Monday, October 31, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 7) – Day #25

 Date for Entry: (Monday 31 October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 5th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the first working day for St. George’s College at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) campus in Valsayn. The rain caused a lot of flooding that morning and the maxis were not there in the stand. Daddy and I walked back to the taxi stand in Curepe and we got a car. A lady told me in the car that she ran back to tell us that the maxis came but she took the car with me. Going down they spoke about Halloween and I remembered it was the last day of October.

    When I got to the gates of the UTT compound, the security wrote my name in their book. It was different information than in Barataria. I had to ask the guard for the time to transfer into the OJT attendance log. I wrote the time into my orange diary first before the OJT log as usual.

    Sitting at my desk in the administration office, the noise was the first thing to go through with teachers and others coming in and out of the heavy glass door. It was day six so I did not have classes as well as the rest of the school. I did not understand why we were asked to come out to the campus so quickly when it did not seem prepared for classes.

    Miss Roberts came into the office late to sign. We walked around the campus to find the second staffroom in Block K and later we went to the music room to see the layout. When we got there, people were still working in the room and they had placed some tables and chairs in the room. It took up space and we wondered how the steelpan instruments would fit in the space to the back. All of the tables and chairs were cramped up to the front and we didn’t know what to do with the rest of the room.

    Some long minutes after, the principal came into the room with another lady to check the music room. I soon found out without asking that the lady was the school’s supervisor. I had never met a school supervisor before but the conversation was nice. I walked Miss Roberts back to her desk and got my bags to go back to the administration office. She said she had a meeting and I asked to see her later for some help.

    I went and started to have lunch and started to work on a bus shuttle form. Miss Gittens had messaged me minutes going to five in the morning to help her make a list to check the students go on the bus. We had spoken about this earlier this morning before school started. As we spoke about it, the teachers’ subject register I had made over was coming to mind. I Miss Gittens that I could make a form for the entire month with large columns and they will have spaces for the five days of the week. I saw the smile come to her and she said she liked the idea.

    I got the laptop turned on and opened up the teachers’ subject register and used the Forms 4 to Upper 6 version. I was glad that it did not take long to do but I did not know how many students needed to be filled into the tables. It was no longer two tables for boys and girls but just a continuous table. I was able to get a list of the names from Miss Patel and Miss Sawh when they saw what I made for them.

    It was only the night after working hours, and I had made two sets of lists. I was not sure which one they would have preferred to use. The first set was two documents that had a lot of rows in case there were more students to add in. The second set of two lists was concise and used less paper. There were two emails sent to the three teachers for both sets. Miss Gittens had liked them. For the two of us, the concise one might not have been so visually appealing.

    In the last thirty minutes before school finished, I got my way back to Block K to work on the melody for the college song. The ‘children’ in the staffroom were noisy as usual. Miss Roberts and I tried really hard to listen to the video with the children in the video singing the St. George’s College song. The second verse had a change in only one measure. I was glad that the review went by in that short space of time.

    I got a ride with Miss Libert up to Curepe and I got to create thirteen multiple-choice questions as we waited twelve minutes in traffic getting out of the UTT compound. Some more waiting on the main road to get there I shared with her the Temporary Mark Sheet that I had made for myself. She said that she would love to use it so I sent a PDF copy to her later after doing the two sets of forms for the Bus Shuttles. We also spoke about the time at St. George’s and Google classroom before getting out.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:35 am – 2:33 pm)

Friday, October 21, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 5) – Day #21

Date for Entry: (Friday 21 October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today not much was done. A lot of the teachers in the staffroom took time to old-talk and make noise. I had some work being done during the day. When I got there at school, I sat down and had my breakfast. I met Miss Phillip and we got a box for Miss Roberts.

    In the manner that the teachers were using masking tape to tape up their boxes, I did not wait much longer. I was hoping that Miss Roberts would have shown up to the school to help her in case she wanted her things to be packed a certain way. Thankfully when I started packing, she came immediately and we packed up her thing. I had four long pieces of masking tape that had her name and “staff” written on them to stick on her desk, chair, box, and glass covering of her desk.

