Tuesday, October 18, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 5) – Day #18

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 18th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This morning daddy’s phone was giving the usual call trouble. I heard the phone ringing again while walking down to St. George’s. I thought it was his phone calling again. I was so wrong. I also had that particular painful ‘walking issue’ again today.

    When I got onto the pavement alongside the school, I saw the choir members inside the school’s compound. They were waiting near the closed pedestrian gate. I went to sign and then called them to take them down to the music room.

    By the time we were inside the room, I got a call from Miss Roberts and got upset one time. I understood why she was upset too as she spoke to me but I wasn’t in a position to twist my ankle for a second day and also to have a long period to clean mud off my shoes a second day. We all waited in the music room for a while.

    Miss Roberts showed up at 9:08 and they started choir immediately. The choir was not ready for rehearsal and there was a short warm-up exercise done.

1.    Shoulder Rollings: backwards (x8 times). Then frontwards.

2.    Shoulder Squeezes: Up but not tight for five seconds. Then back.

3.    Neck Twists: Look to the left and hold (x2 times). Then the right.

4.    Chin Pointing: Point the chin up lightly to the roof. Then chin tucked into the chest.

5.    Cheek Rubbing: Massage by the ball part of the fingers. (Forward a few times the back slowly.)

6.    ‘Rare’: (Like a short howl or screeching sound done twice.)

7.    Arpeggio Warm-ups 1: Starting from E3 moving up in chromatic order. Then backwards. Altos begin and stop when uncomfortable. The sopranos will start where they are capable of singing.

8.    Arpeggio Warm-ups 2: Starting from E3 moving up in chromatic order. The choir members will sing the syllable ‘ma’ from the pitch to the fifth in ascending direction. In the descending, sing ‘ma’ from the pitch as the dominant and downward to the perfect fifth.


    Sometime after the choir was on recess, I got to explain why I wasn’t able to answer the phone. This work continued for the entire morning. Then there was some work with the solos for SanFest. I was asked to assist with recordings for some of the students.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58am – 2:37pm)

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