)

Thursday, January 11, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #53) – Day #242

Date for Entry: (Thursday 11 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:02 – WD:08, (Td:2)*].

**Picture of Marchers form

Dear Diary,

    It was very difficult for me to wake up this morning. I got to school on time. There was talking from a boy in 3M. He walked in with me. I told him that I had finished notating the full melody for Black Rain. I met Ms. Dana in the office and she thanked me for the gift and Ms. Mustafa did the same when she entered the office.

    Sometime after “Jan” came in and she said, “Daryl? So, ah see deh put yuh in the yellow house, boy.” I was instantly shocked and disappointed. The hope of mine was to be in the Blue House. Some time after I saw Miss Gitten and told her what had happened. She said that she knew. Ms. Harris somehow got angry when I commented, not the yellow house, the yellow house that always loses. She said. “Nah, sir. The Yellow House does win plenty. Yuh mustn’t be so negative.”

    After assembly, I gave Ms. Ramsing and Dr. Jogi individually at different times their gifts too. They were both signing to go down to Block K. I waited for Jess outside the 1F classroom to go to 2M. As soon as we got into the class, I handed out the attendance register. It was the second period at that time. I called Ms. Gittens immediately to confirm the VAPA meeting and Jess had allowed me to go to the art room. We got there late and also the meeting finished late for us. “Jess” did a listening of Soca and Gospel Calypso with 1L.

    Recess came and I made a list from the marchers. There was confusion about me now being placed in Mitchell House. But thankfully it was sorted and hooray I got to stay with the Blue House. I was told that I could use the form that I made as the official form. There was a social worker to see Ms Gittens when we were on our way to the hall during the fifth period for the house meeting. Ms. and I were joined by the Mitchell teachers.

    We had a meeting with four Form 6 students to work on the chant well. This was from the end of the house meeting probably until the end of lunchtime. I came up with something short but with three verses and a chorus. We had three songs planned out but we needed more things for the chant to be completed.

    Midway into the eighth period, I met Nathan, “Zach”, Iza and “Shiv” in the corridor. They had a free and were going to see if they could use a tenor pan to practice the pitches they had learned on the pan. I went with them to their practice outside in the back of the music room. After about six rounds of trying to roll on the pitches C to G, I allowed one of the boys to make a video for the rest of their class. Hopefully, this will help with their practical. The boys asked me to play a song for them on the Tenor Pan which was part of the recording too, lolz.

    I met Miss Soodeen by my desk after school to give her the chocolate. Only “Kimmy” was the last to collect her gift from me. I saw about “Call Me Gangsta” and a new word game that night. I played out the first 40 levels in the word game and fell asleep on the couch until 2.30 a.m.


  • Holding Pansticks Video.**

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:45 am – 4:49 pm)

Yesterday (Day #241) – (8:15 am – 3:37 pm)

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #53) – Day #240

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 09 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:02 – WD:06, (Td:6)*].

** Gifts picture

Dear Diary,

    This morning, I woke up at 2.30 a.m. I had a long night wrapping the rest of the gifts for teachers last night. I accidentally threw my bottle of rubbing alcohol on the table. The cap was not found. Strangely enough, it was nowhere around the table or around the floor where it fell. Candice and Amika's gift will have to be wrapped and brought to school another time.

    Dr. Blandon alone was with me in the office. I went to the staff room until the second period. It was too noisy in the staff room, so I left for the library. Thankfully, the library was empty and quiet. I had a big fight to get to do the introduction with my sleepiness. It was a very long fight to get the introduction to my music theory handbook completed.

    I left halfway into Mrs. Santana's class in there to go and deliver the gifts. I delivered Miss Mary and Miss “Alicia's” gifts first and then went to Block C. Miss Chote was conducting a meeting there, and I handed out the gifts on the empty tables. Hopefully, when the teacher arrived, they would have gotten their gift. Ms Patel said that she had misplaced the test paper I gave her last term.

    I was told that some of the teachers in Block K had moved out of that staffroom for health safety. “Choo-Choo” was the first to get her gift. Ms. Tia was in the corner eating her lunch. It smelled like curry and talking on her phone. I went back to the conference room, and Ms. Macmillan was there. I kept the candle gifts in a white bag and the chocolates in a green cloth bag.

