Friday, December 27, 2013

Acquaintances to Remember

Date for Entry: (Friday 27th - Sat. 28th; December, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 15th June, 2021)


Dear Diary,

    Today I stayed up Tunapuna after the long Boxing Day celebration down in Princess Town. Around mid-morning, a friend of mom and papa came to visit them. I played him a few songs at first through he seemed like he didn’t really pay attention o cared so I just looked to finish the song and move the pan back inside.  

    I didn't know what they were talking about as I packed away and guy seemed strange so I went away inside. He even wanted me to help his son. But I can’t do that. I didn't know how to fulfil the request coming. He left soon after and said he would come back the next day.

    The next day, mom and Papa friend, Mr. Singh from yesterday, came back with his son. He took us to Trincity. Meanwhile, mom and I went to R.I.K. Bookstores and she bought me a Piano Course Book. Took me a while  to walk out the bookstore after seeing all the good literature.

    I had to carry papa up the stairs to use the wash room. He took a while to get up the stairs. On coming back, he couldn’t make to come down the escalators. There were too much eyes on him and especially me. I realized that I had make a mistake by coming down first. His sick foot couldn’t move and he eventually moved and came down. We walked back to the new wing where mom and the other two boys were. 

    While leaving the Mall, there were two times that Mr. Sing had passed two different roads to take us back home. Then He took us to his home in the Southern part of UWI. He had a beautiful garden with fruit trees. I drank four coconuts of water. Papa drank one and mom ate the jelly. After, he cut some green fruit that looked like apples. I can’t spell the name but it sounds like dongs.   


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Steelpan Nightmare

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 17th December, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 15th June, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today was my Tenor pan's 'Bought Day'. The reason I said Bought day was because it was bought and was not born. But as dad was carelessly holding the pan case he dropped it on the concrete floor. This was hurtful. The F5 or C5 was not correct in sound and the Bb4 was gone altogether. I took it and put back the pan into the pan case. 

    The next day, mom paid Mr. Lewis $250.00 to carry my Tenor pan to fix and tune. It was something very hard to do because I was worried that the pan wouldn’t fix. I hope it returns soon.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Aramalaya Christmas Concert (2013)

Date for Entry: (Sunday 15th December, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 15th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the Christmas Concert in Church. Every group must come together and put on a show for the Congregation. My part was most exciting because I was in the Pan section. Some of the songs I played was with the Golden Years and one-piece with Joshua. 

The songs played were: 

  • While Shepherds watched their flocks by Night
  • Once in David’s City
  • Joy to the World
  • We Three Kings – (By Joshua & I alone)
  • Doxology


    The morning continued lovely and the people enjoyed it. The scores used for this event was not saved.


  1. Aramalaya Carol Service (2013) Program.


Daryl Zion M. Ali 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 4th December, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 15th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the day for Hillview College’s Christmas Concert. It is difficult to sit rom morning until lunchtime in the Hall sitting and sometimes watch students spoil the show if they take the chance. I didn't go. Instead, I stayed home and put some work into a personal project that I was doing at the time.

    I was still glad to take the chance and save a copy of the program that was about to throw away. Looking down at the programme I saw that the Steel Ensemble was going to play. I hope that their performance was good if they still had a song done. 

    Somehow our group around this time was witnessing a slack including with the teacher too. We were not on strike but performances for services and school functions were quite quiet.


  1. Hillview's Carol Concert - Program.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, November 23, 2013

DCFA Steelpan Exams (Grade 2)

 Date for Entry: (Saturday 23rd November, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today in the afternoon at 4:00pm was the judging for my Graded Performances for Solo Steelpan Examinations in Grade 2. Dr. Remy came to accompany me and I knew that even though we had some mistakes we were both able to get to the end of the pieces. I didn’t let that tie me up.

    After this, I raced off to church from DCFA with my Tenor pan because I was going to be late for the Christmas Concert practice. Joshua and I were both representing the Youth Group with a pan piece of “We three Kings”. It was a duet. 

