Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Short Lessons

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 7th May, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    This morning in school, Mr. Pierre took me to the Head of Departments Room to fill out a form after class assembly. This form was for my National Certificate for Secondary Education (NCSC) in Physical Education. After I had finished filling out the form, he took it and told me that he was starting to learn about Tonic triads in music theory. I told him that the notes of the tonic triad are the first, third and fifth degrees of a scale and the tonic note is the first note of the scale. He was then able to understand it better.

    In Visual Arts class, Miss Tappin came in and told us that the class had to make groups of four and that we all had to choose a specific area of the school to draw. This had to connect when putting together. I had no idea how that part was going to work at all.

    While drawing, the bell was sounded for lunchtime. As I sat down in class, I asked my friend in my group if they had brought back my pencil case they borrowed.

     The three boys rushed up on the hill and found the pencil case. When they came back, I was eating my bread and cheese and they brought it back to me. But the only problem was that all the writing materials had gone missing. So, I was lucky that there was an extra pen in my bag pocket. I felt hurt because apart from my addiction to sheet music and music pedagogy books, writing materials like that are close to me too.


    I used my sixth and seventh periods well after lunch doing the painting and colouring aspect of the art project. I would admit, I really cannot draw. I wish I could. This drawing was supposed to be that marvellous savannah up on the hill. 

    The group chose the view of the hill that was forbidden for students to go walking on. We all stood in one line and did the drawing in the savannah grass and worked on our own separate drawings. By the time school was over that day the assignment was completed and ready for submission.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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