Friday, April 28, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #27) – Day #122

Date for Entry: (Friday 28 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 06 April 2023)

[T3, W:02 – D:10*].

**Picture of lessons checklist

Dear Diary,

    I got to Valsayn with two students in the maxi this morning. Still a lot of traffic filled the road but I got there in time. Miss Roberts was earl somehow this morning in the office. I intended to work on charts but realised that I had left my markers back home.

    Instead of that, I went to the staffroom to work on my lesson plans. I also did not have the flash drive to do work. I decided to create a checklist for the different lessons and what I needed. It took me two minutes to draw up the table and insert the names of the topics. I spoke with Mr Shiva shortly after Mr Bains shared the ‘racoon story’. Sadly, our chat was cut when Miss Patel told us there was a bomb scare.

    I turned off the laptop, packed up quickly and waited out at the back of the compound with Dr Blandin. Everyone kept outside in the hot sun. 1L and 1F were the first full class to make it. I stayed with 1F the most to await their Form Teacher. Miss Daniels met us in the field far outside the school to the opposite side. I gave her their roll book, and she went through the list.

    The busses were called back for the students to go back to George’s and the rest of the students gradually emptied the fields with their parents coming to pick them up and a lot of them travels back to their homes. The issue for most of the students was that they would have had to leave their book bags We were called by the principal but not much was said. I escaped the teachers’ gathering and went back to the children instead.

    Long waiting happened. The field was emptied and only less than thirty students remained. The majority of the students were Form 6 students. Three hours later in the hot sun, the principal called everyone out to the front by the community centre. We had some more waiting. I got an assumption form to do while waiting. The other OJTs called the PMO but she was not answering. They went off and I stayed behind.

    Some long minutes after, two police officers arrived and another. We had some more waiting. Miss Trail had her speech and some of the teachers had to accompany the students in groups of ten to go to get their belongings. Not many of them were around. Other teachers were driving out and going home. I was the only one to go into the office and got back my stuff.

    I began to feel as I this was a national drill for some anniversary or something. I just took the stuff I needed in case there was an actual bomb and left. It was also my first sip of water after getting back into the office to my bags. I got a trip to Curepe from Mr Bains but Miss Gittens had forgotten my yardstick back in the art room. I had to hold back on the chart-making for the weekend.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:40 am – 1:44 pm)

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