Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Unexpected Reasons

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 8th May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was Victory Day in France. When the bell rang for assembly, I was already in the Hall with the other boys in the Pan Ensemble. I couldn’t play because I had forgotten my pan sticks and none of the other boys had extra pan sticks. While the National Anthem was being played, the Forms 1’s mixed up everyone at the ending.

    Later that night, Uncle Kamal and Aunty Roshni came up Tunapuna to visit Papa. I had played a few songs on the Pan for them and then I played Titanic on the Keyboard. They looked like they really enjoyed it. And at the end, they gave out that DELICIOUS style of laughter. I always love to hear persons laugh out like that.  


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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