Friday, December 27, 2013

Acquaintances to Remember

Date for Entry: (Friday 27th - Sat. 28th; December, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 15th June, 2021)


Dear Diary,

    Today I stayed up Tunapuna after the long Boxing Day celebration down in Princess Town. Around mid-morning, a friend of mom and papa came to visit them. I played him a few songs at first through he seemed like he didn’t really pay attention o cared so I just looked to finish the song and move the pan back inside.  

    I didn't know what they were talking about as I packed away and guy seemed strange so I went away inside. He even wanted me to help his son. But I can’t do that. I didn't know how to fulfil the request coming. He left soon after and said he would come back the next day.

    The next day, mom and Papa friend, Mr. Singh from yesterday, came back with his son. He took us to Trincity. Meanwhile, mom and I went to R.I.K. Bookstores and she bought me a Piano Course Book. Took me a while  to walk out the bookstore after seeing all the good literature.

    I had to carry papa up the stairs to use the wash room. He took a while to get up the stairs. On coming back, he couldn’t make to come down the escalators. There were too much eyes on him and especially me. I realized that I had make a mistake by coming down first. His sick foot couldn’t move and he eventually moved and came down. We walked back to the new wing where mom and the other two boys were. 

    While leaving the Mall, there were two times that Mr. Sing had passed two different roads to take us back home. Then He took us to his home in the Southern part of UWI. He had a beautiful garden with fruit trees. I drank four coconuts of water. Papa drank one and mom ate the jelly. After, he cut some green fruit that looked like apples. I can’t spell the name but it sounds like dongs.   


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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