    When we were done with that activity, she told me something important. I remained back in school for the day afterwards working on the Tunapuna Secondary's School Song. I was angry because some unbelievable chords were not even chords used in the piano part. I was only able to finish the rest of the chorus by the time I got home. Luckily, a lot of it was coping and pasting from there. I saw Miss Harris enjoyed the table and chair a lot again today.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:36am – 2:36pm)

Thursday, October 20, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 5) – Day #20

Date for Entry: (Thursday 20th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I felt bad. For me, it had been two weeks since I had not done much like many of us in the staffroom. I stayed with Miss Roberts in the music room doing more of her recording of the students.  

    It was only last minute that she asked me to type out her listing of students to register for the SanFest competition. I wished she had asked me to do it earlier so we could have had more time to check it through.

    This listing became a DAPHA Project and my logo was inserted onto the sheets. Miss Roberts did not want it to be a table layout as in the form I made for her earlier. She showed me how the competition people wanted the information. I was still able to create a neat-looking document for all of the categories the students were entering. It was incomplete because there would have had to be more visual arts students to send in their information.

    Miss Roberts and I both finished our day after three in the afternoon. I was finished just in time and the rain came down. She left school after I emailed her the work and I went to the staffroom. Everyone was gone. Only a few other teachers remained and the tables were empty. I saw that they had their tables labelled with masking tape so I got some and labelled my desk and chairs. I only got to have my first meal for the day at that time. The rain came down with thunder again. Got a little wet in the drizzle but by the time I was on my way home, the sun came out brighter before the day’s end.

    That night, I got a new software called Anthem score. I was able to continue working on the Tunapuna Secondary School Song. It gave me a PDF of the music it was able to get. Unfortunately, the Musescore was not able to do its job by scanning the PDF to make it an actual file. I had to use what was provided to me by the Anthem Score software and use it as suggestions. Much of the results were not so useable. At the end of my work for the night, the introduction and the first verse were completed.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:36am – 3:51pm)

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 5) – Day #19

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 19 October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The staff members had to meet at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) in Valsayn for eight that morning. Some of the other teachers were there when I got to the site at 7:39. Daddy walked me in by the gate and then went back home. I walked in to stay with the teachers gathered there under a cool tree. We were not allowed the buildings as yet. I did not have on my usual office clothing because I knew it was a lot of sweating to be done. I’m glad I made that decision.

    When the caretaker sent the drivers to park at the back some of us went to walk around until we found the hall. Everyone came into the area and around 8:30 we had the meeting which was started by Dr Sookdeo. We had a short meeting there and then a tour of the campus. The two tall buildings had two upper floors. Miss Santana kept me company walking around the area.

    The allocated space for the music room was at the end of block six. I was a bit shocked when I walked into the area. It had a nice office space but had a restroom inside the area too. It was a bit strange to see that.

    There was a longer continuation of the meeting in the hall once the tour was done. We had a lot of fallouts in it and unsettling conversations. I was wondering if Miss Roberts would come but I thought she would be back at school working with the choir and the students doing solos for the SanFest competition.

    When I got back to school, I signed the attendance at the time that I was present on the UTT site. I then went over to the music room to join the others. I helped out with all recordings for the day. The choir had their final rehearsal for the recording to submit.


  • St. George’s (2022 SanFest) Choir – “Jireh”.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:39am – 2:41pm)

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 5) – Day #18

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 18th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This morning daddy’s phone was giving the usual call trouble. I heard the phone ringing again while walking down to St. George’s. I thought it was his phone calling again. I was so wrong. I also had that particular painful ‘walking issue’ again today.

    When I got onto the pavement alongside the school, I saw the choir members inside the school’s compound. They were waiting near the closed pedestrian gate. I went to sign and then called them to take them down to the music room.

    By the time we were inside the room, I got a call from Miss Roberts and got upset one time. I understood why she was upset too as she spoke to me but I wasn’t in a position to twist my ankle for a second day and also to have a long period to clean mud off my shoes a second day. We all waited in the music room for a while.

    Miss Roberts showed up at 9:08 and they started choir immediately. The choir was not ready for rehearsal and there was a short warm-up exercise done.

