Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wheel of Fifths & Fourths ("Presentation")

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 29th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 6th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Last night I prepared a large wheel to create the circle of fifths and fourths that can show the relative keys between major and minor. I had assistance from the Trinity Guildhall book and some other ideas I had in class to show the Key Signature of each scale in both the treble and bass staves. 

    When I got in class, I told everyone good morning before taking my seat (in the front row as usual near the door's side of the room) and then raised my hands and told miss I had extra homework to show her. She watched me from behind the piano but came up to me and I took the wheel of the plastic Massy's bag I carried it in. I passed it to my friend (Monick; correctly spelt Monique) right next to me and she passed it on. My friend Adam told me by whisper "that looks really nice."

    As soon as class began, miss took down the Projector screen again and turned off the lights.  I had the full score I wanted to sing from but apparently, Mrs. Neaves had forgotten her score so she asked me if she could borrow mine. I gave her my full score to put on the projector and I decided to open the previous copy with all of the errors I inserted into my workbook for the class.

     During break time,  I hurried back to see if Mrs. Neaves was still in class. I shared with her and some of the class members a viewing of my Musical Journal in the large two-inch binder folder that it was in from the beginning (this was from Page 1 – 157). There were a few pages that I left home because I had run out of page protectors. That day was supposed to be my store to the stationery store to have the book fragments spiral bound.

    She had to skip through some pages because I knew it was hard to get a full reading of some. During the middle of the book, she said, “Wow Daryl! This is great. Don’t ever let anyone turn you down....you were meant for greater things in life.” That just made me feel happy and burst out a wide smile. In the end, she gave me back the Book and said, “This is Gold. Thank you for sharing it with me.”

    I went back to my seat and the rest of the class was already back inside. Then she finished a few sentences and called me up to the front of the class. I knew that she told me that she wanted to use it in class earlier on. So then I went ahead and told the class all about it with the easier way to remember the pan. They all watched it in silence and wondered if it was like a hidden message in a poem. I was literally scared if they were not liking it. Then a boy at the back asked if he could get a picture but then Mrs. Neaves said, “Doh ask me. Is the work.” So then he asked me and I said, “Sure.”

    Then Ms. Neaves came back to the front of the class from behind the piano. She said that I can make so much money for it and any teacher could pay me big for it. Then she pokes me about not allowing anyone to bully me for this. And this is where the Class lecture had turned from Musicianship to Bulling. Here are some of the things we spoke about:

    At the end of class, another person came to take a picture of the wheel I made. I asked him to WhatsApp it to me. Then a girl had asked me if I can play the Anthem for her so I gave her my scrap notebook to write down her name and phone number and also what part of the National Anthem she wanted to have. Then another boy asked me for it too. I made sure that by the end of the evening it was sent to them.


  1. DCFA Steelpan Exam Book - Grade 4 Tenor (**-***)
  2. DCFA Steelpan Exam Book - Grade 4 Tenor (**-***) Receipt & Student Contact.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, September 26, 2015


Date for Entry: (Saturday 26th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 7th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today in the Afternoon was my Youth Group Meeting at the Morton House in the Church Compound. The sad thing was that last Saturday I was supposed to teach the Group a piece on the Pan and to also prepare a song or two for Reverend Adrian at his Farewell party.

    On walking to meeting with my Pan and other musical stuff, Ria told me loudly as I walked up to them that the Church was locked. My face was firing hot inside as I couldn’t believe this but I just sit down and evaporated this whole bad feeling from my mind within.

    While the meeting was over Ria had asked me, “Dars? Was there anything you had planned to teach us any music or something on the pan today?” I said yes and went through some fun rhythmic reading with them.

    I was glad that Ms. Saunders was in school helped them with a slight foundation to understand music. A few of them clapped it out. I know that Music is not their principal subject but I’m hoping that they can take an interest in this and make the Board and Church proud. 


    I was not surprised the next Saturday before I could realise that they were not serious about having the Youth Steelband but chose to waste time and not tell me anything. I was hoping that we would have been able to use the steelpans in the church that were there alone in the corner. It was since 2013 I was waiting for this so I went home and tried to move my mind away from this. 