    While practising, I had missed my pan by another and Joshua had to play mine. Unfortunately, that pan I was playing was a ‘High C pan’ and I was not accustomed to playing it. But I was just fine since I knew where all the notes were arranged. I just had to watch out for that little difference in the pan.

    Along with practice with the pan piece, I had played along with the Aramalaya Golden Years Fellowship Pan Group.


  1. Grade 2 Tenor Pan Examination Booklet (2012-2014).
  2. Results & Official Certificate.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, November 22, 2013

Grade 2 Pan Examination (Rehearsal)

 Date for Entry: (Friday 22nd November, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 4th June, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today I had to walk down the hill from school as soon as it was over because I was going to Trinity East with mom. Rameez had given us a ride to the school and I sipped on some nice icy cold Apple J. He was playing the song “Radioactive” at the time. It sounded better to me because the doors were all closed.

    On arriving at the school at the front building, mom and I walked down to the main entrance of the school. It looked exactly like in Trincity Mall. I met Elizabeth from Mr Lewis’ lessons. She helped us get a Tenor pan to go to the Music classroom. Along the way, I saw Denesia and Jeremiah from when I played at Starlift Steel Orchestra.

    I practised my pieces well with Dr Remy. She didn’t find I had any problems. The only problem I personally worried about was the timing because she was there to accompany me. She said that she was only going to play the Bass staff instead of both on the Piano. I had to listen up and pay attention to how she did and fit in everything I had to do. 

    In one of the pieces “Improvisation II,” Dr Remy had taught me how to swing on the notes. I appreciated this private lesson and tip very much. The piece had said to 'swing' and all the time in practice with Mr Lexis, we were playing it as normal (without swing). It was sounding more Jazzy style than before. Today was also the day that dad had retired from his job.


  1. Grade 2 Tenor Pan Examination Booklet (2012-2014).


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Books to Collection

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 9th October, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today dad went to Simon’s Music World to purchase three Grade 4 Past Papers. Mr. Lewis sent him because he had run out of his bunch of past papers to quiz me. I got a sad ‘pass’ of sixty-seven (67) in the Grade 4 exam I did at St. Georges. So, this is my "Season 2" of Grade 4 . Let’s hope two brings the distinction. 


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Evening of Elegance

Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten; Saturday)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the Annual Tea Party and Fashion Show that Aunty Hermie had designed for at the Belmont Secondary School. It was in the School’s Gym and I had set up my Pan and Keyboard at the front to perform. In the beginning, I had to play the National Anthem and Mom had to be their Master of Ceremonies. 

The songs that I played were:

  • The National Anthem of Trinidad & Tobago
  • Besame Mucho
  • Jesu Joys of Man’s Desiring
  • Sound of Silence
  • Human Nature
  • Titanic



  1. "Evening of Elegance" Program.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, October 4, 2013

Farewells to Grandma Grace

 Date for Entry: (Friday 4th October, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 15th June, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today was the funeral for Grandma Grace. I also missed my 40% Spanish Exam. The day was cool and gradually began to increase in temperature. I had to play for Grama when she arrived in her Casket. I sat down first. I didn’t look at her because I was nervous to play in front of people. My hand began to start shaking. Either two or three pieces were played. I had packed back the pan in the case and then I went over to see her with mom. before sitting again.

    I’m not going to forget her because the imagination to which Jesus had taught me to manipulate certainly helps me to bring her back whenever I may need her. But she’s always there somewhere with the others looking around.

    During the Church Service, Aunty Hermie and Aunty Macky from Mt. Hope came. I was happy to see them since a long time had passed since I didn’t see them. Then Dad and Andrew came and sat. Mom and I were in the front seat of the second row as usual. 

    Aunty Annmarie gave the Eulogy and it was touching and inspiring at the same time. It told me that education is a very important thing and that it is hard to get an education even though it is so important to have. But the part that she said how Grama Grace’s Husband found her was touching to my heart. I wished that could happen in an experience for me. 

    At Belgrove's Aunty Sharmine brought Papa, Aja and Aje to the cremation service. Mom took the four of them to see her and the others watched. Towards the end,  Dad and Andrew left they wanted to carry me up Curepe with them but I didn’t want to go. So then mom had to step in to help me with the fight.