1.    Shoulder Rollings: backwards (x8 times). Then frontwards.

2.    Shoulder Squeezes: Up but not tight for five seconds. Then back.

3.    Neck Twists: Look to the left and hold (x2 times). Then the right.

4.    Chin Pointing: Point the chin up lightly to the roof. Then chin tucked into the chest.

5.    Cheek Rubbing: Massage by the ball part of the fingers. (Forward a few times the back slowly.)

6.    ‘Rare’: (Like a short howl or screeching sound done twice.)

7.    Arpeggio Warm-ups 1: Starting from E3 moving up in chromatic order. Then backwards. Altos begin and stop when uncomfortable. The sopranos will start where they are capable of singing.

8.    Arpeggio Warm-ups 2: Starting from E3 moving up in chromatic order. The choir members will sing the syllable ‘ma’ from the pitch to the fifth in ascending direction. In the descending, sing ‘ma’ from the pitch as the dominant and downward to the perfect fifth.


    Sometime after the choir was on recess, I got to explain why I wasn’t able to answer the phone. This work continued for the entire morning. Then there was some work with the solos for SanFest. I was asked to assist with recordings for some of the students.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58am – 2:37pm)

Monday, October 17, 2022

Tunapuna Secondary School (SONG)

Date for Entry: (Monday 17th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 18th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

The following sectioned entries below will detail the occurrences and activities relating to the creation of the Tunapuna Secondary School’s Song.



** Monday 17th October 2022. **

[St. George’s College (Week 5) – Day #17]

This morning I was supposed to go to join the teachers in the staffroom for a meeting about the concerns of the school’s danger to everyone. It was a long day with the morning meeting for heads to go to the University of the Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) site and the continuation site in the evening.

    Sitting at my desk in the staffroom at 10:12am, I got a Messenger text from a new Facebook friend name John. He was someone I did not know at the time. After the long and tiring day, we did not speak for much until later that night.

    During our conversation via text from 6:43 to 7:06 pm, he had asked for assistance in music notation. It was to score the Tunapuna Secondary School song. I learned that there was no existing music notation for the song. It reminded me of my first time hearing the anthems for Hillview, Vessigny and St. George’s.

    I was told that there was something done that he met there when starting to work at the school. It was a recording of the song with a lady singing and someone playing a keyboard. While listening to it, I knew that a lead sheet would have been necessary before beginning to transcribe that entire song. I was surprised by the length and wondered how the students would learn it. I suppose it is the same as Vessigny. I just at the time hoped it would not have taken forever like the Vessigny steelpan arrangement.

    As soon as John was approving the lead sheet, I asked him for the name of the persons responsible for the text/lyrics (Amanda Jagassar), melody (Juliet Robin) and the name of the school song. I was told that the name of the song was “Our School Song”. I recalled seeing that in their school’s anniversary magazine in the newspapers some months ago. I did not agree with it as a name for the song but didn’t comment.

    I was given a snapshot of the school song’s lyrics. That would have been helpful to me in creating the lead sheet. Before our conversation concluded, I learned that Dr Mohammed had referred him to me about notating the music.




** Saturday 22nd October 2022. **

This evening was kind of my first face-to-face meeting with John on Zoom. We did not chat much at first but got straight into the music topic of the evening. I was the one that created the link so I shared my screen and showed him the lead sheet first.

    I mentioned that the text was difficult to interpret during the chorus section. I did not know if all of the chorus sections were “thy light HAS come” or “thy light IS come” since they were not exact. The melody and piano accompaniment version was five pages in length. The playing was done and we spoke some more about it. As I did for St. George's and Hillview, I also had to ask for a copy of the school’s logo that will decorate the score.

    As part of the conversation, I also added a share of what I had done for St. George’s anthem and Vessigny’s anthem. Then I moved the attention from the three to Hillview’s College song on YouTube. I did offer John to make a YouTube video of their school song but had mentioned that if the principal had given his or her approval, I would continue to work on that.

    A little before my presentations for that one meeting were over, I shared with John a short view of the results from a new software I downloaded called Anthem Score on Thursday 20th October 2022. As I had expected, there would have been a huge mess created. I was consulting with John during the week about the chords used in the piano part and he too found them to be very confusing.

    While I was busy trying to strictly notate what was being done in the music, I had forgotten about listening to the music and allowing it to tell me what it wanted. I found it to be much easier as I used it this way. I’m glad that the music spoke to me. I was also forced to make some negotiations as expected and sooner than expected too I was done with the piece.

