Thursday, December 29, 2022

Funeral Service for Nigel & Nerkyle Mootoo

Date for Entry: (Friday 30th December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 30th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the service for Nigel and Nerkyle Mootoo. The Church’s steelband was asked to play. There were two pieces done: “The Prayer” by Zara and “Oceans” by me. The service began later than two in the evening. Today was also the first time we tried to play the piece after it was amended in the summer earlier this year. I knew that the ending of “Oceans” was difficult but it went well. That was played for the recessional.

    I had a long wait afterwards waiting for daddy to come. Some of us were waiting in the breeze under Morton House facing the road. We had never seen music trucks at a funeral before. Shortly after the two hurses exited the compound. A lot of music trucks lined up the street and followed in the same direction.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Aramalaya’s Christmas Play (2022)

Date for Entry: (Sunday 11th December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 24th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This morning I had an early start to get to church. We had to be there for 7:15 and the rest of the steelband members were there practising. I felt a bit ashamed because they were practising and making mistakes in front of everyone.

    I had no idea that the service would have started faster than I thought. The time went by really quickly. Mr. Sharma was not there for the entire service so I had to count in the band on both occasions for the procession and for “Away in a Manger” during the play. The “Away in A Manger” was one of my arrangements. The procession was a medley of “Little Drummer Boy” and “Oh Come Emmanuel” that Mr. Sharma did.

    I was grateful that the service went out very well. It concluded in a short space of time. My favourite part of the play was the short video they played describing Adam and Eve in the garden. We had another practice right after the service when I met Miss Linda. There was an evening function early next year that the church wanted us to play for. The song of choice for that particular function is “The Prayer” which was arranged by Zara.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, December 9, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 12) – Day #53

Date for Entry: (Friday 9th December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I had a long start at home. I got to school very late twenty minutes after eight. Even though Miss Chote was there, the Principal came in late after me, then some of the OJTs and then Miss Roberts came in at the latest. I had Dr Sookdeo take my timesheet filled and ready to be signed and stamped.

    Once it was out of my hands, I went up the corridors with my two bags to look for Miss Gittens. She was not in the art room so I decided to of back to the office and wait. By the time I reached the Block C staffroom, I went in to see if she was there. She and Miss Libea were there. They laughed and told me, “Oh Gaw boy, Sir Boy. As soon as we now talk about yuh, yuh walk in de door.”

    I was given some of her subject registers to enter forms one to four marks to all the students on the St. George’s page. I liked the technology system but my ‘forms-making mode’ awoke and was beginning to inform me of things that can be done to improve. I wished I was able to remember to ask about making recommendations during the staff meetings.

    There was a sort of brunch before the meeting and I enjoyed the ham they had. The rest of my day was in the staffroom liming with some of the teachers and helping Miss Gittens with her marks to submit online. Did not realise the time today had gone by so quickly.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:20 am – 4:20 pm)

Thursday, December 8, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 12) – Day #52

Date for Entry: (Thursday 8th December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the students’ final day for their class parties and report sheets. I personally found it was better for report books to avoid the printing and last-minute everything that usually occurs. It did happen that way too and the office was crowded with teachers waiting for reports to be printed on legal-sized sheets. I could recall there was one of the students that did not get a music grade and Miss Roberts had to go and insert it.

    I had on my red shirt and long black pants on that day. I did not dress up like some of the other students and teachers. My entire morning was spent in a classroom working on the teachers’ attendance sheets, and subject registers, and creating a new temporary mark sheet for plenty of coursework. Those mark sheets were literally labelled “plenty coursework” on the top.

    The Teachers’ Attendance Sheet would enable the Vice Principal to take attendance for an entire month as opposed to a single week. The subject register was a complete remake of the outdated sheet they had. I heard some of the teachers comment on their dissatisfaction with the sheet. The plenty coursework mark sheet was made to accommodate marks for fifteen assignments. I had plans to make an excel version but it is still difficult to lay out the entire document on legal-sized paper.

    From lunchtime to the end of school, I was in Form 1 Leacock with Miss Gittens’ form class. She had invited me to lunch with the class. I had to carry a chair from one of the classrooms to theirs. Lunch was lovely. They had a gift exchange and I remembered getting the Christmas card the students signed and gave to me. I stayed back, helped Mr Bains pack up his Christmas tree to carry home, and sent the remainder of the cake to security by the road.