    Uncle Cristy and Uncle Shane had enjoyed me laying the pan in the family home living room. I could remember before I played Suhanni Raat for Uncle Cristy, he didn’t believe me and then he said again that if I can play Suhani Raat, I can play anything. Then Trudy came in and said, “Like yuh real know yuh Indian songs, boy?” 

    Then Mark’s wife had found out from mom that I was going to ask to play at their wedding. She said that she "had wanted pan at her wedding but she didn’t know I could play". Later that evening, I fell asleep from about five o'clock to eight o’clock in the backroom by Grama House. Then I woke up to go home and the twins had helped me up away from the pan. I felt really tired I could walk properly.


  1. Grama Grace Funeral Programme.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, August 24, 2013

World Breastfeeding Week (2013) - TIBS Walk

 Date for Entry: (Saturday 24th August, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th July, 2013)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the Annual World Breastfeeding Week in Trinidad of Port-of-Spain. I was the first person on the agenda because I had to start the walk. Mrs. Hassanali was there and she took out a picture with mom and me. Aunty Jereline from BTOFF came to march around the Savannah with the other walkers. 

    Along the way, they took off and left me behind. I didn't rush the walk like in previous years. I got back later than the rest of the walkers at the Girls' Guide Headquarters.

    During breakfast, mom had to perform her monologue. I guess the show was a hit because of how mom and I were there to perform unlike in Tobago. They didn’t get that and it was our seventh year. And seven was the perfect year. 

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, August 10, 2013

TIBS Walk (Tobago 2013)

 Date for Entry: (Saturday 10th August, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    This morning, mom was already starting to spoil my Tobago vacation. This morning I played the National Anthem in Tambarin Square in front of the Church on the end of the Hill. Then the pan went back into the pan casing, into Aunty Maraline's car and I went off to the walk with the others.

    This year was different to me because, at the end of the walk, the Mt. Hope people left me on the Esplanade Steps with six banners, a brittle doll, paper filers mixed up and Andrew forsook me with his disgusting sandwich on the floor. He didn’t even help me with the other pile of things they did to me so I sat there waiting with everything all on the ground. This was not a nice start to the day.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

World Breastfeeding Week (2013)

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 7th August, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2013)
Dear Diary,

    Today was the third day of World Breastfeeding Week. I went to the Pregnancy Clinic in Mount Hope to play the National Anthem to start them up. Mom had to play Perriot Grenada there in the lecture for some Judges. There was some type of lecture going on there. I only helped mommy into her costume and waited for her to exit outside so we could get ready to go over to the TIBS office.

    On the way to the TIBS Office, I realized I left a piece for the pan stand in Dad car. Even if we called him, there was nothing that we could have done then. We continued on the journey still.

    We got out of the maxi in Curepe and then took a private taxi. Upon arriving, the rain burst down. The stupid taxi driver had passed the place and started to quarrel with mommy because he didn’t want to turn back or reverse. So, mom opened the door and we both ran out in the middle of the road and ran toward the Office front door dripping wet from head to toe. The man took off in speed down the road.

    Mrs. Anatol opened the door and gave us some tissue napkins to dry off as soon as we took a seat. Not many people were there except for Aunty Rona and a young lady who came for the breastfeeding counselling services that they provided there. It was on that very day that I learned Aunty Rona's name too.

    Time to play, the people expected to attend didn’t come so I played for whoever was there. The children loved it very much. For each playing time, we had to get two people to stand at the sides of the pan stand to hold it. This is what the middle piece does. 

The songs that I played on my Tenor pan were: 

  • The National Anthem of Trinidad & Tobago.
  • Titanic
  • Human Nature
  • Besame Mucho
  • Sound of Silence
  • Short’nin Bread
  • A little of Hands like Lightning


Aunty Rona was there too and she made all the food. They were good but I didn’t stop and got acid in my stomach by nightfall.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, July 26, 2013

Music Book Hunt

 Date for Entry: (Friday 26th July, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I went to Blue Edition to purchase my very first Grade 5 Theory in the Practice book. When I went to look for it, I was surprised that there weren’t any. So I decided to buy the older version and cherish it since they don’t make that older version in that fabulous fashion anymore. 

