Tuesday, September 27, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 2) – Day #07

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 27 September 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 8 October 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This morning after getting to the door outside of the music room it was locked. I had to go back to the office in front of the school to see if the keys were in the key cabinet. When I opened out the cabinet door it was not there. A boy and I were looking for it around the school and soon the other music students joined in the search.

    Some time into the first period, we did not find it until we asked Dr Sookdeo to make an announcement for someone with the keys to bring it. It always felt like a nightmare when the keys go missing. We got it and some remained while the others went back to class. The boy got the keys from the guard. Someone left the keys with the guard because the office was locked after the steel ensemble practice last evening.

    That same evening, I took the key to the music room and sped up the road to get to Curepe. I wanted to see if I could have gotten the keys copied the quickest because I was expecting the printer guy to drop the new printers and set them up for me. Thankfully, the keys did not take long to make. However, as we crossed the bus route to get to McLeod Street Daddy was telling me to “make sure dey work ‘cause not all does work sometimes.”

    When I got home, I had some quick reshuffling to do and got ready but the guy came late. I took the time and created a class attendance form. I did not have a class attendance register that Miss Roberts has as yet. For me, I found it better for the students to write their names and then I could get into teaching the lesson immediately. This form did not take very long to create.




This form was updated on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 October 2022 and was kept as version three.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46am – 2:50pm)

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