    I packed up my bag and went to wait for the bus shuttle. The pictures of the subject registers from Miss Gittens were too small to read and enter in my excel forms.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:39 am – 3:23 pm) 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 12) – Day #51

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 7th December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

*Sample picture of excel

Dear Diary,

    Today I met up with Miss Gittens a bit later than we were intending to meet. She was in a meeting with a parent and a student. We met in the office to go to the art room to start marking assignments and entering them onto her subject register. I got my laptop opened with the excel document I had made for her to enter the information from her subject registers.

    Had no idea that the day went by so quickly. By the time I was about to ask Crystal if it was lunchtime, she told me that school would have been over soon. I looked down at the cock in the laptop and I had only twenty minutes again to meet 2:30 pm that afternoon. I had another hard situation with Miss Rough-Tops’ at the guards’ building this morning. It spoiled my entire day and night. Miss Gittens, Miss Libea and I got a ride from Miss Riva that evening. We were all so very tired on our way out of school.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:36 am – 5:53 pm)

Monday, December 5, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 12) – Day #49

Date for Entry: (Monday 5th December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Didn’t have much of an early start or a good one. I work up with some bad acid pain but thankfully that was gone by the time I was leaving home. I entered my marks into the temporary mark sheet and then sorted them into alphabetical order by surname before sending them into my white folders. The assembly was not that long too. Some of the students were going over to Vishnu Boys to do lab work for their coursework.

    I did not go to the art room today because I was working on my brown table in the lonely noisy classroom next to the office doing work on my computer. I had only two students to do makeup exams that they missed last week. It took me less that a minute to mark and insert the marks.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:45 am – 3:20 pm)

Friday, December 2, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 11) – Day #48

Date for Entry: (Friday 2nd December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I was in the art room working hard on the banner for Miss Gittens’ walk tomorrow. I showed her the words that I did and as I got to the table to work on it, I saw that someone had thickened up the word “army” that I did and someone else tried the first layer of white on the word “the”. By the time lunchtime was completed, all the words were covered in white. We had some students working on their neatness of them.

    They had a talent show during lunchtime and it took some of the students a while to get back to class. I stayed with them for some time to do the exam. I also took up the papers twenty minutes earlier before school started. I could tell that they did not study their work. I went back to the art room to work as much as I could to get the oil to vie drawn over and base it in white. There were two intersecting swords to the top right that were not even one. I felt like I might have spoiled them.




** Saturday 3rd December 2022 **

    The Saturday came and it was only me going down to Barataria to meet Miss Gittens. Everyone else had cancelled last minute. Daddy got a car to carry me to meet her. It took a very long time for the car to also get us. I had the opportunity to read a sermon that she wrote and another essay. I knew that by the time I worked on it the driver would come and so it occurred.

    The walk had already finished by the time we got to Independence Square. We spent seven hours on our feet. The rain came down on us three times but did not stop anything. I was given a reading and something else that a lady predicted. My one out of many was a bit special. She opened up the entire gathering like God had opened up the ocean for the Israelites to cross the sea and she said, “Come… Slowly!” It was very scary for me. I met Daddy and Andrew in Curepe that night.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:49 am – 3:29 pm)

Thursday, December 1, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 11) – Day #47

Date for Entry: (Thursday 1st December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    At my entrance to the gate, it was nice to see one of the security that greeted me but their supervisor wanted me to be rough. I just let her yell to finish it out. I could now understand how the parent earlier this week felt when he complained about the security yelling at him and it had to be her. The only issue in her comments was that some of us were taking the bus and not reporting. I felt THAT she decided to pick on me because I was the only OJT that did not sign out that day on the bus.

    It was Day 5 in school today. I spent the whole morning and lunchtime in the art room. I saw that Miss Gittens had gotten a piece of red fabric and she drew the outline of a shield to her church’s logo on it. A lot of o time was spent on making the white in the shield thick and full. Someone else and Miss worked on the white and yellow for the flame.

    Not many of the students wanted to help. Before lunchtime ended, I took a white colour pencil and draw out the words and was only able to colour the word “army” in white paint. I saw that the students drawing below did not look at the mathematical aspect. We had to leave out a gold line in the shield. The vile with oil I saw also needed doing over because of the shape and the mathematical positioning.

