Wednesday, May 29, 2013

NCSE Music Examination (Practicals)

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 29th May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the first day for N.C.S.E. Practical Exams. Today was music practical and I had chosen to play the E Flat Major Scale (Eb), when Miss Sanders begged me not to play something easy. The moment she said that I understood other things apart from that desperate request. That scale was the first requirement. 

    The second requirement was to perform a piece of music on an instrument. For me, I had written a composition along with pieces of music where no one would ever look for. The title was called “Miss Saunders' Goodbye Song” because this was the last time I would ever have a music assignment in Hillview to do again. With that thirty percent multiple-choice quiz that was IT for music classes in Hillview for me. They don't do Music beyond Form 3.

    Within the music, there was a part that I had to sing. This piece also involved chromatic scales and Calypscales (Tonic Triads in the form of a calypso rhythm and melody) from the Graded Steelpan examinations at the Department of Creative and Festival Arts (DCFA). I had five students holding my music sheets and another keeping the beat. But some of them who didn’t know music got caught up in conversation and the metronome keeper lost it so he eventually stopped. THANKS FOR THE HELP STILL!

     At the end of the performance, I had to answer some "viva voce" questions (as I've earned from pan exams) based on the score I composed. All the answers were easy and with one, a short lie was given and thank God it was correct. As Miss Saunders was leaving the stage, I gave her a copy of the score and also my pan sticks, because I wanted her to get her dad “Mr. Nervin Saunders” to sign them for me.

    As my friends and I walked back to class, the Social Studies teacher was already taking up our coursework assignments. Fortunately, when it was time to take mine, she saw that it was printed out and she showed the class it saying that she wanted it documented tidy and not a torn-out page with scrappy handwriting. I felt ashamed. Then she said, "I promised to give you the marks yuh deserve."

    By the time the Physical education class began, the teacher took the class up on the Hill for our Physical Education Practicals for N.C.S.E. The choices were to do either discuss, Javelin or Shot-put. I chose to discuss. However, while staying up on the bleedy computer the whole night trying to learn the techniques for throwing it, the man didn’t want it so. 

    Thank God for me, I just throw the damn thing and got that over with. After we did a relay group of two. Jesus? My legs felt like they could have broken and run away without me. Make me wonder why we have to do exams like these in the first place. Not me and this subject again, Nah! 

    I was also able to grab a copy of the Drama improvisation book when the other boys doing drama was finished using it for the journal. Even the drama too was less interesting.


  1. National Certification of Secondary Education (NCSE) – 2013 Exam Timetable.
  2. National Certification of Secondary Education (2013) Music Booklet (V.II).
  3. National Certification of Secondary Education (2013) – Visual & Performing Arts & Drama Improvisation (Paper 1 – Practical) (Level 1).


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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