Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Grade 1 Compilation Book (1st & 2nd Attempt)

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 5th January, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 9th September, 2021)

**This project was discarded and discontinued.**

 Dear Diary,

    Today I went to the bank and then on a roll to the computer place in Curepe. I made a lot of corrections from the last time I printed my book. That one had 97 pages and now this one has 75. I was so glad because it came cheaper and it was smaller and cute.

    This afternoon at three o'clock, I went down to the Stationary store behind Massy’s to get my Music Journal bound. At this time, it was up to page 219. So, I now knew that it is four inches tall and it had to split into two. So, Volumes 1 and 2 went together and then Volumes 3 and 4.

   Visiting Mr. Lewis, I had to correct a girl’s work with the diatonic scales in Grade 4. I got into trouble but I remembered the technique I was shown how to do during a Grade 4 practice exam. Then a girl started to cry in a laugh and she was the singing student. She couldn’t sing “where Christ is born” in the music she had to do during her class. 


    Over a long period, this book project was discontinued and cancelled. Much more work was needed that time could not permit. I still had hope it would work in some way as a benefit to another student. 

(UPDATE #2) 

    Over time, a second attempt at a brand new Grade One pedagogy book entitled "My Favourite Musicianship Notebook: Grade One Booklet" was done. A more professional attempt was made and also the attempt of having the entire script of personal intellectual property. Of course, various books in previous attempts were used again because of their need and accuracy. 

    This document too was slightly revised by Mr. Lewis but was discontinued. In addition, a series of Grades 1 to 5 was done under this particular design in the Summer Vacation of 2016. More work is required on all parts of this series. No indication of the continuation of the series was decided.



  1. Edited script.
  2. My Favourite Musicianship Notebook: Grade 1 Booklet. 

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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