Thursday, May 23, 2013

Walking to TIPICA

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 23rd May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I was trying to finish painting a piece I had to do for Miss Tappin during a free period in the sixth and seventh periods of the evening. She even made us write a Journal entry in our books about the observations made. I'm glad she said that mine was very well done.

    At the end of school, the Steel Ensemble gathered to walk down to (TIPICA) Pan Yard on El Dorado Road. When we got to the gates, they were closed and the caretaker had refused to open them for us to come in. The sun was so hot and we decided to walk back up to school and wait on Miss Richardson. Both Ifeaye and I tried calling her on a cell phone but no answer.

    Then this man came running up to us and allowed us to go in. The reason they didn’t let us in was that Miss Richardson had to be present for them to open the gate for us. The caretaker didn’t want to open the gate. Finally, miss had arrived late. Very late. Then we were allowed to go in.

    She got us some pans we were using in school and then practice continued as usual. We practised some scales and then we ran through Bluesette, Human Nature and 21 Guns. While practising, I saw mom, dad, the caretaker and the owner watching me in a kind of stare down way like if I did them something but not in a vexed manner. 

    Soon after, the practice was over and so too was the experience. That was a good practice today somewhat but I enjoyed the feeling of having to do a class rehearsal in a panyard. Maybe we might never make it to Schools' Panorama after all. Unfortunately, no photographs were saved for this particular entry.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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