Saturday, September 26, 2015


Date for Entry: (Saturday 26th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 7th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today in the Afternoon was my Youth Group Meeting at the Morton House in the Church Compound. The sad thing was that last Saturday I was supposed to teach the Group a piece on the Pan and to also prepare a song or two for Reverend Adrian at his Farewell party.

    On walking to meeting with my Pan and other musical stuff, Ria told me loudly as I walked up to them that the Church was locked. My face was firing hot inside as I couldn’t believe this but I just sit down and evaporated this whole bad feeling from my mind within.

    While the meeting was over Ria had asked me, “Dars? Was there anything you had planned to teach us any music or something on the pan today?” I said yes and went through some fun rhythmic reading with them.

    I was glad that Ms. Saunders was in school helped them with a slight foundation to understand music. A few of them clapped it out. I know that Music is not their principal subject but I’m hoping that they can take an interest in this and make the Board and Church proud. 


    I was not surprised the next Saturday before I could realise that they were not serious about having the Youth Steelband but chose to waste time and not tell me anything. I was hoping that we would have been able to use the steelpans in the church that were there alone in the corner. It was since 2013 I was waiting for this so I went home and tried to move my mind away from this. 

    Over the years of my UWI certificate and degree, I choose to leave that alone and stay with the Sunday. If the Youth Group should ever become serious about the steelpan then I will step in and assist however I can.

    The same flashcards that I had made hoping to use with the Youth Group in our practice times were thrown away. I was too angered and it had reminded me of what happened that day. All twenty-seven of them are gone. So this will result in n photographs of them for this journal entry. The book I made for the group was not deleted but still saved for the journal.


  1.  Aramalaya Presbyterian Youth Group Steelpan Book.

Daryl Zion M. Ali


  1. Hello Dar, so sorry about your flash cards and the hard work you put in....
    Always in life there will be people that will disappoint us, for one reason or another...that's so sadly is how it is for some persons....
    But Dar, you are so gifted and talented always continue to be available to share this blessings with others, but use wisdom as you continue to be directed by Almighty God. Blessings dear
