Thursday, October 20, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 5) – Day #20

Date for Entry: (Thursday 20th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I felt bad. For me, it had been two weeks since I had not done much like many of us in the staffroom. I stayed with Miss Roberts in the music room doing more of her recording of the students.  

    It was only last minute that she asked me to type out her listing of students to register for the SanFest competition. I wished she had asked me to do it earlier so we could have had more time to check it through.

    This listing became a DAPHA Project and my logo was inserted onto the sheets. Miss Roberts did not want it to be a table layout as in the form I made for her earlier. She showed me how the competition people wanted the information. I was still able to create a neat-looking document for all of the categories the students were entering. It was incomplete because there would have had to be more visual arts students to send in their information.

    Miss Roberts and I both finished our day after three in the afternoon. I was finished just in time and the rain came down. She left school after I emailed her the work and I went to the staffroom. Everyone was gone. Only a few other teachers remained and the tables were empty. I saw that they had their tables labelled with masking tape so I got some and labelled my desk and chairs. I only got to have my first meal for the day at that time. The rain came down with thunder again. Got a little wet in the drizzle but by the time I was on my way home, the sun came out brighter before the day’s end.

    That night, I got a new software called Anthem score. I was able to continue working on the Tunapuna Secondary School Song. It gave me a PDF of the music it was able to get. Unfortunately, the Musescore was not able to do its job by scanning the PDF to make it an actual file. I had to use what was provided to me by the Anthem Score software and use it as suggestions. Much of the results were not so useable. At the end of my work for the night, the introduction and the first verse were completed.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:36am – 3:51pm)

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