Monday, April 17, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #26) – Day #113

Date for Entry: (Monday 17 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 22 April 2023)

[T3, W:01 – D:01*].

Dear Diary,

One Georgian was in the maxi this morning. The assembly went a bit late today. I walked with my song bog with George’s College song just in case they would have liked me to play it on the tenor pan for the student to sing. The change did not materialize. Miss Roberts asked me to supervise the 2M class in the music period during the third and fourth periods. They had some kind of accounting to do about the school’s graduation. I reviewed the exam papers that they did.

After recess, I was already back in the office and making my way to the library for the staff meeting. Some of the teachers were given some small chocolates the principal was sharing for her 33rd anniversary of teaching. A review of the mission statement was given and some statistics on the school’s performance in various subjects were shared. They did not come to me to help with it, so I suppose that was less work to do. There was a particular action plan sheet we were shown and I liked it. I hope it would help the school people be more organised. 

Miss Roberts got the topics that I had planned out for the entire academic year. She also wanted me to write out the page numbers that were completed in their red Eric Taylor. We did not speak about it after. When school was finished, I had a really good evening liming in the staffroom before being dropped off in Curepe.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:36 am – 5:28 pm)

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