Saturday, April 22, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #26) – Day #116

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 20 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 22 April 2023)

[T3, W:01 – D:04*].

** WhatsApp Picture from Uncle Ram.

Dear Diary,

One Georgian came with me to Valsayn this morning. During the early periods, I went to the library to get an exam on the grand staff completed. Because of time being limited to teach the Form 1 student everything before the end of the term, I knew it would not be used. I still decided to continue to make it for future use. It was still good to make for future use.

I had forgotten my yardstick mommy gave me to do chart making and they changed the Wi-Fi so I could not do much internetworks. I decided to go and meet Miss Roberts to speak about the topics  I would have to teach next. All she had me do was review the exam papers with the students and seeing that today a new topic should be done, we had to speak. Making my way to the music room I met Miss Roberts in the corridor and we began to speak about the Form 1s performance and what they had done in the Red Grade 1 book.

For the rest of this discussion, I was very angry. She did not have a plan but she “just like to go.” I did not find it very organised. And the suggestions given to me did not sound workable. I then began to have to explain for a seventh time that you must teach semiquavers to the students before attempting most of the exercises and that beaming would be a preposterous question raised by the students. They would not have known how to do both.

Instantly, she dropped the bomb right in my face and said, “Well, we will just have to teach them semiquavers.” The word “we” sounded like the word you. I felt so hurt because out of all the six times, she said, “Semiquavers are for Form 2! Don’t do it!” The same vexed face was maintained each time and I knew it had to be done sometime later. She left in a hurry until the end of school and I began to see that the questions she even gave me for the students as homework and in-class exercises were not suitable for the students to use. I had to go through the book and find better questions.

The school was out of legal paper and I thanked God that I had some in my draw that I brought from home. I got the two pages (10 & 23) copies for the students this evening. I only had fifteen minutes remaining for lunchtime after chatting with Doctor to rush down a plan to teach and introduce semiquavers and also beaming. This was certainly enough time. The seventh period was about to begin and the staffroom door was stuck. Thank God we had an emergency door.

Surprisingly, the beaming lesson was not as easy for them as I thought. I will have to come up with another method of delivering this lesson. I had to review all the notes we did from semibreve to quaver, making sure that the English name was written and then the America Fraction names were given. I then asked about the note below the quaver and nicely some of them remembered the semiquaver from the handbook that I made for them. I asked about the semiquaver rest and then showed them the value it carried.

I did not see Miss return to the compound to let her know what happened. I will have to continue in the same manner with the other two Form 1 classes. I saw there in 1L for a few minutes after school to read the message that Uncle Ram left for me from Vessigny. He had gone to drop off the books and everyone was really happy about it. I walked out of school that evening with Kiel, Crystal, and Janice.


  • Thank You Card from Vessigny.**

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46 am – 3:48 pm)

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