Thursday, February 9, 2023

St. George’s College (WEEK 18) – Day #80

Date for Entry: (Thursday 9th February 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 11th February 2023)

[T2, W:6 – D:27*].

Dear Diary,

    We had a nice empty road to school today. The ride in the maxi was short. Wished it was nice like that every day. Assembly went on late and I ended up sitting down on a bench waiting for my class with 1M. I had an interesting chat with Miss Santana. Miss Roberts’ Form 5s came walking up to me as the chat was about to begin. They didn’t see Miss Roberts and my exam with 1M was about to begin. Dr Sookdeo was able to handle the situation for them.

    A satisfactory number of students were there that day. Sadly, one girl only drew nice pictures on the paper. She wasn’t able to answer the questions. I got a call from daddy in the middle of the exam. He told me that mama’s funeral would be today and that they would be going to the cemetery for her burial at two in the afternoon. I told him to let them go on without me.

    As soon as I finished with 1M and got back the papers we had three more minutes for the double period to complete. I went to the office and got about seven papers graded but did not feel so well afterwards. Miss Roberts was not there again and I did not feel strong enough to climb those stairs.

    I went to the art room to see if more painting like yesterday would help me but it didn’t work. I spent some time chatting with Miss Gittens and Miss Mary again. I would have had 2L later that afternoon to supervise but one teacher was assigned supervision for that class and I went back down the stairs.

    I felt better some hours after school. Had to walk all the way from Curepe junction, up the hill and walk up the road to get to Home #2. Everyone was at the funeral. Had a very awful problem that night. Had to rest on the couch.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:49 am – 3:38 pm)

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