    When my meeting ended with John (7:30 pm), I took the same lead sheet and began working on the steelpan version of the same school song. I felt like it was too much work to do but I did not entertain that feeling. I continued working on the arrangement because I know of the special importance it will serve later on. My work for the night ended at 9:00 pm.


  • Vocal Score with Piano Acc. [Available by Email.]
  • Anthem Score Results: Voice & Piano Acc. **



** Sunday 23rd October 2022. **

At 9:00 pm the last night, I was able to complete the introduction of the song which was four measures in four-four times. The verse was not difficult at all to create a strumming pattern. I ended up ignoring all that was given in the recording of the singing lady and the confusing piano part. Instead, I did what I wanted and chose to bring it to life like Vessigny’s anthem and St. George’s anthem.

    Additionally, I was very pleased that the same strumming patterns for the verse could have been reused for the chorus. It reduced more work to be done and they were copied and pasted in immediately.

    Verse three on the other hand presented more challenges because it was different from the other verses. A new strumming pattern had to be made for the double tenors and double seconds, and the Guitars and Cellos.



** Monday 24th October 2022. **

In my previous work with St. George’s, I felt that it was necessary and satisfactory to have the Tunapuna Secondary School logo inserted into the scores that I had created. Unfortunately, as time went by from the date above all the way to the end of the team, no logo was given to me. I had to source the same image from Google. This image was not a proper or official one.  

    On Tuesday 6th December 2022, I saved the image and edited and cleaned it myself. The file format was changed for the insertion of the image into the Musescore file.



** Tuesday 13th December 2022. **

Last night I had all the materials to make Tunapuna’s Song sent to print by ISA. I decided to make a book for them as I did for St. George’s with all the parts for the steelpan arrangement and the vocal piece with piano accompaniment previously completed.

    In addition, I decided that it would be good to insert copies of all the parts of the national anthem I had done for “PanChile” some weeks ago. I heard that they were starting a steelband trial for the first time and knew that as a steelband in Hillview, the college song and national anthem were the two most crucial pieces above all other repertoires.



** Wednesday 14th December 2022. **

This morning was an early one. I had a nice surprise visit from Mr Ramasar (at 11:28) for a while until our conversation was then continued in the Tunapuna Secondary School’s compound. It was my first step into the compound. I was very excited. My view of the school was only the back entrance by my home.

    The environment was quite different but standing in the car park, gave me that same calm and welcoming feeling that St. George’s presented me all these years. I was asked to sign the guard’s book shortly after.

    It felt like I was definitely going to school. I carried my bookbag with the booklets and my laptop with the bag in my hand. I met the Principal and Vice Principal for the first time some minutes after setting up my laptop in the waiting area. I had the vocal piece with piano accompaniment opened first to play for them and explained that this was the work requested of me to do.

    Immediately after the vocal and piano version, I had the steelpan version waiting. None of the three had heard this one before. I explained my reason and importance and then played it for them. I found a bigger, better feeling from the steelpan one after playing the vocal and piano one. Even though I have heard the steelpan version many times before the meeting, I think we were all surprised by the way the rhythmic introduction came in. The chorus was way nicer. We enjoyed it.

    Once the steelpan version was completed, I got out my plastic bag with the booklets. It was another surprise I had for them. They were already sorted so that I would distribute them. I mentioned that the books were gifts to the school via a particular area or office within the compound and not to a specific person. They understood.

    The last and eleventh book remaining in my bookbag was left with Principal for Miss Robin who composed the melody. One book was given to the Principal’s Office. One book was given to the Vice Principal’s office. Three books were sent to the Music Room. Three books were sent to the library for archival and safeguarding. The final two books were given to the Administration Office.

    In my view, as the Form One version as a Hillview student, I can now feel satisfied that notation in every necessary way for the school song is created and is available to anyone. It would be easily accessible throughout the school and no longer scarce.


** Monday 21 August 2023 **

    This afternoon I decided to put together the arrangement and photographs that I was given on my visit to the school into a YouTube video. There were six recordings done. Unfortunately, after six attempts, the quality of the visuals was still not pleasing. I am glad that this project is finally completed after an entire academic year of waiting. In addition, I hope that it provides a useful tool in assisting the students to learn their school song.