    In the evening, I had the in-class written exam with Form 1L. They were quiet during the exam. I could not believe the children when they said they were not ready after all of the preparation.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:18 am – 3:33 pm)

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 11) – Day #46

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 30th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I came to the campus early. I did not play the national anthem but I was still there. Miss Roberts met me at my desk to collect some of her assignments that were submitted there yesterday. A lot of them were incomplete. I had been to the class a bit late because their homeroom time usually goes late into the first period.

    I did not have it in mind to do the exam today but because the students were asking about it and there were enough to do it, I continued. I decided to sit in the back of the class for this exam to look at the students that liked to talk during the exam like last Friday. This one was smoother than the English exam and did not take much time for the students to complete.

    A nice tactic I tried was to ask the students to check over five times and to “draw me something nice” in the empty parts of the exam paper. This helped the students in waiting for fewer students to complete the exam. We only had two minutes before the end of the second period and I took up the papers first. I then took up their Grade 1 booklets.

    I took the full hour and ten minutes of periods three and four to correct all the exam sheets and insert the total points into my ‘temporary mark sheet’. Only at lunchtime, I corrected the students’ Grade 1 books. Many of them did not do their homework and I had a lot of writing to do on square sheets of paper. Some time into the seventh period, I returned the books to their class.

    Miss Roberts had called me and asked to supervise seven students doing an exam they missed. We started late into the seventh period. I waited until the 2:30 bell for school to dismiss. It was only after school I correct the seven exam papers while waiting for the bus shuttle to come. There was enough time to do them and I left them back at school.

    Today the timesheet was due. I had handed it in somewhere after recess to Isekel. I just hope that they make copies of them. We still had the staff meeting at periods four and five that went twenty minutes into lunchtime. I had my small copybook taking notes from the safety officer and his notes about the safety drill that should be coming any time before school closes.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:02 am – 3:25 pm)

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 11) – Day #45

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 29th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Yesterday was no school because of the flooding and the closure of schools. I was able to complete the transcription of the rap song “Nah Change Up” for Miss Harris. It was a very challenging piece to do because of the rap and also because of the last-minute request. I still did not trust it to the moment when she asked me and the less rush in the corridor today. She wanted me to write in the letter as if it was too much to ask Miss Roberts.

    This morning’s transportation was another story because there were only two maxis there and no taxis. Both of the maxis were stopping at the roundabout and going down onto the highway. I decided to take the maxi and walk in because it seemed to be the only way to get to school. I had a long way to go and the sun was very hot for the morning. All day the sun was hotter than usual.  

    The attendance for the Form 1 Leacock was too little for the exam today. I did not want to do it with a short number. Instead, I had the students open their Grade 1 book and I questioned them on topics they had homework on. A lot of the questions were others from outside of the book. I also had a lot of students participating in writing answers on the board. Some of them love to draw the staff.

    Ten out of seventeen students submitted books and they were returned during lunchtime. Their class was empty somehow when I got there. The same review was done with Form 1 Farrell but I had forgotten to take up their workbooks. I did not even feel ill towards the end of lunch I only went to 1 Farrell during the last ten minutes of the seventh period.

    There were no exams needed for Miss Roberts’ Form 3 class because of the small number of participants. They were told that it would be held tomorrow at 12:20 during lunchtime. I appreciated the assembly this morning when I got to ask Miss Chote to play the national anthem on the tenor pan. I made one short mistake in the playing after playing it in Hillview. I had thirty copies of my attendance receipt forms in legal sheets. I had cut the sheets in halves. Thirty of them were for me and the other thirty I had put in the born cabinet for other teachers to use.

    On my way home, the highway had too much traffic as if some major accident took place. The bus driver took the main road up and tried to come out by WASA in Mount Hope but had to turn back. He ended up taking the back roads and allowed some of us to exit opposite Yang’s Wuk. I had to cross the bus route and the main road. I walked up to the back road in line with Vashti and walked down to McLeod Street. It was only at 4:45 that daddy met me at the junction.


  • “Nah Change Up” – Score. **
  • “Nah Change Up” – YouTube Recording.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:20 am – 2:55 pm)

Friday, November 25, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 10) – Day #44

Date for Entry: (Friday 25th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today was a long day for me. I was glad to get to school early and had breakfast at a very slow pace before assembly. I had my final review class with Form 1 Mitchell and for the same class I was supervising them for the English A exam (periods 3-4) and English B exam (periods 5-6). Just before class, there was mood six. From lunchtime until the end of school, I was in the art room with Miss Gittens and Miss Briggs working on my pillow case design.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:07 am – 2:43 pm)

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 10) – Day #42

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 23rd November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I had a panic when Miss Roberts told me in her call coming to school that the previous principal Mr Sammy told her that the music had errors. I had already made printouts f all the scores into a booklet for different sections of the school. I did not want to have to make over music because of the work done already and the cost put out to make them.

