Thursday, April 27, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #27) – Day #121

Date for Entry: (Thursday 27 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 29 April 2023)

[T3, W:02 – D:09*].

Dear Diary,

    No Georgians were in the maxi today. Light rain fell and no bear around either. I had breakfast late and Miss Chote came in saying, “Emm, Mr Ali You’re having a nice breakfast.” Didn’t know how that was if nice or simply a message. No trust there. From Teachers usually need time to go through certain things with their form children before leaving for the first class to begin.

    I did class with 1M on the same ties and slurs that Miss Roberts did with 1L yesterday. I did not like giving them that particular note to copy but if I didn’t episode eight would have come sooner than expected from her. As I got back from class, Miss Chote again told me that Miss Roberts was not there that morning. I told her it was the seventh and eighth and she reminded me of supervision. So tempted to ‘ask’ if she was the one angry at me on Monday.

    For the rest of the day until the end of lunchtime, I went to help Miss Gittens draw lines on her Bristol board envelope to make labels for SBA submissions. It was a lot of work but she labelled the first envelope and I did the other three long ones. Miss Roberts had a guest do some kind of CAPE work for music and marks to discuss. It was a friend of Miss Gittens.

    Miss Robert ran away with her bestie somewhere later in the evening and had me left back with 2L. I took the time to review the exam paper and quizzed them on extra things related to the topic of the questions. We had a lot of fun. I knew Miss Roberts would have come back when school would have been over. Like yesterday, they were given an invitation to my YouTube channel to hear George’s anthem that I did for Steelpan.

    By the time that I got back to the art room that same evening the four portrait envelopes that I drew lines on were already labelled. I had a nice peanut suck-ah-bag while I waited. Miss Laurence did not come again for me to share my Mark Book invention.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:49 am – 5:16 pm)

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