Saturday, November 23, 2013

DCFA Steelpan Exams (Grade 2)

 Date for Entry: (Saturday 23rd November, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today in the afternoon at 4:00pm was the judging for my Graded Performances for Solo Steelpan Examinations in Grade 2. Dr. Remy came to accompany me and I knew that even though we had some mistakes we were both able to get to the end of the pieces. I didn’t let that tie me up.

    After this, I raced off to church from DCFA with my Tenor pan because I was going to be late for the Christmas Concert practice. Joshua and I were both representing the Youth Group with a pan piece of “We three Kings”. It was a duet. 

    While practising, I had missed my pan by another and Joshua had to play mine. Unfortunately, that pan I was playing was a ‘High C pan’ and I was not accustomed to playing it. But I was just fine since I knew where all the notes were arranged. I just had to watch out for that little difference in the pan.

    Along with practice with the pan piece, I had played along with the Aramalaya Golden Years Fellowship Pan Group.


  1. Grade 2 Tenor Pan Examination Booklet (2012-2014).
  2. Results & Official Certificate.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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