    Over the years of my UWI certificate and degree, I choose to leave that alone and stay with the Sunday. If the Youth Group should ever become serious about the steelpan then I will step in and assist however I can.

    The same flashcards that I had made hoping to use with the Youth Group in our practice times were thrown away. I was too angered and it had reminded me of what happened that day. All twenty-seven of them are gone. So this will result in n photographs of them for this journal entry. The book I made for the group was not deleted but still saved for the journal.


  1.  Aramalaya Presbyterian Youth Group Steelpan Book.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, September 25, 2015

Caribbean Lab First Group Meeting

Date for Entry: (Friday 25th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 7th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today my Group meet up at a building called CLL for short. I was not really sure what the working for it was but it was about Language studies. We took a lot of time trying to figure out what to write. We started from four in the afternoon to half nine in the night. It was exhausting and too long. For the first time, I didn’t have anything to say because it was too hard for me to think about.  

    In the process of making this, we had to visit four different locations to find a place to charge one of the team members’ laptops. But we didn’t give up. My friend Joshua from class had to leave early and two others from the group didn’t come.     

    When we all left UWI, there were only sixty more words to make up our five-hundred-word limit. This assignment was to put together a formal essay on our chosen topic Emancipation and submit it on a site called WordPress by midnight. We had to do this minute because of class schedule problems from each member. The twist was that the groups had to have seven persons and each member had to come from a different art discipline. 


  1. Photographs & Course Work Assignments.

 Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Piano to Claim

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 23rd September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 7th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was a normal and good day at pan lessons with Mr. Sharma. There was this one time when we both were at the Piano in Practice Room IV and he asked me if I played another instrument besides pan. My response was yes with the Piano, but then I told him that I had to stop at a point in time. 

    He then told me that the Church was giving away their piano and if I spoke to Mr. Lackhan on time then he can give it to me. In my mind, this was like a huge dream come through because all my life I liked the piano instrument and always wanted one. So here was my chance to get one.

    When class was over, he gave me a Grade Four pan examination to start working on some pieces. And I also gave him a copy of the National Anthem that I gave Ms. Neaves a while back. I could see that he liked the printout of it and then he asked me which program it was from. I told him it was from Musescore and then he went off to his office. I took my Pan and stand and everything I was using to the Pan Theatre to prepare myself for my next class which was with the Intermediate Steelband.    

    Today Mr. Nurse brought a new piece of music for us to start called “Oye Mi Canto,” which was something like a Jazz song I was hoping we could start. But I wasn’t expecting it to be so DIFFICULT. Oh, Lord! 

    The next part about the class I didn’t like was that at a certain point my toes cramped up like fire burning me. I couldn't even scream out or stand up straight. Even during the class' playing, I had to continue while the pain pinches so much I have to keep going.


  1. "Oye Mi Canto" (Tenor Score).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Homework can "Come Alive"??

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 22nd September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 7th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today while singing the National Anthem as a group, Mrs. Neaves told us that we had to sing in parts so she looked at me twice and said, “So we are going to make your work come alive today.” At those two times, they felt nice to hear. This was about the vocal score for the National Anthem of Trinidad and Tobago that I did for homework last week. Not ever before was my work been performed after putting them to music notation. 

    I wanted to do Tenor but but the worry was learning the melody line and then being confused by the other groups. Without being able to do Soprano voice, this gave me a big inspiration to sing in Bass but looking back to the score again, I couldn't do it so I stuck with the tenor. This wasn’t bad at all. I still loved it. Overall, we will just see what happen in these weeks to come. Thank you again for this wonderful experience, Mrs. Neaves.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Extra Homework Is Great

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 15th September 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 7th July 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today in General Musicianship we did some rhythmic writing where Mrs. Neaves played a rhythm either by a melody or by using one note until the end. We had to write them down in the workbook's manuscript. At one random time during a period of silence my friend, Moonick (Monique) said she got one right. I knew that what Ms. Neaves had said when we burst out was true that within time, practice makes perfect.