    We met in the corridor and she showed me what was sent to her and she did not remember to tell me until that morning. I felt better than the entire singing from Mr Sammy was exactly what I had in the updated version of the booklets. I had shown Miss Roberts the books and she liked them. She said that it would be something the steelpan students should have for the rehearsals.

    At the end of the conversation of many things, I ended up leaving the bag of booklets there on my desk. I was disappointed because I was finally hoping to go and drop the booklets into the library so that the school could finally for once own music notation to their school song.

    The school was closed early because of the heavy rain at lunchtime but the sun came out in full right after. I saw Miss Philips sitting with Miss Roberts in the lobby area and I handed her the teacher’s log with amendments. She seemed happy about it.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:31 am – 12:10 pm)

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 10) – Day #41

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 22nd November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today Miss Roberts did not come to school because she had to attend the SanFest competition with the students and participating students. There was no assembly in the hall because of the flooding down by the cafeteria side of the campus. I waited a while and went over to get the security to open the music room. Walking back to the office the rain came down on me and I had to run. It was amazing how I got there to school at the same time as yesterday. The road was very clear as if it was before six in the morning.

    The Form Five Music students were already in the music room by the time I got there with my books. I had a photocopy of the piece “Air” and a compilation book with “Invention Number Two.” Both students were using the tenor pan. The student doing “Air” did not have much work to do except for working on her timing and being able to get accustomed to the tempo (sixty crotchet beats per minute).

    The next piece was only six spots more in tempo. This second student needed a bit more assistance when I saw that some pitches were not correct. She had only one more bar to complete section B of the piece. The only homework I gave them was downloading a metronome app on their phones and setting it to the correct meter and tempo. That was the end of the class. I found that it went by too quickly.

    I later spent more time in Miss Gittens’ art room working on colouring the pillow casing design. Only at the end of lunch, I had the students lock up the music room and I went over to get my tray with books for class with Form 1L.

    This particular class was noisy but it was easier when I had everyone writing out the review answers on the whiteboard. All seven topics were reviewed and there was one student to snapshot the summary notes for their class group. I took the shuttle back to Curepe from George’s that evening.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:15 am – 2:48 pm)

Monday, November 21, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 10) – Day #40

 Date for Entry: (Monday 21st November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The morning sky was dark as night. I did not get to the UTT site until 7:15 while sheltering on the main road and having my pants lightly went from cars dashing water on me and the others. I did not make a run for it with the umbrella as many did. I knew the strength of the rain was not good to personally make it.

    I met Miss Phillips again this morning. I showed her the teacher’s log that I made. Her only issue was that she preferred the session boxes to be left to right instead of a vertical setting. She still took it. I made the change later that night to see what she might say the next day.

    I had my only class for the first two periods of the day. Unfortunately, the form teacher took up my entire first period. They were talking about food, so I went back to the office, had breakfast, and returned to the class door with my tray of books in my hand. I opened the door for the teacher to know I was there.

    I went in and took out my marker to write out everything. Then I went to get the grand staff chart for the form ones. I got a student to take a picture for their class group. The same was done for the grand staff chart after the discussion. I went back to the office and wrote out some questions I wanted to do as a review with the class for tomorrow. It would be their last before the exam next week Monday and Tuesday.

    As soon as lunchtime came, I was on my way up to the visual arts room. Miss Gittens and I spoke for some time as I applied the white fabric paint that she gave me. I was able to complete that aspect of the ‘primer’ work. I was also allowed to put some white acrylic paint onto the ‘primer’ layer. I have the second half of the pillow casing to cover before adding the colour.

    I supervised Miss Roberts’ Form 2L class exam during the last two periods. The exam was supposed to last during the first period and about fifteen minutes before the last one. I only gave them all of the seventh period and at the start of the eighth period, I collected the papers.

    I had to give them their next assignment that was due on Monday. I wrote out the requirements but sadly their whiteboard destroyed my markers in the process. I told them in short what they had to do and, who and where to submit the assignment. They had fifteen minutes before school would close. I took the papers to the office and began correcting them for Miss Roberts. I had six more to do when I got home. I just have to do her attendance for the class in her subject register.

