Saturday, April 22, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #26) – Day #117

 Date for Entry: (Friday 21 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 22 April 2023)

[T3, W:01 – D:05*].

Dear Diary,

This morning I walked into the compound with Crystal. No other Georgians were with me. We spoke about the term and the way some people were behaving since the start of the term. The hall was out of bounds after assembly because of the Physical Education moderation that entire day.

Miss Roberts only showed up after lunch and she looked vexed based on how she was walking. I saw her coming down the corridor while sitting in 1L while Miss Gittens took the roll after lunch. I had some of their handouts to give back. I decided to give them back their slips from last term at the end of the next class.

A small portion of my morning was spent in the music room from the second period to the middle of the sixth period. I could not take in too much of the burning incense messing up the oxygen in the office. I needed a place to work and the library would have been too noisy to do what I had to do. The staffroom too was not the ideal place to work since the teachers would be busy entering marks and talking all the time.

I got a sheet of paper and worked on restructuring the Form 1 lesson topics I had planned out by the term previously. I did not even have many resources to work on a lesson plan. I had to leave six Form 6 students in the music room. They had a pan class during lunchtime. I did not know the teacher but I just stayed for three minutes and left.

The students in 1F had the full lesson completed with fifteen minutes left for school to be over. I had some of the students with confusion about the beaming. It seemed to me that a chart would really be necessary for the beaming topic after all. I didn’t go home straight after but went with Miss Gittens to Port-of-Spain on the Apostle’s two assignments and returned exactly ten in the night.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:32 am – 3:27 pm)

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