    At the end of class, I was a bit sad because my favourite class of music had come to an end for the week but then it was the beginning of another interesting piece. When some of the students had already left the classroom I when to show missed my homework, which she had forgotten to pick up. I was happy to include the part where Miss asked us to find the members of Mr. Patrick Castagne’s Bandmates because one of the members had answered her question about who had originally written the National Anthem.

    It was the second name on my list, Curtis Pierre, I saw she smiled and said, “Yes! That’s him.” So I was glad then, Lolz. Then I took out my copy of the National Anthem to show her the extra homework I did for fun on Saturday. Something told me to give it to her so I asked her if she would have liked it and she said yes. She gave me her red pen to sign it just like the one below on this very same page but the space it had was not enough for me and it came out too squeezed up. I was given a copy of "For unto us a Child is born" SATB.

    I also showed Natasha the music and she looked amazed with the smile I saw on her face. Then she looked at Harmonizing and I could really understand what she and Ms. Neaves was talking about how beautiful the Double Tenor can sound in the Mezzo-soprano voice. She then said, “Thanks for sharing” before she left. I was hoping that Natasha would have been able to notice anything that needed fixing or something to change.



  1. National Anthem of Trinidad and Tobago Homework.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Monday, September 14, 2015

Books on Sale

 Date for Entry: (Monday 14th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 6th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today when dad dropped me off at the corridor in DCFA, I went to Mr. Sharma to purchase a textbook for my English class. The size of it was bigger than expected. He took me to the Staff Room Kitchen to write up the receipts and I bought a sight-reading book at the same time. I was going to need this second book for individual pan sessions. Just about three minutes again and class with Ms. Jesshop began.


  1. Receipts for FDMU Textbook and Sight-Reading book.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sheetmusic Acquaintances

Date for Entry: (Saturday 12th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 7th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Tonight, I got back from Tunapuna after a long day of practising my three pieces of music for Mr. Sharma on Tuesday. I decided to take the lovely booklet I bought from Mrs. Neaves and write out a score for the National Anthem in the formation of a pan ensemble. Even though it was four pages and I was trying to save on paper I was still happy to actually have a score for the National Anthem that would be for a whole Steelband and the best part about it was I did it all by myself. I added it to the homework that I did.

    On top of this, I also wanted one of Hillview College’s Anthem but I had highly doubt that anyone would have had a score for Hillview’s Anthem so I was able to pull back from my Music SBA arrangement with parts of the school song and created a new score. It didn’t take long to do but I got to learn some new techniques on my Musescore software while doing this and even got the song of the Pan. The only sad part of it was that it didn’t have the effect that a real pan would give off but it’s still mine and I’m still so glad. 


There were several amendments made to both scores over the years. Both of the latest scores have not been used. 


  1. National Anthem of Trinidad & Tobago (Voice) - V4.
  2. Hillview's College Song (Steelpan).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Individual & Intermediate Ensemble Classes

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 8th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 6th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today mom and I went to Unit Trust to do some banking and then I went off to MY school at DCFA. The rain was about to pour down again. First, I had to see Mr. Sharma in his office for class. He shook my hand as I opened the door and showed me where to get a Pan. He took me to the Pan Theatre and opened up another large red door on the side. From there, I had to choose an instrument and then sign for it in a book with my name, time of borrowing, time of returning and then my signature. He then gave me the key to lock it back. This made me feel special because the key was a very fancy one indeed.

    We walked back to Practice Room 4 with the nice Piano from the last time. I bought a book he had on sale from the school for my course on Scales and Technique Patterns for “Frontline” Pans for forty dollars. There were two other books I had to buy from him. For the first class, we went through Blizzy and then he gave me three songs to work on: Air, My Cool Tune and the same Blizzy. All of these were from the Grade Three Exam book.

    After class, I put back the pan and signed for it. Then I took a walk around the campus and then got back to the Pan Theatre in time for the Intermediate Pan Ensemble class, which was going to start at one o'clock. Soon I just went in and signed back for another pan and some of them helped me as they set up for class. 

