Tuesday, April 25, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #27) – Day #119

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 25 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 29 April 2023)

[T3, W:02 – D:07*].

** Topics from 2M

Dear Diary,

    There were no Georgians today. Heavy rain was pouring down. I didn’t want to go to school this morning. The road outside was already pooled up and passing cars splashed water around. I was late but I still got to 1M with my bags. I corrected the homework and taught the lesson within the time. Miss Roberts called me and said that she was not coming and overslept. I had already known that she wouldn’t show up.

    After class with 1M, Miss Roberts’ 2M class came down to the music room. Obviously, she had no plan and she liked to preach about it. I sat down with the students and asked them to tell me about all the topics that she gave them. I had plans to teach dotted notes and dotted rest but seeing that they did not do rests, I chose rests instead. They were given a picture of the chart with dotted notes and dotted rests.

    After recess, was the 3F class that she did not come to teach. I waited a while for them outside in the cold corridor outside of the ‘music room’ and saw them coming. I did not feel to teach them anything new that day. I did have a very adventurous idea to teach them part of my steelpan arrangement for the college song. I got the remainder of the book that I had from my desk in the office.

    The students were able to learn the first two systems by the end of the time I called an end to the class. We had about six minutes before the lunch bell went. I also invited the students to my YouTube channel to gain access to the recording of the arrangement that I did. They were very amazed at it.

    During lunchtime, I took some napkins from my desk down in the admin office and cleaned up one in the ‘music room’ to use. She had never found or made a place for me to sit down and work in there. It was shiny and clean, and I got a place to rest my charts on it. A lot of the 1F students were around. I sat down and worked on two in-class activities for my beaming lesson plan and another for my accidental lesson plan.

    I had given Miss Mary a good ‘migrating’. We had a good laugh over it. I got a ride from Miss Louis and have to prepare to share the Mark Book tomorrow if possible.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:25 am – 3:50 pm)

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