    I got a Grade 6 “Graded Examinations in Solo Steelpan Performances” book along with a Grade 5 Music Theory Model Answers Booklet. I heard how lovely the song “Waltz for Pain and Pan” sounded when my Steel Ensemble Captain in School played it. 

    I really wanted to get that book to learn the piece just for the sake of having a copy of the score and the whole book. This is a book too that will become rare as time passes along. You may not see copies of it again. 


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Double Service (1st Aramalaya & Kelly Services)

Date for Entry: (Sunday 23rd June, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I had a long task and a long enjoyable day to play for service. I volunteered to play some other hymn inspiration songs during the worship too. The song that I played were:

  • Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet
  • Open the eyes of my heart
  • The Lord’s prayer
  • Doxology
  • Threefold Amen
  • Coral Benediction


    I also had to do a Scripture reading too. It was long and I was so nervous to do it. In church, it was okay but then I knew that I had to get it out so that I can do it well for when I got to Kelly. This means that I would have to do the reading again along with the other six songs on the pan.

    The ride to Kelly Presbyterian Church was good. It helped me to get rid of the nervousness. The church was very small. It was the size of mama living room. There were only about fifteen people apart from us in the congregation that day. 

    At the time I was to play the Threefold Amen, they had already started and I didn’t want to spoil it. Then when Ria told me to start, it was already late. But I had to do the Choral Benediction after. Johan and Joshua played with me. There were no programs for this particular service. No photographs were taken.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day (2013)

 Date for Entry: (Sunday 16th June, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was Father’s Day in Trinidad and Tobago. I had to play with the Youth Group on the pan. Not many of us are in the pan group. Just about four to five people. WE had to go and play “Oh my Papa.” Then the Golden Years came up to play for the rest of the service. I wanted to play with them because I only needed to get the music. Their music sounded easy enough to sight-read on the spot.

    I was truly impressed because I didn’t know that they could read music like me too. And they were led by Zara for each of their presentations. Nice music filled the church. 

    At the end of the church service when I went to pack up my pan, I was looking into their music folders and there were only letters written in them. Then I realized that they didn’t know how to read music. But I didn’t blame them. I still appreciated their playing. 

    Later, Vijay and his son came up to Tunapuna to Visit Papa for a short period. They left just before Andrew and Dad came up to visit.


  1. Aramalaya Father’s Day Program
  2. "Oh My Papa" (Lead Sheet) Score


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, June 15, 2013

ABRSM Theory Examination (Grade 4) - Season 2

Date for Entry: (Saturday 15th June, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my Music Theory Examination with the ABRSM for Grade 4 Theory. It was held in St. Georges College. It took me entire an hour and a half and a half to complete the paper. 

    Sadly, I knew that the distinction AGAIN was not coming out for me because there were several questions I didn’t know how to answer. Soon after that evening, I had to leave home to go to a Youth Group meeting. We had to do a Pan piece for Father’s Day Tomorrow. 


    When I got the results sheet I felt glad that it was not a fail. Even knowing that the distinction would not be coming to be, I decided to take the merit in hurt. I still cannot believe that it was just six points away from the distinction.

    During pan practice that evening, Zara was there with some others already going through the piece. When I got to church and set up my pan (Stanley), Zara gave me a copy of the music. 

    I could see that she might have been glad that she did not have to write out the names of the pitches or me. I too was surprised because it was a piece that she had given me previous to learn, which was "Oh My Papa." The only difference was that this piece was in Bb Major. The one she gave was in D Major. I did not mind the key.

    I can also recall that during the lesson she was finding trouble teaching Joshua and Johan. I was looking on at it too and then she came by the pan next to me and said, "Let's play the whole thing top to bottom, Nah?" I agreed and after she counted her preferred tempo we played out the whole score. I also recall that her mom was sitting very close to us and looking. 

    It was fun for me to play out the whole thing. For me, I was sight-reading the whole thing alright. I'm not sure if she had used it before. While playing it with Zara I was wondering how she was going to arrange this or if she was just going to let the three of us boys play the melody. 