    I took the last bus shuttle with Isekel today to go back down to George’s. We had a good laugh about almost falling asleep on the way to school when the ride was about to end. Somehow the ride down to George’s get the three of us tired on the bus. I’m just glad that the rain did not wet us down again like in the morning. Nice cool weather to walk in.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:15 am – 3:04 pm)

Saturday, November 19, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 9) – Day #39

 Date for Entry: (Friday 18th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 19th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I woke at 4:30 again and I got ready. I could make it to the UTT site at 7:07. I left my pencil case at home and did not feel comfy for the whole day. It was early and I was in the outer part of the office alone I saw Miss Gittens coming into the office to sign her attendance after I did. I could smell the religious Hindi incense that Doctor would light when she is in her office. I only saw her some minutes going to assembly when Miss Roberts called me on her way down to the car.

    Miss Roberts asked me if I was interested in going to the SanFest competitions with the students on Tuesday. I told her later that day that I would prefer to stay back in school because of my class in the evening and that “I could also go and see about some of her classes which she is out on that adventure.”

    The assembly went by sometime this morning. Dr Sookdeo told me that I was welcome to join them in the hall. I did just that because I enjoyed being out there listening to the things that the students had to say. The national anthem was played by a girl from one of my Form One classes on a tenor pan. They ended up keeping the instrument in the hall. It was better for carrying it back and forth.

    The assembly ended up finishing an entire ten minutes into the first period. I was late but I knew that the lesson to teach would have been very short. I had Form One Leacock and the class was completed with twenty minutes to complete the second period. I reviewed the pitches on the treble staff and then introduced the Bass clef. The discussion was on the Grand staff and Middle C. The grand staff chart was used. The same was done in the evening class. Both classes were nightmares.

    A while before lunchtime I was in the library typing out a teacher’s class log. I did not have my flash drives, so I had to do something new from scratch. Miss Phillips gave me one that Miss Patel made and I transformed it into a longer one that caters for twenty classes in a term. I hope that Miss Phillips appreciates this and makes it easier for her to do her class logs. I did not finish this form until I got home. Suddenly I began to feel too sleepy. I went back to my desk in the administrative office and fell asleep for the rest of periods four and five.

    I awoke nine minutes into lunchtime. I got up and went to the visual arts room with the Form One book that I made to go visit Miss Gittens. We had a while to wait because a cleaner came to see about the room. Miss Gittens gave me a pillowcase to draw designs on; sometime before I left, she helped me put a whole liquid within the shapes I drew. She said that the liquid helps to keep the wet fabric paint. There was already some plastic placed on the inside of the pillow casing.

    I had forgotten to take it home with me to work on it. I even stood out in the wet rain to get a taxi. I did not use the bus shuttle because daddy and I had to go to the bank, Charan’s, the barber, and Payless before all of them closed for the evening. The bank and Charan’s were a compromise. We got the shoes and went home.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:07 am – 2:41 pm)

Thursday, November 17, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 9) – Day #38

Date for Entry: (Thursday 17 November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 19th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I left my orange pocket diary at home. I had to wait until I got it to safeguard my time arriving at UTT and the time that I left. There was a crazy staff meeting that went on. I do not think it was productive. It was abruptly concluded and teachers were still left on the spot.

    I sometimes find that teachers should agree on a day of the week and pick a topic for that meeting to try and find a strategy or some kind of workable solution to the issues around. A fourth and fifth period is not enough time for some of those teachers to speak. It might be way too long for some of the teachers who may have given up. There was an argument in response to something by the time that Dr Sookdeo left and many others. We spoke about the submission of reports online versus printed reports, the new acting Vice Principal, the VAPA concert and other things.

    During lunchtime in the visual arts room, Miss Gittens had completed the Bristol board piano project. She had one and I had my one for next term with the Form One students. We had both worked on her music theory homework by the time and spoke about the meeting during the fourth and fifth periods. I had to ask her about submitting the marks and entering marks on the temporary marks sheet I had made.

    During lunchtime, I could not go out to meet dad in Curepe again because of the heavy rain. Even the library was beginning to fill up with water because of the leaks in the roof. I called daddy around twelve and he told me that I should just write him a letter to collect the letter from the office in Tunapuna. We also celebrated the secretary’s birthday and some of them were a bit too cold for ice cream though I had two cups and enjoyed them.

