Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Extra Homework Is Great

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 15th September 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 7th July 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today in General Musicianship we did some rhythmic writing where Mrs. Neaves played a rhythm either by a melody or by using one note until the end. We had to write them down in the workbook's manuscript. At one random time during a period of silence my friend, Moonick (Monique) said she got one right. I knew that what Ms. Neaves had said when we burst out was true that within time, practice makes perfect.

    At the end of class, I was a bit sad because my favourite class of music had come to an end for the week but then it was the beginning of another interesting piece. When some of the students had already left the classroom I when to show missed my homework, which she had forgotten to pick up. I was happy to include the part where Miss asked us to find the members of Mr. Patrick Castagne’s Bandmates because one of the members had answered her question about who had originally written the National Anthem.

    It was the second name on my list, Curtis Pierre, I saw she smiled and said, “Yes! That’s him.” So I was glad then, Lolz. Then I took out my copy of the National Anthem to show her the extra homework I did for fun on Saturday. Something told me to give it to her so I asked her if she would have liked it and she said yes. She gave me her red pen to sign it just like the one below on this very same page but the space it had was not enough for me and it came out too squeezed up. I was given a copy of "For unto us a Child is born" SATB.

    I also showed Natasha the music and she looked amazed with the smile I saw on her face. Then she looked at Harmonizing and I could really understand what she and Ms. Neaves was talking about how beautiful the Double Tenor can sound in the Mezzo-soprano voice. She then said, “Thanks for sharing” before she left. I was hoping that Natasha would have been able to notice anything that needed fixing or something to change.



  1. National Anthem of Trinidad and Tobago Homework.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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