Monday, October 17, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 5) – Day #17

 Date for Entry: (Monday 17th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I got up and hurried down the road to get to St. George’s. I was excited because we were going to have a meeting with the school supervisor. I had never met one before. I heard Jesse’s mom call me out from their house window. I couldn’t hear most of her questions. At some point, I had to leave and go into the school’s compound.

    Entering the staff room, some of the teachers were already there. We were all waiting and talking about the meeting. I still had a lot of time to wait before the bell for school to ‘commence’. I sat in the hall and took in the calm feeling that the school always gave me. I was happy to see what some of the past principals' pictures handing on the wall but the Mitchell one was missing.

    We had a short briefing from Dr Sookdeo. She said that the school was unsafe for the students and that it would cost a lot of money to fix the whole school. They were looking for a new place for us to host the school. The heads of departments were off to the new venue for a look and all of us remained in the staffroom for the rest of the day. 

    During all that time, many of the teachers were restless in the staffroom. It was nice that the day was rainy to keep the environment cool. That same morning around 10:12 am, I got a Facebook Messenger message from someone asking for assistance in writing some music. I was very insecure about sharing my phone number but I sent it anyway to see what help they needed. (A separate entry for this was made. See the link below.)

    Miss Roberts returned with everyone and we had a late meeting. They were supposed to get back to school at 1:10 pm to have the meeting. It began twenty minutes later than expected and everyone was tired and restless in the staffroom all day. I spent the day working on teaching notes for another lesson plan.  



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:23am – 2:43pm)

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