    The teacher came in and read a piece of the outline for the Pan Class. His name was Mr. Nurse. Then he let us introduce ourselves. I was first so the things he asked for was why you wanted to study here, what’s your principal instrument and where did you come from. 

    One of the things he said was that we were going to do is get introduced to another pan. This was frightening for me but then I wanted to try double seconds because I’ve heard that it was one of the best sounding pans from one of my friends. This was another thing that Mr. Nurse asked me in front of the class and I was glad that I was paying close attention to what he was saying. Hooray! 

    At the end of the class, I went to ask Mr. Nurse if it was possible to get a copy of the full score but then he said, “I don’t give copies of the full sores, only the parts. Sorry.” I was a bit sad but then was still happy I got Sheetmusic to add to my library. The name of the song was called “Paradise Garden.” The score still looks nice and so is the melody but not this horrible set of cut-time it is written in, oh dear.


  1. Receipt for Scale Studies and Technique Patterns for 'Frontline' Pans.
  2. Paradise Gardens (Tenor). [Permission was not granted.]

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Second General Musicianship 1 Class

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 8th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 6th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my Second General Musicianship class. At first, Mrs. Neaves came to class and gave out some more workbooks I bought from her last week. I was all excited to show her my booklet that I made for the Pan Group in Church. The only thing is that when I’m in front of this coursebook, I try not to focus on it too much. If I do, I would simply want to grab a pencil and complete all of the exercises in the book like I did in Pan Minors. 

    As she began to start the class, we all had to sing the National Anthem of Trinidad & Tobago from the Piano Score offered in the booklet. I for one was glad to hold it in my hand saying in my mind, “You’re all mine now!” But then miss stopped all of us and then she reminded us that when the Anthem is being played that we had to stand up at attention. So, I got up but I held the score in my hand and sang it although I knew the words by heart.

    Then she moved on to letting us clap two pages of rhythms and then went on to a lesson on semitones and enharmonic equivalents. She then told us that when we sing the National Anthem that it must be sung with pride because of the history it contains and another part of the Federation. I did not understand that part of the story. One part I liked was that when she said she asked her mom why they sang the Anthem at such a high pitch, was that long-ago people could have sung to that pitch. My Goodness! Those people need to send that gift to me and others, pleeeeeease. 

    But in my mind, that was long ago because now when people reach to the “Here every creed and race” that is always where people may find difficulty with the (F5). She also taught us about octave designations. This is how I know it is (F5). But while singing the Anthem with the class I was deeply shocked to see what we were singing from the written music. Apparently, in the score, the melody part was a note short. This now caused a kind of linkage between the Tenor pan and Double-tenor if it was to be for the pan but I’m sure that if you were to correct it, people would instantly notice the change.

At the end of class, I went to Mrs. Neaves and showed her the pan booklet I made for my Youth Group and then she asked me if I had ten minutes. I knew that Dad wasn’t outside as yet so I gave it to her to watch. Then she went outside to look for more books but then she didn’t have any more to give the other student. They walked off and then she took me to her office and looked through the book. I too was amazed at it because I can still see the colours glittering as the pages flew from one end to the other side. She said that she liked it very much. 

Before I left the campus, I showed my friend Natasha it because I knew she was a steel pannist and she liked it too. And I told her that it had helped with some of the homework in it too. I decided to walk on because the car was giving me trouble but then dad came up halfway and I finished my three pages of homework in less than four minutes. 

That evening after returning to Tunapuna, I sat down and went to do some extra homework to learn more about the National Anthem and Patrick Castagne. This had to do with the 'homework' challenge that miss gave us to read up on for the next class.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Monday, September 7, 2015

First Preparatory Academic Writing (FDMU) Class

Date for Entry: (Monday 7th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 6th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my first Preparatory Academic Writing Class in D.C.F.A. I came a little early before the rain started to fall for the second time in the morning. My class was to start at twelve and end at three. But I was asking God to let the teacher be someone who would be kind to me and also be a very good and helpful teacher. Apparently, he answered my prayers. I was also wondering how those people are going to vote in the polling stations with all of this lovely thunder and lightning threatening those below from the sky.

