Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Individual & Intermediate Ensemble Classes

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 8th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 6th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today mom and I went to Unit Trust to do some banking and then I went off to MY school at DCFA. The rain was about to pour down again. First, I had to see Mr. Sharma in his office for class. He shook my hand as I opened the door and showed me where to get a Pan. He took me to the Pan Theatre and opened up another large red door on the side. From there, I had to choose an instrument and then sign for it in a book with my name, time of borrowing, time of returning and then my signature. He then gave me the key to lock it back. This made me feel special because the key was a very fancy one indeed.

    We walked back to Practice Room 4 with the nice Piano from the last time. I bought a book he had on sale from the school for my course on Scales and Technique Patterns for “Frontline” Pans for forty dollars. There were two other books I had to buy from him. For the first class, we went through Blizzy and then he gave me three songs to work on: Air, My Cool Tune and the same Blizzy. All of these were from the Grade Three Exam book.

    After class, I put back the pan and signed for it. Then I took a walk around the campus and then got back to the Pan Theatre in time for the Intermediate Pan Ensemble class, which was going to start at one o'clock. Soon I just went in and signed back for another pan and some of them helped me as they set up for class. 

    The teacher came in and read a piece of the outline for the Pan Class. His name was Mr. Nurse. Then he let us introduce ourselves. I was first so the things he asked for was why you wanted to study here, what’s your principal instrument and where did you come from. 

    One of the things he said was that we were going to do is get introduced to another pan. This was frightening for me but then I wanted to try double seconds because I’ve heard that it was one of the best sounding pans from one of my friends. This was another thing that Mr. Nurse asked me in front of the class and I was glad that I was paying close attention to what he was saying. Hooray! 

    At the end of the class, I went to ask Mr. Nurse if it was possible to get a copy of the full score but then he said, “I don’t give copies of the full sores, only the parts. Sorry.” I was a bit sad but then was still happy I got Sheetmusic to add to my library. The name of the song was called “Paradise Garden.” The score still looks nice and so is the melody but not this horrible set of cut-time it is written in, oh dear.


  1. Receipt for Scale Studies and Technique Patterns for 'Frontline' Pans.
  2. Paradise Gardens (Tenor). [Permission was not granted.]

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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