  • Tunapuna Secondary School (TSS) Song.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

St. George’s College (WEEK 5) – Day #17

 Date for Entry: (Monday 17th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I got up and hurried down the road to get to St. George’s. I was excited because we were going to have a meeting with the school supervisor. I had never met one before. I heard Jesse’s mom call me out from their house window. I couldn’t hear most of her questions. At some point, I had to leave and go into the school’s compound.

    Entering the staff room, some of the teachers were already there. We were all waiting and talking about the meeting. I still had a lot of time to wait before the bell for school to ‘commence’. I sat in the hall and took in the calm feeling that the school always gave me. I was happy to see what some of the past principals' pictures handing on the wall but the Mitchell one was missing.

    We had a short briefing from Dr Sookdeo. She said that the school was unsafe for the students and that it would cost a lot of money to fix the whole school. They were looking for a new place for us to host the school. The heads of departments were off to the new venue for a look and all of us remained in the staffroom for the rest of the day. 

    During all that time, many of the teachers were restless in the staffroom. It was nice that the day was rainy to keep the environment cool. That same morning around 10:12 am, I got a Facebook Messenger message from someone asking for assistance in writing some music. I was very insecure about sharing my phone number but I sent it anyway to see what help they needed. (A separate entry for this was made. See the link below.)

    Miss Roberts returned with everyone and we had a late meeting. They were supposed to get back to school at 1:10 pm to have the meeting. It began twenty minutes later than expected and everyone was tired and restless in the staffroom all day. I spent the day working on teaching notes for another lesson plan.  



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:23am – 2:43pm)

Thursday, October 13, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 4) – Day #16

Date for Entry: (Thursday 13th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today 1M was the first to get the answers to review the worksheet. Some email replies were still coming in from two days ago and the other two classes. I’m gonna have to have a nice chat about that when the next scheduled time comes for them.

    More of the lesson plans continued. I was able to do four lessons for the second term this week. Hopefully, by the weekend I would get to do some more or maybe finish that term and be typing them up.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:52am – 3:00pm)

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 4) – Day #15

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 12th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I was sooooo very late. That extra hour on the bed felt good that I awoke from the last phone screaming at 7:30. I darted into the shower and got the computer started minutes after eight. This was probably the latest so far.

    I had music with 1M for periods one and two. The same issue with emails occurred. Some were not in service and parents gave their contacts instead of the students. Now all the Form Ones had the worksheet; I hoped.

    That night, I constructed the answer sheet because I did not want to wait for the morning and have the class waiting. I was glad that the information fitted on one sheet of letter-sized paper. Since there were two classes for the day, I spent both emails one after the next. The evening was used for taking attendance on the new register sheets that I made.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:02am – 3:00pm)

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 4) – Day #14

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 11th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The school’s email told us that today was day one. I spent some time yesterday coming up with a worksheet for my Form One students to do in the absence of our class. We also had a departmental meeting that started at 8:30 and then at 10:30 right after there was a staff meeting also on Zoom. VAPA and Languages were grouped together.

    I did not get the link to the first meeting on time so I took the time to write up the email for the students. I was not sure exactly what I would say in that first email as a ‘teacher’ but I thought about it a lot and gave it my best. Only later in the evening, I was harshly disappointed with myself when I did not ask the student to reply with their names and Form class. It would have been the only way to count attendance. I still have to find out who had working emails. Some were from parents and not students.

    In the staff meeting, we had a short wait and then a prayer was said. Some events that occurred cannot be recorded here in the journal. We heard from some of the teachers present in school that the corridors were not very safe and some of them were leaking. I had a very weird feeling from one of the school’s five emails over the days about us having to be present in the staffroom and not being able to teach. Daddy’s response to it was true in a way.

    The meeting concluded at 1:40. At one o’clock, I was having my lunch at the dining table still wondering about everything and listening to the meeting. I fell flat on the couch afterwards. It was a lot to take in. 



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46am – 3:46pm)

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 3) – Day #13

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 5th October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 9th October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This morning I had the music room opened. As usual, I would turn on the light in the pan room and adjust the air conditioning for when the students come. I would do the same in the music classroom and then straighten up the chairs in preparation for the day of class.

