Friday, September 4, 2015

Caribbean Lab - (THEA 0601)

Date for Entry: (Friday 4th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 6th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I got a fourteen-hour sleep. I was surprised to see how long I was asleep. At two o'clock dad and I went down to UWI in the Open Campus. I hope that they took my Immunization Card so I wouldn’t have to deal with this problem again. We also went to the Daaga Auditorium to register for an ID for the gate. While waiting, I saw a boy and a girl waiting to register from when I went to see Mr Sharma about our schedule for Pan Lessons. The time was heading off for four o'clock for my class but I was hoping not to be late for that first Friday class.

    He called up five numbers and thank God there were no one for those numbers. Then my turn had come up. He did everything quickly with signing me up and then told me an email would come to my inbox and then I can register for the gate. I was glad that I got through and in time for class. While leaving the rooms at the Dagga Auditorium, I took my book bag from dad and we walked into the languages Center and then I saw two of my friends there. Dad left me and then shortly I walked up with them.

    Soon the teachers came. It was a man (Mr. David Cave) and a lady (Ms. Patrice Briggs). It was really cold in there but the strange thing was they said that we didn’t need any books or pens so I was not sure how the class was going to be. They called all of us onto the stage. The female teacher taught us an interesting maybe it was a different tongue that I didn’t know of, shortly after, she told us that it was something that she made up:

    After this she made us dance in any form and said that everyone had a rhythm. When she said this, it reminded me of the long meeting Ms. Graham had in school about the CXC Music and all of the last-minute preparations with Ms. Saunders and me I. Then she said, “Freeze!” She said, “Turn to the person on the right and introduce yourself and say who your favourite artist is.” 

    I had no one because the wall was to my right, so then the male teacher asked me and I said, “Liam Teague.” We danced around again and miss stopped us. She said, “Turn to the person behind you and tell them why you’re taking this course.” There was no one in the back so the girl in front of me was my partner. So, I said that I took it to help me become a better music teacher in the future. The next time, was to stop and in the group and the person in black had to ask all of the questions.

    The last time was one for me. She stopped us after the song and said, “Stop and look for a connection. Stay in one spot.” After a short while, she told us to go forward. I was looking at the same guy who asked me what my name was in the black from the last stop. I was hoping that he saw me trying to connect with him. When miss told us to go closer to that person, he came closer and then I went closer and then a bunch of people blocked us so then I pushed through and got to him. 

    Miss then told us to look at the person without saying anything. So, I looked into his eyes and was nervous because this was for classes and it was hard trying to do this. I never felt two minutes go so long like this before, while looking at someone and without saying something. It was like looking at people I like as normal when I desperately watch them but not while they look at me at the same time. I learned that his name was Neshad but I’m not really sure how it is spelt. Lolz J

    The last thing using the stage was a game where they had split the whole class into two teams. Miss and Sir stuck two sheets of Bristol board on the wall and they both had the letters of the alphabet on them. The rules for the games was that one person had to take the marker and run to the charts and write in alphabetical order what the Caribbean means to you and then run back to give the marker to the other team member. I was the last one in my team and I had the letter Z to do. I had no idea what to write and then they shout out “Zolo” so I wrote it and as I came off the stage quickly, our team won.

    The class went on for a long half an hour again and then I used the washroom after class. There was this lady I helped when she had to sign the roll list. Apparently, she forgot her glasses at home and then I doubled checks it for her.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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