Monday, October 31, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 7) – Day #25

 Date for Entry: (Monday 31 October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 5th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the first working day for St. George’s College at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) campus in Valsayn. The rain caused a lot of flooding that morning and the maxis were not there in the stand. Daddy and I walked back to the taxi stand in Curepe and we got a car. A lady told me in the car that she ran back to tell us that the maxis came but she took the car with me. Going down they spoke about Halloween and I remembered it was the last day of October.

    When I got to the gates of the UTT compound, the security wrote my name in their book. It was different information than in Barataria. I had to ask the guard for the time to transfer into the OJT attendance log. I wrote the time into my orange diary first before the OJT log as usual.

    Sitting at my desk in the administration office, the noise was the first thing to go through with teachers and others coming in and out of the heavy glass door. It was day six so I did not have classes as well as the rest of the school. I did not understand why we were asked to come out to the campus so quickly when it did not seem prepared for classes.

    Miss Roberts came into the office late to sign. We walked around the campus to find the second staffroom in Block K and later we went to the music room to see the layout. When we got there, people were still working in the room and they had placed some tables and chairs in the room. It took up space and we wondered how the steelpan instruments would fit in the space to the back. All of the tables and chairs were cramped up to the front and we didn’t know what to do with the rest of the room.

    Some long minutes after, the principal came into the room with another lady to check the music room. I soon found out without asking that the lady was the school’s supervisor. I had never met a school supervisor before but the conversation was nice. I walked Miss Roberts back to her desk and got my bags to go back to the administration office. She said she had a meeting and I asked to see her later for some help.

    I went and started to have lunch and started to work on a bus shuttle form. Miss Gittens had messaged me minutes going to five in the morning to help her make a list to check the students go on the bus. We had spoken about this earlier this morning before school started. As we spoke about it, the teachers’ subject register I had made over was coming to mind. I Miss Gittens that I could make a form for the entire month with large columns and they will have spaces for the five days of the week. I saw the smile come to her and she said she liked the idea.

    I got the laptop turned on and opened up the teachers’ subject register and used the Forms 4 to Upper 6 version. I was glad that it did not take long to do but I did not know how many students needed to be filled into the tables. It was no longer two tables for boys and girls but just a continuous table. I was able to get a list of the names from Miss Patel and Miss Sawh when they saw what I made for them.

    It was only the night after working hours, and I had made two sets of lists. I was not sure which one they would have preferred to use. The first set was two documents that had a lot of rows in case there were more students to add in. The second set of two lists was concise and used less paper. There were two emails sent to the three teachers for both sets. Miss Gittens had liked them. For the two of us, the concise one might not have been so visually appealing.

    In the last thirty minutes before school finished, I got my way back to Block K to work on the melody for the college song. The ‘children’ in the staffroom were noisy as usual. Miss Roberts and I tried really hard to listen to the video with the children in the video singing the St. George’s College song. The second verse had a change in only one measure. I was glad that the review went by in that short space of time.

    I got a ride with Miss Libert up to Curepe and I got to create thirteen multiple-choice questions as we waited twelve minutes in traffic getting out of the UTT compound. Some more waiting on the main road to get there I shared with her the Temporary Mark Sheet that I had made for myself. She said that she would love to use it so I sent a PDF copy to her later after doing the two sets of forms for the Bus Shuttles. We also spoke about the time at St. George’s and Google classroom before getting out.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:35 am – 2:33 pm)

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