Wednesday, October 5, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 3) – Day #13

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 5th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 9th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This morning I had the music room opened. As usual, I would turn on the light in the pan room and adjust the air conditioning for when the students come. I would do the same in the music classroom and then straighten up the chairs in preparation for the day of class.

    Miss Roberts still had her books of stuff on the desk to look at or teaching books that were supposed to be on the inventory list. I was able to resource the Trinity Grade 1 piano book and sight-read fifteen measures of a piece. It had the word legend in it. The weather changed rapidly into the night and heavy rain burst down.

    The two of us were taking the new inventory list of the equipment and furniture that was for the music classroom and the steelpan room. I had offered her to write it when she said that her handwriting wasn’t that good. We spent a long while trying to figure out where the stands and books went. Instead, we made a new list in the school’s book for what was there and Miss Roberts gave me the job to create a list for both rooms. I felt really special getting to write in the school's book.

    I recall one of the ladies that came suggested we printed a list of it and had it stuck on the walls in both rooms. The colours for that form were decorated in the school colours red, green, and blue. I wanted Miss Roberts to check over the list but she had to take it by email to leave school.

    During lunchtime, I was approached by two students at my table in the music room. It was a boy and a girl and they had brought me a lovely. I did not read it until near the end of lunchtime. It was most appreciated. There was a very short presentation done by three upper-six Music students. I did get an opportunity to give feedback and comments too on their practice after Miss Roberts.

    The Form 1F class was not fully there. The majority had already gotten parents to take them home because of the weather and we decided to cancel the class. The whole school had emptied out and the remaining students were in the hall. We only had three minutes until 2:30. Aunty Vangy had come to pick me up and I got to share with her and Adrianne the card that the students gave me. The rain did not come down until the next morning.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:15am – 2:33pm)

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