    Miss Roberts still had her books of stuff on the desk to look at or teaching books that were supposed to be on the inventory list. I was able to resource the Trinity Grade 1 piano book and sight-read fifteen measures of a piece. It had the word legend in it. The weather changed rapidly into the night and heavy rain burst down.

    The two of us were taking the new inventory list of the equipment and furniture that was for the music classroom and the steelpan room. I had offered her to write it when she said that her handwriting wasn’t that good. We spent a long while trying to figure out where the stands and books went. Instead, we made a new list in the school’s book for what was there and Miss Roberts gave me the job to create a list for both rooms. I felt really special getting to write in the school's book.

    I recall one of the ladies that came suggested we printed a list of it and had it stuck on the walls in both rooms. The colours for that form were decorated in the school colours red, green, and blue. I wanted Miss Roberts to check over the list but she had to take it by email to leave school.

    During lunchtime, I was approached by two students at my table in the music room. It was a boy and a girl and they had brought me a lovely. I did not read it until near the end of lunchtime. It was most appreciated. There was a very short presentation done by three upper-six Music students. I did get an opportunity to give feedback and comments too on their practice after Miss Roberts.

    The Form 1F class was not fully there. The majority had already gotten parents to take them home because of the weather and we decided to cancel the class. The whole school had emptied out and the remaining students were in the hall. We only had three minutes until 2:30. Aunty Vangy had come to pick me up and I got to share with her and Adrianne the card that the students gave me. The rain did not come down until the next morning.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:15am – 2:33pm)

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 3) – Day #12

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 4 October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 9 October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This morning I got a ride with Aunty Vangy. I was afraid of getting soaked down in the rain that was supposed to be coming. I also wanted to carry down the small table that I had at home because I wanted to stay away from the staffroom as much as possible to avoid any argument or conflict concerning that table. We let security know that I was keeping the table in the school. It was a new record for reaching on time.

    I had some trouble with the wifi at school. Only at home, I was able to get the document open. Miss Roberts wanted me to check something for her. When I got to school that morning, I met some men painting the walls on our building block. It had filled up the music room.

    Also, there were some persons from the Ministry of Education that came into the music room to check our inventory. Miss Roberts had already sent her Form Fives out of the steelpan room because the pain was filling up both rooms. I turned off the air conditioning units and turned on the electronic fans in the room. It cooled down soon after.

    While the persons were interrogating Miss Roberts, I left to go to the office hoping that the wifi would send me the document she wanted me to look through. I was finally able to get a list of all the students to take attendance for the classes conducted thus far.

    By the time I returned, I went and sat on a chair along the corridor far from where they were painting with the Form Fives. I had to dismiss them myself when the bell rang. I told them it was better to go off to which class and avoid being late as the third period started. They agreed and left packing up. I returned to the music classroom.

    In the afternoon I had a double period for seventh and eighth with Form One Leacock. They were a bit easier to wrestle. Unfortunately, on a day as such Miss Roberts had a large class that needed to take them to the Music Room. I had to be in school under the supervision of Miss Patel or someone else that was assigned to me.

    We did not have a piano and I did not remember asking to get the keyboard to use in the classroom. I had to leave the short singing exercise for the next double period that we would be in the music room. The class ended about five minutes before school was over.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(6:55am – 2:46pm)

Monday, October 3, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 3) – Day #11

 Date for Entry: (Monday 03 October 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 08 October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I came in early and Miss Roberts entered the music sometime after assembly. It was nice to see her after the time she was away from school. She seemed better than last Thursday when we spoke. When we spoke at her table there was a form that she wanted me to make for her. It was a form for students taking part in the San Fest Competition in the various categories they wanted to enter.

    The form took a double period (3rd & 4th) to create during her Upper Six Music class. It was not difficult at all to do. I selected legal-sized paper for the list and wrote out the information Miss Roberts wanted. The three girls were preparing for a presentation as part of their School Based Assessment (SBA). I also had some input in it while sitting at the back of the classroom to access a plug for the laptop charger.

    That morning I had a double period with 1M. The students told me that the timetable had been changed and I was given a double period of music with them. I was glad because I now did not have to divide the lesson in half for tomorrow but teach the entire second lesson. It was better that way for me.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:29am – 6:50pm)