Monday, February 27, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #21) – Day #90

Date for Entry: (Monday 27th February 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04th March 2023)

[T2, W:9 – D:37 *].


Dear Diary,

    This morning the safety officer joined me in the maxi on the way to Valsayn. Miss Roberts finally came to school. I did not stay in the office for the morning because it was too busy. I decided that a chart for notes and values would be useful to assist the Form 1s with preparation for the final exam. I used my brown folding table in the office and then I had the erasing done outside. Last time erasing had t be done it fell on the carpet and it was hard to take out.

    This chart was half of one Bristol board sheet. I saved the other half for the lesson on rests. However, the lines for the rest chart were drawn and left for another time. I got a chance to see what 1F had to do for visual arts and tried it also. The concept was about good and bad energy. One page was done in pencil and the other was done in paint using complementary colours. I still have to research the meaning of complementary colours.


  • Complementary Colours. **
  • Image of Positive & Negative Energy Project. **


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:55 am – 3:32 pm)

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