Monday, February 6, 2023

St. George’s College (WEEK 18) – Day #77

 Date for Entry: (Monday 6th February 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 11th February 2023)

[T2, W:6 – D:24*].

Dear Diary,

    One maxi was waiting to pull off. As soon as I got in six Georgian students came walking down. A lot of latecomers were entering the hall that other morning and the time for this gathering took a very long time to finish. I did not see Miss Roberts’ name in the register when I got back to the office from my first class. She had 2F that morning and the 5s right after recess.

    I got the music room opened and had the bag Mr Baachu gave me. I had a while to wait in the front of the classroom because the students take more than too much time to get to class. I realised that it was a restless call but worse than 1F and 1L. I reviewed the topics that they were introduced to me and asked if they were once students of Miss Paul’s.

    When they said yes it confirmed my thought. I noticed that the dots lesson was missing so immediately I took out my form one handbook and began whipping up the lesson from the top of my head. I did not have the teaching notes I had made for the dots lesson so I made questions on the spot too. I knew they would not have the red Eric Taylor (Grade 1) book. We had spent double periods on that lesson and I corrected their exercises for the students.

    When recess concluded, the Form 5 students came. Not all were present. I think a girl and one boy were missing. I spent the whole double period training one of the steelpan girls. She had a grade three-piece that I helped her with first. We were able to complete one section in four measures that day. She was also working on the piece “Chinese Dragon Appearance” that I did for my Grade 2 exam.

    There was a boy playing the violin and he was all right with the piece. It was the first time I knew that the violin could do double pitches. I was excited and amazed. To Form 1 gentleman came to do the make-up exam for Test #2. I graded both papers in the music room and transferred the marks to my mark sheet upon my return to the office. Praise God there was not too much noise in the music room this lunchtime. Miss St Louis and Miss Daniels got their invitations for the Lip-Sing Assignment.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:34 am – 3:29 pm)

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