Wednesday, January 27, 2016

New Intermediate Ensemble Teacher

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 27th January, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 11th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today in Intermediate Pan Ensemble, Mr. Manette came in and I enjoyed his class very much. It was more productive than some of my other classes with Mr. Nurse, who still is a really good teacher too. The new piece we got from Mr. Manette was called “It’s Showtime” which sounded more like a Panorama piece. 

    It sounded good as an actual Panorama piece but when the speed kicked in, it surely was a piece of work all by itself. Shikia didn’t come today because she was a bit under the weather from yesterday and while I tried to teach Candise the song, she gave up, packed up her pan and left. 

    As she took up her bags and she told me that she can’t learn the songs. She said would ask Mr. Sharma to do piano instead. At first, I was sad that she was leaving but I had respected her choice. In truth, the pieces were really tough to do and a lot of time would have been needed to go through all of it.



  1. It's Showtime (Tenor Score).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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