Monday, January 13, 2014

Music Class Beginning

 Date for Entry: (Monday 13th January, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 15th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I went to Music Lessons by Mr. Lewis. I practised the new scales and arpeggios from the new “Graded Performances for Solo Steelpan Examinations” in the Grade 3 Booklet. 

    At the end of the class, sir gave me the results for the pan examination I did in January. I got ninety-three (93) so this was my Distinction. I didn’t get the certificate but only the score sheet. I also got back my ABRSM Grade 4 results and it was a Merit of eighty-two (82) points. Just a little more to make the Distinction. 

    Later at home, I got dressed at around seven to go down to Starlift Steel Orchestra with Mr. Lewis. Unfortunately, he said that he had fallen asleep so we couldn’t get to go after all.   


  1. DCFA Grade 2 Steelpan Examination Results & Certificate
  2. ABRSM Grade 4 Theory Examination Results & Certificate

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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