Wednesday, September 21, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 1) – Day #03

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 21 September 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 5 October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today Miss Roberts couldn’t make it to school. I was asked by Dr Sookdeo if I still wanted to continue to teach the class. I didn’t feel so confident to do it alone so I had to say no. I felt disappointed in a way that I could not go and teach the children. I went to my desk in the staff room, sat down and then went to review the work I had planned out for the first lesson for Form Ones.

    I took almost the whole morning working out a second lesson and started thinking of ideas for what I would like to do in the third lesson. I couldn’t believe it was so hard to get ideas to come to mind. The room got me feeling cold and I had a little cold because of getting wet in the rain after meeting daddy at Curepe terminal yesterday after school.

    While I was working, I met Miss Ramsaran as she spoke to me from the side of my desk and she said that she was waiting for something for me on the college song. Some time had gone by and she returned by the desk to hand me a book. It was fascinating looking through the book. I admired how detailed and well done it was made. I had some cherished chats with my neighbouring desk persons.

    That day during lunchtime, I had been permitted by Dr Sookdeo to leave school at 1:30 to go down to Chaguanas to visit my Placement and Marketing Officer to submit my forms and documents. I also had my degree I got from UWI last Friday and also got wet in the rain. I thanked God for holding up the rain for me to walk up the road from the school and for dad and me to get to the OJT Head Office.

    We had a lot of walking to do. Only a few drops of rain fell on my head but it held up still. When we got there after finally getting the taxi, I was not allowed to go in to see Mrs Williams. The girl at the front desk took the copy of the certificate and the degree itself to Mrs Williams and came back with the degree for me. I kept it in the red casing for safe transport.

    By the time I left the building and we were out on the road, I felt a big relief coming out in me. I was glad that the paperwork was done and out of my hands. Unit Trust was locked by 2:30 pm exactly when we got to the front door and that angered me a lot. I was hoping to get everything done so that we wouldn’t have to go back down another day.

    Heading up home in the car onto Green Street, the rain finally broke out. I got to finish inserting the names of the persons responsible for the St. George’s college song. It appeared to be surnames in my view as Bailey & Campbell. The book did not mention a name for the song itself so I decided I would call it “Onto Victory” as it’s a temporary title until someone alive can state otherwise. I also took their logo and crest from the school’s website to make it a part of the score for decoration.


  • St. George’s Student’s Guide (V3).**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:54am – 1:17pm)

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