    Before the day was over, Miss Roberts had to go back to George’s to get some more steelpan instruments. She asked me to correct her Form 2M worksheets and I finished the last set at my table in the gallery at night. I had fun doing them but it was too depressing because the students could not complete them and did not know the work. She told me that those were the form two students that did not have music with Miss Paul for all of their time in Form One. I used the bus shuttle again in the evening to go down to George’s with Kiel and Isekel.




Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46 am – 3:28 pm)

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 9) – Day #37

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 16th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 19th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I fell asleep on the couch again this week. The phone woke me at 4:30 in the morning before sunrise. I took the time to go on the computer and fix up St. George’s college song to be printed. I wanted the booklet to be printed, bound, submitted and over with. I completed all the steelpan parts and then sent them off to Isa by email along with a cover page that took me six minutes to complete. I got my logo into it and tried to make it as good as I could.

    Going down in the Maxi I felt that I would have reached late. The road was even piled up with traffic at the road merger. When it was time to sign in at the guard booth, I was shown 7:51 was my time of getting onto the site. I did not have much to do today since it was Day six. I did not see Miss Roberts today.

    When it was getting to period four, I went to the library with some of the OJTs for the ‘staff’ meeting. A lot of quarrelling went on. We had a lot of conflicts about submitting marks online or on printed paper. We insufficiently spoke about the way that the term was supposed to run and the meeting was not formally concluded. Everyone left confused, and I went back to the administration office to cut some cards. I got them cut as seven by five inches and had the questions I wanted on the back so that the questions can easily be done tomorrow.

    I spent my entire lunchtime in the visual arts room with Miss Gittens. She had finally finished the Bristol board piano. One of the yellow Bristol boards was cut badly. I was lucky that I brought another sheet of yellow to school last week. I took the measurements from the good-cut piece and cut out the excess. There was some glue from a large bottle and got it stuck.

    Miss Gittens and I had a nice laugh when I showed her the dot of glue and made the comment “stippling”. The rest of the evening was nice after having an icy cold chocolate sucker bag. We went through some of her homework by the rest of lunchtime went on. I had a while to sit in the office and they decorated it. There was a little while for the bus shuttles to come.




Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:51 am – 3:44 pm)

Friday, November 11, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 8) – Day #34

Date for Entry: (Friday 11th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 16th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Miss Robert was not in a happy mood today. She ended up having to go home ill early. She gave me her copies that were misplaced in the administration office and asked me to give them to her Form Two Farrell class. While she waited in the admin office but at the counter in frustration, I handed her the printout of the test and as soon as she left I had it sent to print.

    It was only until the time of the class that they were not in class. All the students were gone and they were not in the music room. I learned that there was a safety and health for Form one to three. I kept the copies in my desk drawer for her until Monday.

    However, earlier I was asked by Miss Phillips to supervise her Social Studies class. She handed me some copies of two textbook pages. I learned that she was a Social Studies teacher at the time. Their reading topic was the “Governing of Tobago.”

    The Form Twos had questions one to five to do in class and question seven as homework. I wrote out the information on the whiteboard and allowed the students to begin working. It took a very long time for that class to be over. One particular student chose to misbehave. In two other episodes he had troubled other students and I notified the Form Teacher in the office after lunchtime.

    As lunchtime began, I had my materials on the desk and the laptop turned on when Dr Sookdeo said that she finally had some time to see all the works that I had done. She pulled one of the waiting area’s chairs and had a seat and I spoke to her about the teacher’s individual subject register. All of the previous versions were shown to her before the current one.

    It was strange the laptop did not want to turn on but it did eventually. I showed her the bus shuttle attendance sheets and event registration forms. Soon Miss Phillip came walking into the office and I gave her the attendance form that I had the students sign for her. I shared with them the newer version of the attendance form sometime after explaining and then the temporary mark sheet.

    I did not have classes in the evening. I thought that it would have had a double in the seventh and eighth periods. I was taking off the scotch tape from the receipts for the parang projects and putting them into their class files. Lunchtime did not bring many students to submit so I had to extend the deadline to Monday instead. From Tuesday the penalties will commence until Friday.

    I got the bus shuttle with two other OJT guys and we walked up the road from George’s. All three of us fell asleep on the ride down to school. I had no idea how I was gonna start marking the papers but I was very excited to do it.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:48 am – 3:31 pm)