    During the class, it was looking like a normal English class like in Hillview only that it was long and difficult a bot. So, this was another of my wishes granted, to do English at UWI. But I had no idea of what the class was going to be like except for thinking about writing a special way for music. I learned a lot in this lass about Formal and Informal Language so now it was a start in helping me with my writings for private fun.

    At the end of class, I asked the teacher, Ms. Claudette Jesshop, if a paragraph she had given the class to write was correct because it looked like a hard topic and I wasn’t sure how to write in Formal Language. She told me that it was not academic writing I did. She said that what I wrote was more poetic and very good in that form. This was what I wrote:

    While I drove up Mohammed Street with Dad in the car, the cable wire on the lamp pole had fallen. So, I got out and walked up the hill while he went to come back. Andrew stayed in Tunapuna for the night and all of us woke up to see the voting results. Today in class we got a spelling test and I got six out of ten. Some of the words were hard to spell. I also learned an important piece of information that I did not know of even from Primary School but I knew there was a difference between the two:

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, September 4, 2015

Caribbean Lab - (THEA 0601)

Date for Entry: (Friday 4th September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 6th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I got a fourteen-hour sleep. I was surprised to see how long I was asleep. At two o'clock dad and I went down to UWI in the Open Campus. I hope that they took my Immunization Card so I wouldn’t have to deal with this problem again. We also went to the Daaga Auditorium to register for an ID for the gate. While waiting, I saw a boy and a girl waiting to register from when I went to see Mr Sharma about our schedule for Pan Lessons. The time was heading off for four o'clock for my class but I was hoping not to be late for that first Friday class.

    He called up five numbers and thank God there were no one for those numbers. Then my turn had come up. He did everything quickly with signing me up and then told me an email would come to my inbox and then I can register for the gate. I was glad that I got through and in time for class. While leaving the rooms at the Dagga Auditorium, I took my book bag from dad and we walked into the languages Center and then I saw two of my friends there. Dad left me and then shortly I walked up with them.

    Soon the teachers came. It was a man (Mr. David Cave) and a lady (Ms. Patrice Briggs). It was really cold in there but the strange thing was they said that we didn’t need any books or pens so I was not sure how the class was going to be. They called all of us onto the stage. The female teacher taught us an interesting maybe it was a different tongue that I didn’t know of, shortly after, she told us that it was something that she made up:

    After this she made us dance in any form and said that everyone had a rhythm. When she said this, it reminded me of the long meeting Ms. Graham had in school about the CXC Music and all of the last-minute preparations with Ms. Saunders and me I. Then she said, “Freeze!” She said, “Turn to the person on the right and introduce yourself and say who your favourite artist is.” 

    I had no one because the wall was to my right, so then the male teacher asked me and I said, “Liam Teague.” We danced around again and miss stopped us. She said, “Turn to the person behind you and tell them why you’re taking this course.” There was no one in the back so the girl in front of me was my partner. So, I said that I took it to help me become a better music teacher in the future. The next time, was to stop and in the group and the person in black had to ask all of the questions.

    The last time was one for me. She stopped us after the song and said, “Stop and look for a connection. Stay in one spot.” After a short while, she told us to go forward. I was looking at the same guy who asked me what my name was in the black from the last stop. I was hoping that he saw me trying to connect with him. When miss told us to go closer to that person, he came closer and then I went closer and then a bunch of people blocked us so then I pushed through and got to him. 

    Miss then told us to look at the person without saying anything. So, I looked into his eyes and was nervous because this was for classes and it was hard trying to do this. I never felt two minutes go so long like this before, while looking at someone and without saying something. It was like looking at people I like as normal when I desperately watch them but not while they look at me at the same time. I learned that his name was Neshad but I’m not really sure how it is spelt. Lolz J

    The last thing using the stage was a game where they had split the whole class into two teams. Miss and Sir stuck two sheets of Bristol board on the wall and they both had the letters of the alphabet on them. The rules for the games was that one person had to take the marker and run to the charts and write in alphabetical order what the Caribbean means to you and then run back to give the marker to the other team member. I was the last one in my team and I had the letter Z to do. I had no idea what to write and then they shout out “Zolo” so I wrote it and as I came off the stage quickly, our team won.