    I went back to the music room for the last two periods and the Form 4 students were already there practising their ensemble pieces. It seemed as if they were working on that all through lunchtime. They were working on the “Engine Room” that Miss Roberts arranged. I waited for everyone to return to the music room, and they decided to continue working on the same ensemble piece. They did not work on solos because not everyone worked with their music, and not everyone was prepared. Some of them had instruments that they needed to bring from home.

    This evening, when the school closed, I did not stay back to close up the music room. Ms. Pope thanked me in the office, and she said it made her feel very special. When I asked, she said that she left it by her desk and waited for Mrs. Brown to come to school. I met Shiva on my way back to the office before meeting Ms. Pope, and he walked with me saying that I was making him feel special just because I had a gift for him. He took it, and he left on his way out of the compound.

    I saw the student boy from yesterday, but he didn't hear me calling him to collect the score that I had made a photocopy of. Before Ms. Jones signed to leave the evening, she gave me back the play I had asked her to check out for me since November 2022. It was in a brown envelope. I did not bother to travel home with the other four project-bonded plays that I had on my desk.

    I went home, slept again in the evening, and had forgotten to do the revised edition of the timetable for jazz. I had forgotten to do the revised edition of the timetable for “Jess”.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:33 am – 3:53 pm)

Monday, January 8, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #53) – Day #239

Date for Entry: (Monday 08 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:02 – WD:05, (Td:5)*].


Dear Diary,

    I came to Valsayn with the new teacher. The song "Dance by Myself" was a nice song to do for Steelpan. I was shocked seeing "Mr. Haynes returned to school as a student. I met Jess walking in to sign after I did. Another gentleman came looking for Mr. Ramdath but we couldn't find him.

    I met Miss Mary for a shocking chat about a scammer who had scammed her before going to the music room for observation with their form for students. They reviewed labelling codes of the C major scale with a Minor, Augmented and Diminished. Jess sat with me and we filled out a teacher's logs for the 1F role and inserted the names. It was tiring to do just one class. The form 4 students did a study of genre, Mighty Shadow, Calypso and Soca beats.

    I went to copy form one and two exam papers for Miss Jess and met her in 1M. I did the corrections for questions three and questions five and she did the rest of the questions. The majority of the time was given to the students to copy the question in their notebook. The recess was very short. I was not there for the meeting. I delivered Seth's visual arts textbook in his classroom. He had 1F labelled on the book.

    The students from 2L took too long to get to the music room after recess. Soon new pointers were given in the note. The heat got all of us tired faster as lunchtime came. I got 12 papers to them. The students did not remember to come with me to the office to collect them. Planned now to go and work on the first chapter of my book in the staff room. I could not focus so much with the loud noise and sports house meetings taking place.

    I went to the music room to visit for class after lunch. Miss Roberts said that it was practical today. I was working with a lower sixth boy doing D, F, Bb, and Ab. These scales had to be major, harmonic minor, and melodic minor. We were both wet and tired at the end of school. I taught him the pattern that they did at UWI. Deon could not see me on Day 1 but we had scheduled the seventh and eighth periods on Day 2 to do a math practical on simultaneous equations.

    I fell asleep again on the couch and then woke up exactly at 11:00 PM for my “Secret of Polygamy” show. I did not sleep again for the rest of the night. I ended up doing some work and playing a few games until the morning came.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:40 am – 3:44 pm)

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #52) – Day #238

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 02 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 January 2024)

[T2, W:01 – D:1, (Td:1)*].

**Teachers Pic

Dear Diary,

    Today is the first day of school for the term. I got to bed at 4:00 AM after watching “IT” and others. It was quick to wake up and quick to arrive at the school’s compound. My big green Mode Alive bag was filled with the Form 1s and 2s exam papers. I originally had them in my book bag but everything was squished up and the bag was fully lifted as if I was returning to Hillview.

