Tuesday, September 20, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 1) – Day #02

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 20 September 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 5 October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The second day came. I was later than the first day by twenty minutes. I waited to see Mrs Sookdeo before school was called because I did not get to hand in my identification card yesterday. She took it to have someone make a copy for her and I waited because the assembly was about to begin. I enjoyed the music that they played just before the assembly officially began. They had morning assembly again which produced a type of family feeling I enjoyed.

    I was joined by Miss Roberts in the office again and we spoke about the special request and offer I was given by Dr Sookdeo. They were arranging supervision for me to go about that new responsibility. After an orientation of the school from Dr Sookdeo, the Visual Arts OJT girl and I got desks in the staffroom. It was amazing in that room.

    Some time had passed before I got back to the music room to rejoin Miss Roberts. I spent some time with Miss Roberts for the rest of her classes during the day and got some advice from her about planning for the classes. I also enjoyed the short choir rehearsal during the lunchtime period. Some girls came to learn and put together "Our Nation's Dawning".

    Not sure if the weather will be good tomorrow. I hope to visit Mrs Williams down in Chaguanas to submit a copy of my degree and verify that it is accurate. Hopefully, I would be able to submit to her my papers before the deadline.

    On my way out of the compound, I met Miss Ramsaran from yesterday morning. I had asked her for some assistance in finding the name of the St. George’s College Song, the name of the person(s) that composed the lyrics, and the name of the person(s) that composed the melody. I emailed her that evening with what I had and a recording of the full steelpan arrangement.

    I hope that within time Mr Sammy or someone might be able to tell us what the 3 answers are. I’m glad and grateful that Mrs Sookdeo was approving of what I had done for the steelpan version of the college song.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:40am – 2:30pm)

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