Wednesday, October 19, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 5) – Day #19

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 19 October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The staff members had to meet at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) in Valsayn for eight that morning. Some of the other teachers were there when I got to the site at 7:39. Daddy walked me in by the gate and then went back home. I walked in to stay with the teachers gathered there under a cool tree. We were not allowed the buildings as yet. I did not have on my usual office clothing because I knew it was a lot of sweating to be done. I’m glad I made that decision.

    When the caretaker sent the drivers to park at the back some of us went to walk around until we found the hall. Everyone came into the area and around 8:30 we had the meeting which was started by Dr Sookdeo. We had a short meeting there and then a tour of the campus. The two tall buildings had two upper floors. Miss Santana kept me company walking around the area.

    The allocated space for the music room was at the end of block six. I was a bit shocked when I walked into the area. It had a nice office space but had a restroom inside the area too. It was a bit strange to see that.

    There was a longer continuation of the meeting in the hall once the tour was done. We had a lot of fallouts in it and unsettling conversations. I was wondering if Miss Roberts would come but I thought she would be back at school working with the choir and the students doing solos for the SanFest competition.

    When I got back to school, I signed the attendance at the time that I was present on the UTT site. I then went over to the music room to join the others. I helped out with all recordings for the day. The choir had their final rehearsal for the recording to submit.


  • St. George’s (2022 SanFest) Choir – “Jireh”.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:39am – 2:41pm)

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