Monday, January 18, 2016

First day of Semester 2

Date for Entry: (Monday 18th January, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 11th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    This morning was the first day of school. The yard at DCFA was a bit empty as it was the first day but I got there extra early to get the timetable and see when my first class would be like. It was only until I walked in on the side corridor with my friend Eran he had asked me what I was doing in school. I told him the truth about the timetable and I went to the staff room. No one was there at the time until I saw the timetable stuck on the wall.

    I took out one of my notebooks and began to write down the subjects I had and when one of my friends Tinesha came in the door. The two of us chat for some time in about an hour and a half. During that time, we had gotten our Academic Advising from Mr Murray. It was one of the same sheets of paper he gave me from the first semester that Mrs. Neaves gave me. 

    I was glad to pass my English course. It was extremely difficult. To switch from poetic writing to Academic is very challenging. We then talked about the instruments we were playing and if to switch to another instrument. She showed me her pan sticks Ms. Ramlal like. I like it too because she fine it was light. I wonder if they sell pan sticks that are easy to hold.

    Finally, after a long wait, Mrs. Ramlal came in and she saw me last. As I waited for my turn, I stood there admiring the sign that Dr. Remy had on her office door that said, “I want you to practice your instrument every day.” That was almost a good motivation but it was true. I just didn’t see it as yet. It's hard to do and boring and I knew what they intended to say.

    When it was my turn to see Mrs. Ramlal, she helped me get my transcript to upload to Gate and told me that they want all the students to register for gate every semester. Then when I asked her if my grade for the Academic writing, she told me it was acceptable and about the three types of F’s that can be given. But I told her how difficult it was from moving to Academic Standard English from Poetic Writing and we had a nice laugh. 

    I left Ms. Ramlal and went to see Mr. Sharma one time about our Pan Lessons for credit in school. I told him about the clash it would have on Wednesday so then he asked if I wanted it after 4 o'clock. I would have really wanted to but standing up for three hours and then for Pan Lessons would have been too much so I took the Thursday. He then talked about pan classes for Sunday School and then the approach of teaching the children patterns to find the melody on the pan. 

    In this way, I didn’t call the day wasted now because I got to fix up a lot of things in that two and a half hours spent in school.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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