    This morning the driver was “Shiv”. We had a smooth and empty road. When I got into the office, I saw “Nia” and Miss Dana chatting. There was a different feeling to the office. I realised that they had the blinds removed. I also saw a lady come walking down the office from the corridor and she entered the office (Miss Jessop). I remembered her from the CXC conference that I attended in DCFA last term. She went into the Vice Principal’s office and introduced herself as the new music teacher.

    As they spoke, “Miranda” asked me to get a student to move the speakers from the library and to open the control panel for them to set it up for the morning’s assembly. Thankfully, as I was greeted by some of my past students, it was already being taken to the hall. I walked with them and soon some students came to assist. I gave back “Miranda” the keys and they got ready. Miss Roberts joined us in the hall to set up too. I went back to the end of the hall and other teachers joined me after.

    It took forever for the assembly to finish. I heard the school song being sung by two Form 6 girls but I wished that they had used my steelpan arrangement. It was shocking to see that the Form 1s were not singing at all. I wondered what they had done with the YouTube recording that I had for them. I waited for the children to collect their chocolate at the door to go to their classrooms. The principal gave them until the end of period 2 for Home Room with Form Teachers.

    I went to my desk and had my first pie of the term. Miss Gittens was not answering her phone for the meeting in the Principal’s office. As soon as Miss came, we joined Miss Jessop and the meeting began.


    The meeting was suspended and moved to the Music Room for discussion of the timetables and my selection of classes. I decided to pick one class of the different Form levels. I was told by Miss Roberts that there was no Form 5 class because only one student was doing it as an additional (9th) subject. We also got some feedback on what topics were done with the Form 4s in the First term. This half of the meeting spanned from the leaving of the Principal’s office to the end of Recess (three periods and Recess) until 11:05 AM.

    We walked down to the library for the first monthly staff meeting. “Miranda” was already there and some of the staff were already seated. I sat with friends in the centre of the room and it began. I was very tired during the middle of it and tried not to fall asleep. It was nice to see that Deon and Afisha came to the meeting too. Some of the things discussed were:

  • Parent sent lunch to staff as gratitude.
  • The issue for the school to open with toilets issue.
  • Issue of leave and signing the forms.
  • Accountability before leaving the compound.
  • Supervision by teachers (HODs to schedule).
  • Teachers should talk to children about Homework before going to the dean.
  • Voting for exams to Form 3s (at the end of coursework Term 2).

    Everyone sat and ate in the library. Students passing by during lunchtime looked in and had weird expressions on their faces. I told Miss that it was probably a strange look for them to see people eating in the library, and we laughed. I did not eat anything. I chose to remain very hungry. I was busy trying to keep myself away from my two hours of sleep this morning. I was very happy to see Miss Paul come to join us too. She said that the cake I made for her was really good but it was a good laugh when I told her that it was Betty Croker box cake.


    They brought in ice cream and then Donna and Mrs Brown sat with me and Miss Gittens. We were joined by Miss Jessop. It was only after school that we learned it had cake long after the ice cream came. I met back Miss Paul in the library. I walked her to Miss Jone and we spoke about my fashion book that I shared with her. She realised it was based on the Project Runway show. There was a challenging challenge for me just before the end of lunchtime.

    I met Miss “Jess” in Staffroom C. She was given Miss Gittens’s desk to use. I had the 2F exam papers with me. Before we could make it, we met Mrs Jaikaran outside the staffroom. She spoke with me about her number being changed and could not receive my message about lessons for music. There was a quick passing of time in those evening sessions. I gave “Jess” a copy of the exam to see as we walked over to the class.

    A few students did not attend school. “Jess” did an introduction and chat. Then we got into the paper. The first question was done in class with the Minim Beats note tree written on the board for the children to copy. The second question was to be copied in their notebooks and the answer would have to be inserted.

    After school, I did not get all of my copies made because I was not getting to teach all of the children. Miss Gittens and I took the rest of the evening grading Sombreros for Susan’s Form 1 children. It has not been finished since last term. I had a big challenge with coping from the ride home until the end of having dinner.


  • Teacher's Picture & Calendar.**
  • Calendars of Events.**

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:45 am – 4:30 pm)