    Some long years after this day, I took the same copy of the "Oh My Papa" score I found on Wikipedia scores and arranged it for steelpan. I believe it was in a summer vacation of UWI during the Degree and mommy was in Eric Williams ward. I was deciding to do the arrangement. It was actually in the car that I was turning on the laptop and beginning to create the score template.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

NCSE Music Examination (Written)

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 12th June, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I had the Visual and Performing Arts Examination for the NCSE exam. The students have the option to choose between either Art or Music. And of course, I choose Music. The multiple-choice questions were easy. Some who choose Art had it hard for them. One of my friends did not have it easy and we heard the teacher yelling in the back of the hall. 

     One of the questions I remember was asking “how to hole the pan sticks correctly.” Unfortunately, I didn’t know the right names of the fingers at that time. So, I had to give the names of the human fingers in numbers. In addition, they asked about categories of instruments. 

    One interesting new word I came across in the exam was membranophone. I tried to make up an answer for that one. So, I gave a wrong answer and said that it was to do with the Soprano voices. That made me throw away some good bit of marks. If there was a steelpan question then I would most likely be looking at the pans at the back right-hand side of the stage while crafting the response in my mind.


  1. National Certification of Secondary Education (NCSE) – 2013 Exam Timetable.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

NCSE Music Examination (Practicals)

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 29th May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the first day for N.C.S.E. Practical Exams. Today was music practical and I had chosen to play the E Flat Major Scale (Eb), when Miss Sanders begged me not to play something easy. The moment she said that I understood other things apart from that desperate request. That scale was the first requirement. 

    The second requirement was to perform a piece of music on an instrument. For me, I had written a composition along with pieces of music where no one would ever look for. The title was called “Miss Saunders' Goodbye Song” because this was the last time I would ever have a music assignment in Hillview to do again. With that thirty percent multiple-choice quiz that was IT for music classes in Hillview for me. They don't do Music beyond Form 3.

    Within the music, there was a part that I had to sing. This piece also involved chromatic scales and Calypscales (Tonic Triads in the form of a calypso rhythm and melody) from the Graded Steelpan examinations at the Department of Creative and Festival Arts (DCFA). I had five students holding my music sheets and another keeping the beat. But some of them who didn’t know music got caught up in conversation and the metronome keeper lost it so he eventually stopped. THANKS FOR THE HELP STILL!

     At the end of the performance, I had to answer some "viva voce" questions (as I've earned from pan exams) based on the score I composed. All the answers were easy and with one, a short lie was given and thank God it was correct. As Miss Saunders was leaving the stage, I gave her a copy of the score and also my pan sticks, because I wanted her to get her dad “Mr. Nervin Saunders” to sign them for me.

    As my friends and I walked back to class, the Social Studies teacher was already taking up our coursework assignments. Fortunately, when it was time to take mine, she saw that it was printed out and she showed the class it saying that she wanted it documented tidy and not a torn-out page with scrappy handwriting. I felt ashamed. Then she said, "I promised to give you the marks yuh deserve."

    By the time the Physical education class began, the teacher took the class up on the Hill for our Physical Education Practicals for N.C.S.E. The choices were to do either discuss, Javelin or Shot-put. I chose to discuss. However, while staying up on the bleedy computer the whole night trying to learn the techniques for throwing it, the man didn’t want it so. 

    Thank God for me, I just throw the damn thing and got that over with. After we did a relay group of two. Jesus? My legs felt like they could have broken and run away without me. Make me wonder why we have to do exams like these in the first place. Not me and this subject again, Nah! 

    I was also able to grab a copy of the Drama improvisation book when the other boys doing drama was finished using it for the journal. Even the drama too was less interesting.


  1. National Certification of Secondary Education (NCSE) – 2013 Exam Timetable.
  2. National Certification of Secondary Education (2013) Music Booklet (V.II).
  3. National Certification of Secondary Education (2013) – Visual & Performing Arts & Drama Improvisation (Paper 1 – Practical) (Level 1).


Daryl Zion M. Ali