    The class went on for a long half an hour again and then I used the washroom after class. There was this lady I helped when she had to sign the roll list. Apparently, she forgot her glasses at home and then I doubled checks it for her.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

General Musicianship 1 - (MUSC 0001)

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 1st September, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 6th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today is my first class at the Department of Creative and Festival Arts. I was so nervous at the parking yard because I didn’t know if there was going to be any classes or any form or another type of registration. I know that dad didn’t really want me to go because he said that they wouldn’t have anything much today. But I was glad that I still came because I would have really missed out on an important first-class.

    On arriving at the Campus, I saw a lady in a green T-shirt who looked just like my friend I met on the Form three field trip Ms Saunders took me to with the Steel Ensemble. She helped me in front of Studio IV by showing me where the class would be. Then I said in my mind, “I just hope she is doing the course too.” At this time, I taught she was going to be a tutor in one of the music programs but then she said, “Well I’ll see yuh in class,” I knew that my hope was granted.

    Today’s class was General Musicianship I and my Teacher for this was Mrs. Patrice Cox-Neaves. She judged me for my Grade 2 pan examination and also for the audition that just went by. She taught us a lot of things but her first question was, “Does anyone have an idea what Musicianship is?” My answer was to be playing together with a good understanding of musical literacy but then my friend in the back said that it deals with Musical etiquette. With that response, I couldn’t find any more answers in my mind. And then my other friend from Pan Minors had said it was to be from the technique. 

    Mrs. Neaves told us about how our National Anthem was performed for the London Olympics when Keshorn Walcott had won the Gold medal. When she spoke about the feeling it had I understood what she was talking about because I had felt it too. She then told us about the book that Dr. Osborn had put together. I didn’t know who that was but I found out that it was a female and that this same person assisted in putting together my Pan Minors booklet at the same time I signed up.  

    Ms. Neaves said that she was a student of Dr. Osborne and that she would have changed it to a suite but then she told the class of a phrase I appreciated to learn, “If something is good then it doh need fixin’” So this helped me to understand a lot that even though my pan book I made for Youth Group is good just the way it is, that I should leave it because it would be useful the same way it is. Another thing she said was that “Once you are in a comfortable place and everything is easy, you gotta find something else. But don’t stop it. Keep something that challenges you.” 

    The moment she said that there was a book on sale I knew that I had to get it. It was simply because I was obsessed with music, especially Sheetmusic and the sooner I got it, I could go home and revise everything in the book for the next class. At first, I knew I didn’t have any money to pay for it but then I remembered I carried my wallet with my National Identification Card just in case they needed it. So it had enough to pay her forty-five dollars. She then gave us a four-page diagnostic test to do as an actor and it was quite easy. The thing I liked about it was that it was from a Trinity Guildhall exam book. 

    At the end of Class, Ms. Neaves helped me find a sheet with all of my subjects on it. It was a long legal size of paper she signed and then I signed it after helping a girl from my class too. I hope one day we might get to be good friends. Then I went to a notice board to look for my name for the pan lessons they were talking about. My two friends helped me find the list with my name. From there I saw that I was the only one for Mr. Sharma’s plan lessons. The two friends were going to be in Dr. Remy’s Class and I saw Mr. Barry Manette from Starlift got some from my class as well. When they told me about registering for the subjects I realised that Andrew showed me to do all of those things last night on his laptop after helping him install his new printer. 

    From there I went to see a lady named Mrs. Ramlal. She was the same lady who was talking to us at the list for people to take pan lessons. She then helped me get a timetable to my e-mail from her computer and she advised me to ask Mr. Sharma about Pan lessons tomorrow because he was out of the country until today. So I went on outside of the Office and wait for dad to come for me.


  1. Diagnostic Exercise.
  2. Music Certificate Academic Advising Form.

Daryl Zion M. Ali